Petition to get Gran Turismo on PC Help us

  • Thread starter jjbk
Haven't had any issues with it, but I'm using a DS4.

Only drawback at the moment is DS3 isn't supported but it should be once 2.0 is out.

Well I know Motionjoy worked well for me years before the PS4 came out. Really was the only thing other there that actually got my DS3 to work with the laptop.
Inputmapper is better than Motionjoy.

I use Inputmapper too. Works a treat with my PS1 and N64 emulators. Playing Goldeneye with a DS4 is an experience all N64 fans should have. So much better than that bloody awful 64 controller.
Or is it the PC that is taking over the console world by assimilating console pads into itself? :P
They're doing things to each other, we're getting mouses and keyboards on consoles, and gamepads on PC... I guess they're in an open relationship. :lol:
I would love this to happen, but it won't.

Modding would potentially make Gran Turismo so much better, what with designers around the globe adding better sounds and the like.
Inputmapper is better than Motionjoy.
to be fair, what I left in the toilet this morning is better than motioninjoy

They're doing things to each other, we're getting mouses and keyboards on consoles, and gamepads on PC... I guess they're in an open relationship. :lol:
Well, there has been gamepads for PCs for decades. What really changed is the support for gamepads in PC games. More games have decent gamepad support in their PC versions now, I think, and connecting gamepads to PCs has gotten easier and less of a hassle, seeing as you could just buy any xb360 controller and it would work out of the box for almost all multiplatform games.
I use DS4 Windows for using my PS4. Only issue is that it sometimes disconnects randomly but am not sure it that's the drivers or the controller.
to be fair, what I left in the toilet this morning is better than motioninjoy

Well, there has been gamepads for PCs for decades. What really changed is the support for gamepads in PC games. More games have decent gamepad support in their PC versions now, I think, and connecting gamepads to PCs has gotten easier and less of a hassle, seeing as you could just buy any xb360 controller and it would work out of the box for almost all multiplatform games.
I know, I've had pads for PC years ago. I wasn't being serious, I just found it funny that this thread is about GT on PC then it turned into a thread about console pads being compatible with PC, so I made some kind of joke.
I haven't had any recent experience with motionjoy but from what I recall it had some problems. I use the Scarlet Crush Productions package and with games like Fifa for example it works out of the box and takes full advantage of the DS3's bluetooth connectivity. For other games I just add in the x360ce and it's all good. I've heard of other alternatives such as betterds3 but haven't really tried it.
The main advantage of the PC on the gaming aspect is the possibility of improvements through modding, which IMO is absolutely mandatory for games like Fifa. And GTA becomes a different kind of beast altogether with the possibilities brought up by mods
Well ... the petition to date only has 9 supporters . Democracy has indeed spoken . And it says a big and humongous " No thanks mate 👍 " to this idea.

The poll is barely over one week old, it's a bit too soon to condemn it imo. Give it a year & see how many people have supported it by then.

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The poll is barely over one week old, it's a bit too soon to condemn it imo. Give it a year & see ow many people have supported it by then.


We'll have concrete news of the next GT by then for PS4 , infact its rumoured release date is xmas 2016 if I remember rightly . Lets crunch a couple of numbers first though .

Let's say , on average , 9 people per week sign the petition . 9 signatures x 52 weeks = 468 people who want GT PC version .

Four hundred , and sixty eight . That's a huge fanbase for Kaz to get excited about :P

Now think of how many people signed This.

And even that had zero effect .
Let's also remember the whole reason GT exists in the first place. First party exclusives exist to sell first party hardware. As mentioned already in this thread, GT would only move to another platform if Sony abandoned the hardware business, like Sega did many years ago.

The likelihood of that happening within the next 5 to 10 years is ZERO.

Mind you, there may never be a, keep that petition on file somewhere.
@TJC_69 - I agree that getting Sony or PD to release GT7 on PC is nigh on impossible. However, I don't think that the effort to get them to do it via this poll should be brushed aside after only one week or so. It will be interesting to see how many people sign up for it by next year, even if it won't have any effect on the games makers.

Why would anyone would want the GT series on PC when you already have far far more superior racing games on that format.
@TJC_69 - I agree that getting Sony or PD to release GT7 on PC is nigh on impossible. However, I don't think that the effort to get them to do it via this poll should be brushed aside after only one week or so. It will be interesting to see how many people sign up for it by next year, even if it won't have any effect on the games makers.


