Petition to get Gran Turismo on PC Help us

  • Thread starter jjbk
Yeah, whatever, but still, most casuals dont care about mods, and wont care... remember we dont have to be narrow minded here

You just made another narrow minded statement and then said we don't have to be narrow minded.

Unless I'm missing something and the mod installs are built-in and automatized as if they were DLCs, which can make things way easier for the casuals and people who dont want to get things complicated -

Guide to complex modding:
* Download mod to game's folder. Extract file.
* Cars go in Cars folder, tracks go in Tracks folder.

Also lol at the "GT should be 1440p or 2160p" statement. Why should it? The majority of TVs in the world can't do more than 1080p, many can only do 720p. The only real reason to support more than 1080p is to allow PC users do run it at that.

Well, two things:

Why would you not include the option for those that have monitors at that resolution?
For those of us who still use 1080p screens, you can still use downsampling which is a beautiful thing. I'm connected to a 1080/60 plasma TV, my desktop resolution is set to 1440p and my games are set anywhere between 1440p-2160p, depending on how demanding the game is. The gain in image quality by doing this rather than running everything at native 1080p is significant, as is the benefit of all the extra anti-aliasing that comes with it.
Rendering at a higher resolution and then downsampling is generally less efficient than using AA techniques. It's not something a console game that already needs to make performance/image quality compromises would want to use. While it does offer better image quality, it is certainly not something you'd want to use in a game that already needs to make significant performance/IC compromises, which I am pretty sure GT7 will be doing.

With that established, the statement that it "should have 1440 or 2160" becomes kind of a circular argument. It should have 1440 because PCs can take advantage of that, and therefore it should get a PC version because only PCs really need 1440p support.

In my opinion, downsampling in games is a bonus feature to play with when you have a much stronger GPU than the game knows what to do with. Why you'd use it outside of games, I don't even know. Each to their own I guess.
At the moment few people can afford to play at more than 1080p. How much does a big resolution monitor costs? How much costs a good PC to move 2k games let alone 4k. You need a monster graphics card like the R9 295x2 to run games at 4k and it doesnt even guarantee smooth FPS.

I think the gaming industry should stick to 1080p, but surely they cant, then need moar numbers, moar resolution, moar power.

Also yeah, I dont get why people run a resolution higher than what their monitor is capable of... you never see more pixels than you mornitor can handle. And... 1080p is not enough? I mean I dont get this obsession for extreme graphics detail. Will you have more fun if you play at 1440p instead of 1080p? No, it will be the same
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This isn't going to happen. We all know that PD is 100% owned by Sony, and having a PS-exclusive game be made for the PC would mean that Sony would have to negotiate with Microsoft, their main rival when it comes to video games. Seriously, this obsession with games demanding to be ported to PC (whether or not it's because of the "PC master race") has got to stop.

One example of a game that should have stayed on consoles was Dark Souls 2. That game was only meant for consoles, because From Software doesn't really have experience making games for the PC. But because of this "PC master race", From Software was pressured and finally forced (yes, forced, not happy) to port it. And, as expected, it wasn't a very good port. I really don't why people who demanded the PC port are complaining. I mean, they got what they want. It's not FromSoft's fault that the port didn't turn out as good as it should be.
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Rendering at a higher resolution and then downsampling is generally less efficient than using AA techniques.

Depends on the game and the type of AA you're using, some AA methods are hugely taxing for little gain, on the other hand increasing resolution scales very steadily with performance. Anti-aliasing techniques also tend to miss out many edges, objects and still has pixel crawling, whereas downsampling decreases the aliasing and pixel crawling on absolutely everything that is rendered.
In the variety of games I've play played, the difference in performance between 1080p 2xMSAA/4xMSAA and 1440p no AA/2xMSAA has been very small, with the 1440p options often having the superior image.

Why you'd use it outside of games, I don't even know. Each to their own I guess.

More real estate on your screen. Very useful when you use multiple applications/windows, or using a video editor for example. Also because I'm using a 42" screen, everything at 1080p is in giant mode, at 1440p everything is just right.

