Petition to get Gran Turismo on PC Help us

  • Thread starter jjbk
I'll tell you why I like this petition.
I have PC and have no intention to buy PS4 because my Logitech Driving Force GT is not supported(have in mind that I bought PS2 and PS3 only for GT,I do not play other games on both consoles)
Is there a chance GT to come on PC,unlikely but worth a try.
Only four votes,come on guys I know we can do it better :)
While I like the initiative of the OP,

I'm of the opinion that GT should stay exclusive to PS. Just like how Forza is exclusive to Xbox and Raceroom is exclusive to the PC. Assetto Corsa I say should have stayed on the PC but I don't mind it coming to console. The same way I don't mind The Phantom Pain being on Xbox and PC too.

I think exclusivity among games should stay like that because #1 there's no monopoly , #2 there's competition, #3 I have a good reason to pick a certain gaming medium, stick with it or move to another. Something that's more akin to me. #4 the issues of parity and optimization amongst different mediums falls away .

That's just my opinion though

And yes, I'll repeat this, just because GT could go on the PC won't solve all of its problems. Consoles of this generation being nerfed because of performance issues and the latter won't solve its problems either.

It's all down to PD in this case.
Developing the game for consoles was a huge mistake, anyone who remembers how good the physics were in the early PC builds before they announced it for console would agree with me.
It was better in the first 3 months?
(That's how long it took for the announcement of the console versions)

Also, you really think they'd be making enough money if they hadn't released it for consoles?

Trying to develop PC sims for consoles doesn't work.
Trying to develop console sims for PC doesn't work.
Of course does it work.

A potato can run pretty much all those so "beloved" racing sims, such as rf, rf2, ir, lfs, gsce, r3e, ac, rbr (released for consoles), gtr2, race07, nr03, etc.

Just because almost nobody does it, doesn't mean it's not possible.
I'm amazed this thread is still going. Wishing for GT to be released on PC is the same as wishing to have X-ray vision, it's not happening. What would Sony gain by releasing one of the main attractions to their hardware on a different platform? If Sony were to exit the hardware business and become a software publisher, then things would be different.
I'm amazed this thread is still going. Wishing for GT to be released on PC is the same as wishing to have X-ray vision, it's not happening. What would Sony gain by releasing one of the main attractions to their hardware on a different platform? If Sony were to exit the hardware business and become a software publisher, then things would be different.
I dont really get this sort of "Close thread! Do not discuss!!" attitude.
I knew my message would generate controversy. :D I posted an extreme example, but yeah, modding includes good and bad things. One could mod well and mod badly. If we allow modding in certain game, bad mods can also enter which implies it can spoil a game entirely, thats my point.
Also with such a high level of graphics complexity, chances are that mods can only be worse than the base stuff in the game, in terms of quality.
It doesn't spoil a game entirely and AC proves this to me. You forget that mods get reviewed by the community and it only takes hours to separate out the good from the bad. And mods can be the same or worse than the game. So what? If you don't want to use them after reading reviews, don't use them. If you need to have it to enter a race, download it to your game and don't use it. It's not a big deal.

Mods would alter the whole community. Imagine you would be denied to join half the rooms because you dont have this mod or that mod. I think its not good. All the community should have the same stuff and not split in several sub communities.
It takes a minute or less to download and install a mod on pc. If you can't afford a minute to download a mod, you should stick to Monopoly or Crazy 8's.

And paid content is only a roadblock for people that is too poor, by the same logic.

You should be aware that many GT players, and console players in general (casuals mostly) dont even know what a mod is.
Not hard to learn. I knew nothing about pc gaming until last year and I figured it out. That's what this community is for and it's very, very helpful when help is needed.

I'm amazed this thread is still going. Wishing for GT to be released on PC is the same as wishing to have X-ray vision, it's not happening. What would Sony gain by releasing one of the main attractions to their hardware on a different platform? If Sony were to exit the hardware business and become a software publisher, then things would be different.
They'd gain access to hundreds of thousands of pc gamers that don't play the game now.
Like someone else already mentioned, GT is an exclusive title for PS system. By bringing it to PC, that takes away the exclusiveness from the system. GT has been exclusive to PS since its birth and it should remain so. Even if PD decides to bring it to PC, they won't have enough human resource to develop it along with GT7 & whatever plan they have for GT6 on the PS. Sorry.
Like someone else already mentioned, GT is an exclusive title for PS system. By bringing it to PC, that takes away the exclusiveness from the system. GT has been exclusive to PS since its birth and it should remain so. Even if PD decides to bring it to PC, they won't have enough human resource to develop it along with GT7 & whatever plan they have for GT6 on the PS. Sorry.
If they sold 250k copies on pc at $50 they could hire a full time team of 20-30 people to work on nothing but the console>pc conversion.
I love the fact that we're 5 pages in and people are still going "HarHarHar not happening lol" We got that ages ago, and if you read even the first page you'd see that you're pretty much rehashing the same old comments when this thread has moved on to by discussion on the feasibility right now and the pros and cons of a PC Gran Turismo title.
(i see what you did there)