What's the point? It's a very poorly thought through petition. People keep missing the obvious. PD is Sony. They are not independent in any way. Sony exclusives from Sony's studios exist to sell Sony hardware. GT, Uncharted, God of War, etc...None of those titles will ever be on any platform other than Sony unless Sony sells the franchise to someone else.

PC = Microsoft. So asking for a PC version of GT is asking Sony to make their game for use with their #1 Rival's system. It's no different that asking for an Xbox version. Playstation business is of utmost importance to Sony at the moment. It isn't "nigh impossible" it is completely impossible. There is greater likelihood that the Earth will be destroyed by a meteor.

There may as well be a petition to change the colour of the sky.
Hi everyone. The time has come. Since the PS4 is essentially a X86 platform. And with the release of Direct X 12 and Windows 10 being imminent.

Its time we ask Kaz to think about putting Gran Turismo onto the PC.
Here is the petition link

And lets be honest. The PS4 is a very low end pc with good low level API access. So it gets good performance.
But lets quantify it, the Fury X , the new GFX card. Is offering at least 200% better quality and power at double and even quadruple the resolutions.

Gran Turismo should be a 1440p or 4k 2160p game! And to do that Gran Turismo needs the PC!!

Kaz needs to know. That if he builds a new GT on the PC. He will have the freedom and ability to make a 100GB game. With full textures, and something we want real SOUND!!
No compromises would be made on PC, and we the PC master race would Damn well LOVE that!

JOIN US! And help this petition.

To all PS4 owners don't freak. The game is based on the same platform, so its going to be co developed for PS4 as well. So voting for it, even if you don't own a PC it will only help. It will never hurt!
I know this seems pretty crappy. I mean 1st world problems right! But I am really passionate about this game. I hope We see more :) Thanks guys soo much!
I thank you all for you time

Again here is the link to the petition. please help us
Won't ever happen no matter how much votes you get, as previously mentioned, wait for emulators, no ways of PS's Number 1 IP on PC.
I am not sure what the real intent of OP is but I do that the link provided is also the used for the petition to Sony to make the G25/27 logitech wheel compatible with the Ps4. After signing in on the petition with name and e-mail address I began to get emails from that were not in any sense PS4/G27 related as well as being solicited for donations. You can opt out but your valid e-mail address & name is now a matter of record to yet another data base for sale.
I am not sure what the real intent of OP is but I do that the link provided is also the used for the petition to Sony to make the G25/27 logitech wheel compatible with the Ps4. After signing in on the petition with name and e-mail address I began to get emails from that were not in any sense PS4/G27 related as well as being solicited for donations. You can opt out but your valid e-mail address & name is now a matter of record to yet another data base for sale.

PC master race needs new motherboards ?

Only in preparation for this GT PC game though , the GTP users won't mind and will fully understand our plight of not wanting to be seen as mere console peasants ... It will improve GT for their consoles also .. Muhahahaaaa
Yes, mostly in the replies criticising the OP and not adding anything worthwhile, or new, to the discussion. :rolleyes:
I've removed the quoted post, but this comment remains applicable.

Recap, because apparently some still aren't getting it.

If you like the idea, support the idea.

If you don't like the idea, don't support the idea.

Clearly the VAST majority want Gran Turismo to stay as a PlayStation exclusive, thus there is little point signing your petition.
Now on the other side of the coin, there's nothing stopping Kaz leaving Polyphony and creating a new company for PC development (*Cough* See Hideo Kojima *Cough*) but that's very unlikely to happen as Kaz has been an influential person in the Sony hierarchy since the mid-nineties, and as GT is an ip owned by Sony Computer Entertainment there is zero chance of it ever coming to PC unless Sony pull out of the home console market.

I hope you can now see why some people are now finding you proposition and petition laughable.

Sorry, this really bugged me. You've clearly never experienced "proper" modding. Console "modding" is essentially hacking, and usually ruins the game for others, as you rightly pointed out. However, on PC modding is a wonderful thing, just look at game like rFactor, which had it's lifespan extended by 10 odd years due to some wonderful modded cars that you would otherwise never see in video games, and modern games such as Assetto Corsa that are capitalising on it's community's modding skills to enhance the game, hell, the Assetto Corsa devs are even adding mods into the base game.

With that kind of love from the community, GT on PC could be huge, adding all the features and more that Kaz never would (Including modelling interiors for the standard cars, and replacing sound files), however Gran Turismo is never coming to PC, and even if it was a possibility, due to Kaz's infamous stubbornness, and PD's unfamiliarity with PC architecture, I doubt it even would then.


Kojima is creating a new company for PC development? Did your psychic tell you that?
