CCCL - Week 86 - Closed


Welcome to Week 86 of the Certain Car Certain Location Competition

Week 84 2nd Place, Moglet



Car: BMW M5
Location: Nordschleife
Edit Rule: 2.0
Poll: --


  • You may submit one entry. It must be your own work and not previously entered in a competition.
    [*]You may only change your entry once. When changing it, indicate clearly (please, when doing this, edit your post with your new entry, do not submit a new post with a new entry);
    [*]Please mark your Final Entry clearly.
    [*]Your entry may not exceed the poll character limit. (5 characters are enough to name your image). If your entry exceeds it, the link to the full size image, will be removed.
    [*]We recommend you use a free image hosting service such as or
    [*]You must post your entry either as a thumbnail, or as a preview linked to the full image - see here for instructions .
    [*]Previews should be no larger than 400 pixels along the longest side - be it vertical or horizontal - and should not have more or less effects than the full size image.
    [*]Photos must be taken from a normal version of GT4, do not use any cheats or Game Shark codes to modify the game content.
    [*]Please do not ask other members to choose your entry. Have confidence in your own skills and go with your favorite shot.
    [*]The theme chooser cannot enter the competition he is judging.

Edit Rules

Allowed Photoshop tools list:

Clone stamp;
Smudge; Blur; Sharpen;
Dodge; Burn; Sponge;

Allowed Photoshop Adjustments:
Color balance;
Brightness & Contrast;
Black & White;
Photo filters;
Shadow & Highlight;

Allowed Photoshop Filters:
Distort - Diffuse glow;
Render - Lighting effects;
Other - High pass.

[Note:No plug-ins for any of the above adjustments or filters are to be used]

What you may not do to a photo.
You may not alter the geometry of the car. This includes adding body kits, stickers, etc.;
You may not add/remove anything from the car (spoilers, carbon fiber, intercoolers...not even if you use allowed tools/effects -Rims are an exception);
Nothing from outside GT4 may be added to your photo.

What you may do in a photo:
You may migrate wheels from phototravel to in-game photmode;
Scale (or enlarge) rims;
Remove license plates.


July 18
Have Fun!!
If you have any questions just P.M. me.
Final Entry

This is my entry, enjoy! :)
indeed a very strong picture, but too dark as MinoltaMan said, if it was brighter i´d love it,... ;)
Haha, the darkness was the entire point of the picture ;)
That is a very interesting blur Luis, definitly a different approach to what I'm used to 👍

Also, Rayquaza, I simply love the darkness going on there. That image screams pure evil! 👍
Using A combo of:
High Pass
Diffuse Glow

I produced this....


Took Me about 10-20 min to do.... :D
Eh its Nurburgring the jump is gonna come sooner or later, so I thought why not i'll give it a shot. :D
Thanks Mykolas. 👍
I just use a plain old mouse, I do have a tablet, but it isn't a very good one.

You really do have to pick the worst looking part of the car, have you? :lol:

A good ol' TW styled shot, and I love how you blurred the road. I know it's no simple noise you used, I really don't know how you do it, but it looks great! 👍
Nice composition TW, but I really don't like what you did with the colours. The colour doesn't suit the car IMO and you can see where you selected around it to change the colour. What colour was it originally?
You really do have to pick the worst looking part of the car, have you? :lol:

A good ol' TW styled shot, and I love how you blurred the road. I know it's no simple noise you used, I really don't know how you do it, but it looks great! 👍

The back isn't that bad is it? Plus you get to see the four exhausts. :D
I could tell you my secrets, for a price. Muhahaha!

Nice composition TW, but I really don't like what you did with the colours. The colour doesn't suit the car IMO and you can see where you selected around it to change the colour. What colour was it originally?

Thanks, guess the colour wouldn't be to everyone's liking, it actually could be better but I found it hard finding a good colour that blended well. I think I see the colour around the car you are talking about, that must of been a result of the sharpening because I didn't notice it before.
I just thought it looked a little boring the silver so wanted to give it a custom paint job. Here is it in the original colour, maybe I should just make that my entry. :dunce:
