Petition to get Gran Turismo on PC Help us

  • Thread starter jjbk
I appreciate your desire for GT on PC @jjbk and I'd like to see the same thing, with Forza as well, but I don't think it's going to happen for various reasons. Good luck with the petition though.

I'm surprised you kept this thread open. The sheer amount of viciousness displayed here is nothing short of astounding.

Everyone involved in this thread should be ashamed. Look at yourselves. Look at your behavior. I don't give a **** if it makes people mad, I'm gonna call it as I see it. The sheer amount of arrogance and disdain on display here is truly shocking.

I'm not a mod, but I'm going to say it anyway because I feel it needs to be said: Get your acts together. All of you.
>Sony letting one of their biggest exclusive franchises to not be exclusive anymore

On a serious note:

That won't happen, simple as that.
Thanks to the people who contribute to the conversation.
I get that its a long shot that this would happen.
But Forza Motorsport has a petition for this very thing and its doing FRICKING AMAZING it has 14,000 ppl signed up!

And I just have to say it again. Instead of just laughing and saying it wouldn't happen. Because its just never going to happen. Is a weird attitude to take. Its a defeated attitude.
You wouldn't say that when you line up in GT6 with a Full NA tuned spoon Civic racing a tuned RX7 on Tsukuba Circuit now would you! The answer is no! You would dump that clutch and go beat them haha :)
That's the whole point of a petition.
There are lots of people out there that would want this. And if you don't think this would ever happen. Then you are the exact person that should sign it! To get Kaz and PD and Sony to realize.

The fact its being played on basically Low level PC hardware. Means its already designed for the PC. It just has the ability to go faster and contrary to everyone thinking, it would need massive amounts of design and longer R&D Simply isn't true.
In fact when you make a game. You basically make it RAW meaning its max quality.
Like Professional pictures you capture it in RAW format meaning no compression, no nothing. Its the largest size and is as close to real life as possible.
Same with games. It's at it's highest performance. They then start making compromises, and also start optimizing code. By removing quality of things. So the PS4 development already has the High level detail already made. Just what takes the time is the optimizations to run it on low end hardware.
So PC versions would be out first technically

Sony could just sell GT game as a game for windows. Or it could do what Xbox is doing. is sell the Operating system.
so Xbox uses Windows 10 or a version of it.
Sony could sell its operating system to run as a program, and you would just insert a Game disc and play it that way! Which would make all PS4 games essentially available on PC. Now that would be COOL!
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It being developed on PC hardware does not automatically designate that it's possible to have it on PC. It's being developed on x86 architecture that's built for the PS4. There's a difference. It's being built for a specific CPU, GPU and everything else that's inside the PS4. If it were to be ported to PC, it would have to go through extensive testing with both NVidia and AMD graphics cards, and the operating systems and on computers of various GHz levels to determine it's performance.

I'm not against it being on PC, just that it's not an easy thing to do. Look at recent games that have come out that were console and PC releases... Batman Arkham Knight, for example, was broken on PC months before release due to the way it was ported from console development and it will be broken until September. So broken that WB had to pull it completely from all markets and issue refunds. Assassin's Creed Unity suffered on all platforms until it was patched multiple times and it still has issues on PC to this day. Borderlands/2/Pre-Sequel all suffered with issues on PC. GTA IV was so buggy on release that it took the community to get it running right through mods.

Making a game for one platform is easier than it is to make it for multiple platforms as the differences in hardware can cause things to not work at all.
In a world where even a multiplatform title has timed exclusive, the chance are slim to nothing at all.

If these petitions are used as an novelty, then you can check it as a popularity test. Otherwise I cant see this as being serious.

The only thing to get the chance bigger is to see if the Playstation brand gone bankrupt like Vaio does.
Thanks to the people who contribute to the conversation.
I get that its a long shot that this would happen.
But Forza Motorsport has a petition for this very thing and its doing FRICKING AMAZING it has 14,000 ppl signed up!