I think the gaming industry should stick to 1080p, but surely they cant, then need moar numbers, moar resolution, moar power.

On this generation of consoles, yes, because they're not strong enough to render anything higher. However the OP of this thread was discussing about bringing the game to PC, to restrict a game to 1080p on PC would cause internet rioting. The whole thing about the PC is freedom of choice.

Also yeah, I dont get why people run a resolution higher than what their monitor is capable of... you never see more pixels than you mornitor can handle. And... 1080p is not enough? I mean I dont get this obsession for extreme graphics detail. Will you have more fun if you play at 1440p instead of 1080p? No, it will be the same

As I said earlier, it still increases the image quality significantly over running at native resolution and downsamplng is a very common thing nowadays among the hardcore gamers. For someone who supposedly is into PCs and tinkering with them, you seem very out of touch with the people that use them on a daily basis.

And yes it can actually make a game more "fun". I wouldn't say fun but more immersive and realistic. Everyone is different, but seeing jaggies and pixel crawling is very distracting and is a constant reminder that I'm playing a game. When you eliminate that and everything looks realistic, pops out more, can see into the distance clearly etc, it sucks you into the experience further.
As I said earlier, it still increases the image quality significantly over running at native resolution and downsamplng is a very common thing nowadays among the hardcore gamers. For someone who supposedly is into PCs and tinkering with them, you seem very out of touch with the people that use them on a daily basis.

And yes it can actually make a game more "fun". I wouldn't say fun but more immersive and realistic. Everyone is different, but seeing jaggies and pixel crawling is very distracting and is a constant reminder that I'm playing a game. When you eliminate that and everything looks realistic, pops out more, can see into the distance clearly etc, it sucks you into the experience further.
Precisely because I'm a long time PC user and a long time videogame player, I've learnt since I was a kid how to have fun even with the worst graphics. And seriously, now I have a good pc with a good graphics card and I dont have more fun with those spectacular graphcis than before. Heck I sill replay some old or very old games once in a while and I think they're better than many games of today.
And many kids of nodwadays judge the games for the graphics and that is very sad.
The stupid war of console vs PC is very sad aswell.

I think a true gamer can enjoy and appreciate a game if its good, no matter the graphics.
It was not supposed to be a joke, and it was not aimed at you in particular, however, with your cartoon avatar, I dont think you are that old either.

LOL. Microsoft word didnt even exist back then. Also I was talking specifically to one member, not everybody.

Also I even used Windows 2.1 machines who didnt even have Solitaire.
Your supposed 25 years of deep rooted technical knowledge makes it all the more impressive that you can't go more than two posts without saying something that 25 seconds in Google would show is completely baseless and/or narrow minded garbage.

And congratulations for learning how forums, as opposed to private messages, work.
Your supposed 25 years of deep rooted technical knowledge makes it all the more impressive that you can't go more than two posts without saying something that 25 seconds in Google would show is completely baseless and/or narrow minded garbage.

And congratulations for learning how forums, as opposed to private messages, work.
Im not impressed with this post, you can sound far more smug than that, I think you should try harder. ;)
Project CARS is doing relatively well sales wise.

Developing the game for consoles was a huge mistake, anyone who remembers how good the physics were in the early PC builds before they announced it for console would agree with me. As such, I stopped closely following the game awhile ago. That being said, the game is still lot of fun to play casually, but it is far from the sim it once was.

The horrible first impressions came from the terrible port, which sadly overlooked the game itself.

Trying to develop PC sims for consoles doesn't work.
Trying to develop console sims for PC doesn't work.

As such, GT on PC is not a good idea. Though it would certainly be an interesting one to think about.

Wait... what?? The PC version ALSO has better physics?
Consoles need their exclusives to drive sales so I wouldn't sign the petition. But...

...if you were to set up a petition for PD to get involved, either directly or indirectly, in making a PC exclusive driving sim, that I'd be interested in. 15+ years experience (and feedback) in the genre is a hell of a background that should see them hit the ground running if they wanted to go in that direction.