Do you know how many High Quality pixels it takes to have a pixelated standard car ??

Look at the style of another highly popular game, Kaz is simply trying to do an easter egg reference to it:
I love the fact that we're 5 pages in and people are still going "HarHarHar not happening lol" We got that ages ago, and if you read even the first page you'd see that you're pretty much rehashing the same old comments when this thread has moved on to by discussion on the feasibility right now and the pros and cons of a PC Gran Turismo title.
Just means there's a lot of people who agrees with that :P
I dont really get this sort of "Close thread! Do not discuss!!" attitude.
I didn't say the thread should be closed, I just don't think this subject has much discussion potential since there's basically zero possibility of it happening. Of course not everyone has to agree with me.

They'd gain access to hundreds of thousands of pc gamers that don't play the game now.
Sony's main objective is to make money, just like every other company out there. If releasing their IPs on PC was of any benefit to them, they would have done so already; specially during the early days of PS3 when they were losing money hand over fist.

If they sold 250k copies on pc at $50 they could hire a full time team of 20-30 people to work on nothing but the console>pc conversion.
250,000x50= 12,500,000

According to kaz, GT5's development costs were $60m. Would 12.5m be enough to cover the costs of development on a second platform?
It doesn't spoil a game entirely and AC proves this to me. You forget that mods get reviewed by the community and it only takes hours to separate out the good from the bad. And mods can be the same or worse than the game. So what? If you don't want to use them after reading reviews, don't use them. If you need to have it to enter a race, download it to your game and don't use it. It's not a big deal.

It takes a minute or less to download and install a mod on pc. If you can't afford a minute to download a mod, you should stick to Monopoly or Crazy 8's.

Not hard to learn. I knew nothing about pc gaming until last year and I figured it out. That's what this community is for and it's very, very helpful when help is needed.
Yeah, whatever, but still, most casuals dont care about mods, and wont care... Unless I'm missing something and the mod installs are built-in and automatized as if they were DLCs, which can make things way easier for the casuals and people who dont want to get things complicated - remember we dont have to be narrow minded here, not everyone is a PC geek.

Also note that I dont speak for myself - Chances are that I was "toying" with PCs before you were born.
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It'd probably be possible to earn more from sales than what it would cost to port it to PC. However, it doesn't really matter, because Sony is both a hardware developer and software developer. The bigger the Playstation family ecosystem is, the more money they make overall. Giving people fewer reasons to get a Playstation goes directly against their goal of keeping a solid position in the console industry.

If it was *only* about the total number of game units sold, you could also ask why Zelda and Mario aren't multiplatform games. Imagine how many potential customers there would be if you could play Mario Kart 8 on PS4.

I think there is a much higher chance of Forza seeing a PC release than GT, considering MS has nearly a monopoly on PC gaming. A new Forza that would only work on Windows 10 wouldn't clash with MS' interests as much as a PC GT would with Sony's.
Yeah, whatever, but still, most casuals dont care about mods, and wont care...
So it won't change their experience either way.

Unless I'm missing something and the mod installs are built-in and automatized as if they were DLCs, which can make things way easier for the casuals and people who dont want to get things complicated
Something other games in the past have already done with mods. We're twelve years past the first game I played that did exactly that (Enemy Territory), and 15 years past the first game I played that simply loaded a default car body on top of a modded vehicle if the player didn't have that mod installed (4X4 Evolution). PD slipstreaming everything into regular updates is in fact rare in how they handle their DLC for people who don't own it, as even Turn 10 didn't consistently take steps to download all of the DLC cars for their games (Porsche Pack for Forza 4, and it's multitude of black Jettas, being the most obvious one).

not everyone is a PC geek.
You don't have to be a PC geek to utilize, say, Steam Workshop.