And I just have to say it again. Instead of just laughing and saying it wouldn't happen. Because its just never going to happen. Is a weird attitude to take. Its a defeated attitude.
You wouldn't say that when you line up in GT6 with a Full NA tuned spoon Civic racing a tuned RX7 on Tsukuba Circuit now would you! The answer is no! You would dump that clutch and go beat them haha :)
That's the whole point of a petition.
There are lots of people out there that would want this. And if you don't think this would ever happen. Then you are the exact person that should sign it! To get Kaz and PD and Sony to realize.

The fact its being played on basically Low level PC hardware. Means its already designed for the PC. It just has the ability to go faster and contrary to everyone thinking, it would need massive amounts of design and longer R&D Simply isn't true.
In fact when you make a game. You basically make it RAW meaning its max quality.
Like Professional pictures you capture it in RAW format meaning no compression, no nothing. Its the largest size and is as close to real life as possible.
Same with games. It's at it's highest performance. They then start making compromises, and also start optimizing code. By removing quality of things. So the PS4 development already has the High level detail already made. Just what takes the time is the optimizations to run it on low end hardware.
So PC versions would be out first technically

Sony could just sell GT game as a game for windows. Or it could do what Xbox is doing. is sell the Operating system.
so Xbox uses Windows 10 or a version of it.
Sony could sell its operating system to run as a program, and you would just insert a Game disc and play it that way! Which would make all PS4 games essentially available on PC. Now that would be COOL!
Except for the fact that Forza is on an exclusive system of a company that has a computer OS. Sony does not have that same "luxury". It wouldn't be hard to get Forza onto the PC if Microsoft wanted. If GT goes onto the PC, not only does it lose it's PS exclusiveness but there's nothing to stop a port made for Xbox.
Hi everyone. The time has come. Since the PS4 is essentially a X86 platform. And with the release of Direct X 12 and Windows 10 being imminent.

Its time we ask Kaz to think about putting Gran Turismo onto the PC.
Here is the petition link

And lets be honest. The PS4 is a very low end pc with good low level API access. So it gets good performance.
But lets quantify it, the Fury X , the new GFX card. Is offering at least 200% better quality and power at double and even quadruple the resolutions.

Gran Turismo should be a 1440p or 4k 2160p game! And to do that Gran Turismo needs the PC!!

Kaz needs to know. That if he builds a new GT on the PC. He will have the freedom and ability to make a 100GB game. With full textures, and something we want real SOUND!!
No compromises would be made on PC, and we the PC master race would Damn well LOVE that!

JOIN US! And help this petition.

To all PS4 owners don't freak. The game is based on the same platform, so its going to be co developed for PS4 as well. So voting for it, even if you don't own a PC it will only help. It will never hurt!
I know this seems pretty crappy. I mean 1st world problems right! But I am really passionate about this game. I hope We see more :) Thanks guys soo much!
I thank you all for you time

Again here is the link to the petition. please help us
It would be better on ps4. You would be stupid to put it on pc. You wait till asseto corsa comes to consoles it will be a failure like Project Cars
As you should. The viciousness the community has shown here is truly shocking and makes me wonder whether I belong here anymore.

Sorry for not contributing much, and in a comment though.

There is plenty of venom spewed in this community. The under belly of this place is dark and nasty. Its amazing how people will stoop to a level, of such disdain and hate for one another, even though we are all here for the same reason essentially. It never ceases to amaze me..unfortunately.:guilty:
Forza on PC, it's possible.

After all, this is a Microsoft game. And Microsoft wants more cross play with W10 ( Fable Legends, Gears of War Remastered and others)

But Gran Turismo? No.

The reasons have already been said. I am surprised that this topic is open.
Forza on PC, it's possible.

After all, this is a Microsoft game. And Microsoft wants more cross play with W10 ( Fable Legends, Gears of War Remastered and others)
I don't know about that. If Microsoft made Xbox exclusives available on PC, less people would have a reason to buy an Xbox.
So we're kicking down a guy for something that's never gonna happen but we're just gonna ignore the one guy in here who's post reeks of absolute narrow-minded lunacy? Hilarious how the PCARs forum is talked about for having a "Toxic" community and then comes the mess I see here. There's making a point and then there is taking it too far.