Like all petitions, it wouldn't be listened to, but it would be interesting to see how many people signed it. Maybe food for thought for Sony and PD...
I think the gaming industry should stick to 1080p, but surely they cant, then need moar numbers, moar resolution, moar power.

Also yeah, I dont get why people run a resolution higher than what their monitor is capable of... you never see more pixels than you mornitor can handle. And... 1080p is not enough? I mean I dont get this obsession for extreme graphics detail. Will you have more fun if you play at 1440p instead of 1080p? No, it will be the same

On this generation of consoles, yes, because they're not strong enough to render anything higher. However the OP of this thread was discussing about bringing the game to PC, to restrict a game to 1080p on PC would cause internet rioting. The whole thing about the PC is freedom of choice.

As I said earlier, it still increases the image quality significantly over running at native resolution and downsamplng is a very common thing nowadays among the hardcore gamers. For someone who supposedly is into PCs and tinkering with them, you seem very out of touch with the people that use them on a daily basis.

And yes it can actually make a game more "fun". I wouldn't say fun but more immersive and realistic. Everyone is different, but seeing jaggies and pixel crawling is very distracting and is a constant reminder that I'm playing a game. When you eliminate that and everything looks realistic, pops out more, can see into the distance clearly etc, it sucks you into the experience further.

See, this is why most Japanese developers hesitate to develop games for the PC, because they know the Western market has an extremely ridiculous and insatiatable desire when it comes to graphics. People always want more and more and more and more. More details, higher resolution, better shading, smoother shadows, more dramatic lighting. People get so worked up with graphics that, by the time the devs are finished with the game, their level of demand has already gone higher yet again. Every :censored:ing day their standards go even higher. I mean, why does graphics have to be a huge part, like 70% of the game? And then, when their most-anticipated game fall short by even 0.01% of their expectations on graphics, they berate the developers without hesitation. Why don't they try developing games for a change, see how hard and tedious it really is. Kids take things for granted at an alarming rate these days.

It's just sad at how ignorant and stupid people are in the Youtube comments section. I go into a Tales of Xillia video and someone just has the gall to say that the graphics are bad. Uhm, excuse me? What was wrong with the game's graphics? There's NOTHING wrong with it. If that person was talking about the art style of the game, then that person is a complete nutjob and does not know how to appreciate art. What's even WORSE than that, is when I went into a Dark Souls 2 vid, and someone just had to comment it out "Wow the graphics on console look:censored:". I mean, SERIOUSLY??? What the 🤬 were you expecting? The game is running on PS3 hardware, which is 8 :censored:ing years old! Are you really that daft?? The graphics are OVER THE TOP for outdated hardware like that. That douchebag was clearly expecting "high-end" graphics from 8-year-old hardware that could compete with today's much more superior graphics cards, which is simply impossible. It just can't happen. Some people just can't appreciate the effort these developers put into the games. For them, it seems that graphics are way more important that the gameplay mechanics of the game. It's just ridiculous.

Yey, rant over :D
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I don't think the gaming industry should "stick" to a specific resolution. They should however optimize their software for the hardware available to most of their consumer base. As long as people with 4K TVs are in the vast minority, they should probably not go out of their ways to test and optimize the game for that sort of resolution. 1440p might sort of gaining momentum with high-end gamers, but these are still unlikely to make up any sort of majority.

Even if PC games usually are easy to run at a number of resolutions, there's still a limited number of hardware setups that the developers have time to test the game on, and further expanding this number of hardware setups by also including resolutions that few people use doesn't make it easier.
Im not impressed with this post, you can sound far more smug than that, I think you should try harder. ;)
From someone who just tried to shut down a point on the last page because you seemed to have once used a computer with Lotus 1-2-3, that's some good encouragement.

Guide to complex modding:
* Download mod to game's folder. Extract file.
* Cars go in Cars folder, tracks go in Tracks folder.
A visual guide likely related to how a PC GT title would use:


"Oh no. The videogame I bought is really lacking cars to tinker with. Whatever shall I do?"


"Ooh, that truck is interesting."


"Cool. More to come as well?"


"Nifty. Now it's added to my game to use."

Something that console players won't be able to wrap their minds around, obviously.