"I need to download 'Monza Oval 1970s' to race in this room, since it has been really popular lately."


"Oh, there it is. Right on the game's main page."

Chances are that I was "toying" with PCs before you were born.
Wrong thread.

According to kaz, GT5's development costs were $60m. Would 12.5m be enough to cover the costs of development on a second platform?

12.5 million, a number higher than a lot of games total budgets, enough to cover the cost to port an x86 game to different x86 hardware? The issue wouldn't be costs. The issue would be time and developer resources.
I'd imagine Sony's and Microsoft's game plan is someone like me.

GT6 and Forza are the jewels of the crown. If they put them on PC, I wouldnt buy their consoles. By owning their consoles I occasionally buy some of their other games on disc or off their online service.

Why the hell do I have minecraft and Catherine and plants vs zombie and assassins creed on console?

Because of GT6 and Forza.
That's correct. A bigger install base means a larger potential customer base for all other games as well. Those that buy just one single game for a console are in a very small minority, and most people buy several titles. Not just that, but having a larger install base also makes their console more attractive to all other developers, both software and hardware, and this means even more licensing money for the console developer.

This positive feedback loop is what powers their entire ecosystem, and that's why a first party developer is so unlikely to release multiplatform games that it's not even worth suggesting.
Yeah, whatever, but still, most casuals dont care about mods, and wont care... Unless I'm missing something and the mod installs are built-in and automatized as if they were DLCs, which can make things way easier for the casuals and people who dont want to get things complicated.

1. If that is the case, then that basically destroys your "Mods ruin games" claim as already pointed out.

2. Modding isn't as "Complicated" as you make it sound.

we dont have to be narrow minded here

Apparently though, we do need to bring out some cookware so we can whip up some delicious irony.

not everyone is a PC geek

Very true, which makes me the perfect example of how off your claim is ;)

Also note that I dont speak for myself - Chances are that I was "toying" with PCs before you were born.

Yet you post what can only be described as a broad sweeping generalization with little to no factual basis. If anything, it gives the feeling the only "toying" you did was Microsoft word and probably solitaire.
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Microsoft and Sony are in a fight to the death with GT and Forza. I dont think they care if they make money on them, they just know they need a Tier 1 driving simulator that is cutting edge as far as GFX and drive model goes.

They do of course, make money on them, but they know if they dont have a "hardcore car game" then they lose a particularly large part of their audience.

And its not enough to have an NFS or TDU or a 2nd rate driving game... it has to be THE state of the art with some names and full on companies behind the game... ie. that is Kaz and Greenawalt and PD and Turn 10.

You can see it wasnt even enough for Microsoft to have Project Gotham (dont get me wrong, this game is awesome) but they needed something harder with an inhouse company.

Forza will never go on a Windows PC, not even exclusive to their Appstore. They stand to lose too many eyeballs and the money they make on a potential PC port is not offset by the loss of potential Xbox customers.

There is absolutely no reason for Sony to ever even think of PC.

The draw of Gran Turismo is so strong, I already have a Ps4 while the game is most likely nowhere to be seen for the next year at best.
(Gran Turismo on PC) :rolleyes:

(co developed for PS4 I would think the PS4 would be the lead platform ..Which it really doesn't matter cause Gran Turismo on PC :lol:
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It was not supposed to be a joke, and it was not aimed at you in particular, however, with your cartoon avatar, I dont think you are that old either.
Yet you post what can only be described as a broad sweeping generalization with little to no factual basis. If anything, it gives the feeling the only "toying" you did was Microsoft word and probably solitaire.
LOL. Microsoft word didnt even exist back then. Also I was talking specifically to one member, not everybody.

Also I even used Windows 2.1 machines who didnt even have Solitaire.
...however, with your cartoon avatar, I dont think you are that old either.

You are aware that you can like anime at any age, right?

Anyway, while it would be cool to see GT on PC, it wouldn't happen- GT is exclusive to PlayStation, and that is one of its major selling points. Besides, you don't see Microsoft bringing Forza to PC, so why should Sony and PD bring GT to PC?
It was not supposed to be a joke, and it was not aimed at you in particular, however, with your cartoon avatar, I dont think you are that old either.

LOL. Microsoft word didnt even exist back then. Also I was talking specifically to one member, not everybody.

Also I even used Windows 2.1 machines who didnt even have Solitaire.
But did you ever fiddle with a PDP11? That's the real question.