Wow, i haven't been around
here for a while! I suppose i might as well post up my finishing GT6 shots that i didn't post then! The reason i haven't been around is quite simply because of Driveclub's photo-mode, but we will get to that in a minute. In the mean time, a few things have changed for me. One, i learned a new editing style, two, my Flickr account exploded into life out of no-where, and three, I got a PS4. But for now, here are my last few GT6 shots that seemed to be the shots that started my Flickr 'success', if you could even call it that. Here they are:
- New Concepts -
This photo was probably the first comprehensively
good edit i had ever done. I basically accidentally stumbled across an editing technique that, all things considered, i should have know about it way before this time; it was pretty obvious. It just so happened that i discovered this technique at a time where all of my previous techniques complimented it quite nicely. People had actually told me directly about it, i just didn't understand them for some silly form of fate.

- A bad idea -
This picture came quite soon after the realization of the aforementioned 'new technique'. Still very rough around the edges, but i guess it kind of worked.

- Dawn of the Day -
This photo was actually technically originally taken by my friend
@Pollux458, then i edited it. He took it using my PS3 though, so i take full credit

. Out of the three, this one got the most attention on Flickr.

- Aki's Bimmer -
To be perfectly honest, this picture was the one that started my Flickr success in the end, but i just didn't want to include it because the shot was taken by
@Aki Ishikawa and edited by me. He gets all credit for this one in my eyes, because i didn't have to do much, and he actually gave me advice for this picture on what looked good!

- Angels -
This picture was my final call for GT6. Its actually a re-edit of one of my first ever edits, and it turned out quite well if you ask me!
Now we go on to the next chapter. I hope no-one minds me not posting GT6 photos here, because these next few pictures are from
Driveclub. Just saying.

- I Love you Lotus!! -
This photo was the one to end the streak of GT6 photos. I had already had DC for about a month at the time, but i really hated the game, (seriously, don't buy it unless you like taking photos all damn day) But i got bored and decided to go for a look see one last time, and once again i was taken aback by the graphics. Look at how beautiful it is!

- Lotus Engineering -
If that last picture ended the GT6 pictures for me, this one crushed them. Because, for the first time, i had an explored picture! This picture got 15'000 views in the end, and pretty much solidified my staying with DC photography.

- Lost control -
This picture came a bit more recently, and it started another era of editing for me. Now i had even more editing things to do, and the picture was greeted well. So yeah, that briefly sums up what has happened to me over the last couple of months. Hope you all enjoyed looking, for more DC stuff visit this page:
Thanks everyone, couldn't be editing without you!
OH HEY! 2000th post! What do you know right?