Even if PC games usually are easy to run at a number of resolutions, there's still a limited number of hardware setups that the developers have time to test the game on, and further expanding this number of hardware setups by also including resolutions that few people use doesn't make it easier.
It doesn't make it particularly harder either. Game engines are usually resolution independent nowadays, matched to whatever screen resolutions your monitor supports according to your display drivers. It was the pre-DirectX days where extra steps had to be taken to support specific resolutions. The main issue nowadays tends to be field of view adjustment for non-standard aspect ratios (like multi-screens). The game engines themselves usually don't have an issue (though they might do Vert- instead of Hor+), but overlay elements may not be scaled properly if they are directly tied to the vertical resolution. For example:

That game engine has no problem running in widescreen (you just have to kind of trick it into doing so), but the HUD is stretched dramatically the farther away from 4:3 you go.

But then going back even farther:

That game obviously isn't new enough to be designed with widescreen view modes in mind (or anything above 1024*768, really), but it works fine in 1080p and the HUD even scales properly to the resolution (though the graphics are glitched as hell because the game was tied to circa-2000 CPU speeds, but ignore that).
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You're misunderstanding. I'm not saying it's hard to make games run at whatever resolution. I'm saying game developers don't have time to test the game's performance running on thousands of different hardware and resolution combinations. Some games might have unforseen framerate drops in certain scenes at certain high resolutions with certain graphics cards, even if they usually run smoothly at those higher resolutions.

Just saying that it makes sense for the developers to focus on quality checking with hardware combinations all running at 1080p and 720p when so few have monitors that do more than that.
Microsoft made if very clear all the way back to the original Xbox that they are even less likely to put developer/publisher weight behind the PC platform for a big title than Sony is. Almost all of their big PC franchises were killed off as soon as it launched (or limped out an Xbox exclusive sequel before being mercy killed), and the best you could hope for after the original Halo and Rallisport Challenge ports proved to be a fluke were poorly done and/or delayed Windows ports of a handful of games. Even the latter mostly came to a close after the 360 came out, despite the Games For Windows Live initiative.

Even Zoo Tycoon of all things is now an Xbox exclusive franchise.
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Modding is only useful for destroying games.

"oh look lets mod this small hatchback and put it 2000 horsepower and F1 grip"

Just no.

*Cough* rFactor *cough*

Seriously has none of you guys played rFactor? You would see than how much potential modding has. We released an entire Le Mans grid with as realistic physics as it gets. There is also a mod with hundreds of historic cars, there is a DRM mod and nearly every year of Fia GT aswell.

Modding isn't the same as this ****ty hacking on the consols. Modding is creating new track, 3d-models/cars or sounds and adding it to the game.
*Cough* rFactor *cough*

Seriously has none of you guys played rFactor? You would see than how much potential modding has. We released an entire Le Mans grid with as realistic physics as it gets. There is also a mod with hundreds of historic cars, there is a DRM mod and nearly every year of Fia GT aswell.

Modding isn't the same as this ****ty hacking on the consols. Modding is creating new track, 3d-models/cars or sounds and adding it to the game.
As far as I know, rFactor is actually one of the major reason PCars exists.

The Ford Capri, LMP2, Pagani Zonda, etc all inspired by the most popular RFactor mods.
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By all means it is fine to want it, but this is a game owned by Sony, Yoshida sits on the PD board and Yamauchi is on Sonys board, they are one and the same so it is never going to happen.
See, this is why most Japanese developers hesitate to develop games for the PC, because they know the Western market has an extremely ridiculous and insatiatable desire when it comes to graphics. People always want more and more and more and more. More details, higher resolution, better shading, smoother shadows, more dramatic lighting. People get so worked up with graphics that, by the time the devs are finished with the game, their level of demand has already gone higher yet again. Every :censored:ing day their standards go even higher. I mean, why does graphics have to be a huge part, like 70% of the game? And then, when their most-anticipated game fall short by even 0.01% of their expectations on graphics, they berate the developers without hesitation. Why don't they try developing games for a change, see how hard and tedious it really is. Kids take things for granted at an alarming rate these days.