On-Topic: I'm afraid you and the people signing that Petition are doing something that's all for nothing. GT is first and foremost, a Sony Franchise so a PC port isn't going to happen at all regardless of how many people want it. Likewise despite their PC support, Microsoft is never going to make Forza go to PC because as mentioned, people won't have a reason to get an Xbox.

Modding is only useful for destroying games.

"oh look lets mod this small hatchback and put it 2000 horsepower and F1 grip"

Just no.

Sorry, but this is just outright ignorant stupidity. Have you even bothered actually looking at PC modding period? You made this idiotic statement based solely on what you've seen on a console game, which isn't even close to what modding on actually is on the PC.
To be serious, it isn't going to happen for the reasons already stated. It's a console exclusive through and through, and porting to PC will make it lose the exclusivity tag.

Besides there are better racing sim games on PC anyway so GT and Forza on PC wouldn't make much headway in an already crowded PC sim market.

It just won't happen.
You seem to be a fan of hearing the same excuses of console limitations with each game released. With a PC none of the such could happen.

And I never said you did?

All I said is that you must not notice about the gaping flaws of GT if you find it a terrible idea.

...Hmm. Right.

Signing this... petition is not gonna help GT become a better game....:indiff:
I must admit I did read your post as 'PC would not help GT become a better game', so apologies there.

...Hey, no probs. My exposure to PC modding scene's limited to only the Fallout games so I'm no expert in this regard. I was only responding to that particular member's post, not the OP's. At least the OP poster had the cojones to do something he believes in, which is laudable.
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Good god, I thought I was a terrible person! Reading this thread makes me feel like a saint now. Still not signing the petition because I don't think PC would be kind to GT, but wow the sledgehammering is like shooting Tanerite in here.
Pretty sure PCARS isn't close to a serious contender with poor sales and a horrible first impression.

Are we referring to the PC version here? Because that IS a serious contender. This is PCARS version 1 here, and it already does several things better than GT and even Forza, to some length.

If we talk about the console versions, yes, off to a poor start.. but have you played the game post 2.0 patch? It's actually enjoyable now, so long as you're willing to live with some its shortcomings.

By the time PCARS 2 or 3 comes out, all franchises will be competing for serious hi-octane mileage. Though, as things are, I see Forza for now, as being king. On consoles, that is. <-- My opinion, not necessarily fact.
In my opinion, I think it should stay on the PS as an exclusive. Sometimes GT is the sole reason why people buy PlayStation. Forza and GT are both exclusives to one console. Keep it like that.
Pretty sure PCARS isn't close to a serious contender with poor sales and a horrible first impression.

Project CARS is doing relatively well sales wise.

Developing the game for consoles was a huge mistake, anyone who remembers how good the physics were in the early PC builds before they announced it for console would agree with me. As such, I stopped closely following the game awhile ago. That being said, the game is still lot of fun to play casually, but it is far from the sim it once was.

The horrible first impressions came from the terrible port, which sadly overlooked the game itself.

Trying to develop PC sims for consoles doesn't work.
Trying to develop console sims for PC doesn't work.

As such, GT on PC is not a good idea. Though it would certainly be an interesting one to think about.
I knew there were a lot of arrogant people on GTPlanet but I've not seen them all in one place for a while. :rolleyes:

If you don't want GT to (potentially) end up on PC, don't sign the petition but don't you dare tell @jjbk he's a fool for wanting it.
Everyone is basically telling each other they're fools for wanting different stuff that are unlikely to happen or not in every maintenance notification threads. This thread is nothing different, except that he's making a petition and it's not about a maintenance and there's only one wanted thing "discussed" here.

There's nothing wrong with hoping for stuff. There's nothing wrong with sharing our opinions on things either, as long as we keep it respectful.
I knew my message would generate controversy. :D I posted an extreme example, but yeah, modding includes good and bad things. One could mod well and mod badly. If we allow modding in certain game, bad mods can also enter which implies it can spoil a game entirely, thats my point.
Also with such a high level of graphics complexity, chances are that mods can only be worse than the base stuff in the game, in terms of quality.