It's just sad at how ignorant and stupid people are in the Youtube comments section. I go into a Tales of Xillia video and someone just has the gall to say that the graphics are bad. Uhm, excuse me? What was wrong with the game's graphics? There's NOTHING wrong with it. If that person was talking about the art style of the game, then that person is a complete nutjob and does not know how to appreciate art. What's even WORSE than that, is when I went into a Dark Souls 2 vid, and someone just had to comment it out "Wow the graphics on console look:censored:". I mean, SERIOUSLY??? What the 🤬 were you expecting? The game is running on PS3 hardware, which is 8 :censored:ing years old! Are you really that daft?? The graphics are OVER THE TOP for outdated hardware like that. That douchebag was clearly expecting "high-end" graphics from 8-year-old hardware that could compete with today's much more superior graphics cards, which is simply impossible. It just can't happen. Some people just can't appreciate the effort these developers put into the games. For them, it seems that graphics are way more important that the gameplay mechanics of the game. It's just ridiculous.

Yey, rant over :D
I think its pretty clear that nowadays PC videogame industry is "sponsored" by Nvidia and AMD. Even if they dont publically admit it.
Then encourage the developers to try to make the games with as much graphic detail as possible so they can keep on selling more and more ridiculously powerful and expensive graphics cards.

Also, dont take the Youtube comments section seriously. Many of "hardcore Youtube users and commenters" are young and immature kids.

*Cough* rFactor *cough*

Seriously has none of you guys played rFactor? You would see than how much potential modding has. We released an entire Le Mans grid with as realistic physics as it gets. There is also a mod with hundreds of historic cars, there is a DRM mod and nearly every year of Fia GT aswell.

Modding isn't the same as this ****ty hacking on the consols. Modding is creating new track, 3d-models/cars or sounds and adding it to the game.
I did play rFactor. Maybe I was unlucky, who knows, but I think many mods had average or poor quality. To give an example, I tried the old spa-francorchamps and I was quite disappointed.
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Have you played Assetto Corsa @NixxxoN? The mods therrle are so good that Kunos actually uses said mods as official game content like for example the Shelby Cobra , it was a mod and now it's official game content. So how are mods destroying games?
Have you played Assetto Corsa @NixxxoN? The mods therrle are so good that Kunos actually uses said mods as official game content like for example the Shelby Cobra , it was a mod and now it's official game content. So how are mods destroying games?
I was talking in general terms. I know there are high quality mods, but you dont see them often.
The immaturity of users as shown by their respective posts on the first and second pages is astounding. OP was giving a suggestion and you guys shoot it down and laugh at him. At least have some respect for the lad.

Now to answer your question @jjbk , unfortunately, I do not think that the Gran Turismo series will come to PC with the reason being the mass amounts of revenue/profits it generates for Sony as one of its most popular games. This for Sony acts as a incentive for customers to buy the Playstation brand and to keep the GT series exclusive to Playstation platforms.
PC? Most likely not.

Namely because GT is considered a Sony exclusive, like how Forza Motorsport is a Microsoft exclusive.

If GT was ported to the PC, that would break the whole exclusivity deal. What if someone played GTPC on a Microsoft computer?
PC? Most likely not.

Namely because GT is considered a Sony exclusive, like how Forza Motorsport is a Microsoft exclusive.

If GT was ported to the PC, that would break the whole exclusivity deal. What if someone played GTPC on a Microsoft computer?

Probably much the same as when someone installed windows on a Sony Vaio.

Nothing broke, it worked.
@NixxxoN whilst I see why you feel modding may be a new experience for many, and may not be touched by many too, the ease of doing so has improved oh so much recently!
Some examples include mods for games such as Fallout or Skyrim, where the site nexusmods has a mod manager, Nexus Mod Manager. This can literally download and install mods for both games (and many more) with, hmm... I think it's two or three clicks? Sorry if wrong!
Now, I'm not saying a hypothetical GT on PC will use the NMM, or even the Nexus site (I'd be more than fine if it didn't, it's just an example!), but it shows that mods can be quite an amazing addition to games - as well as an easy thing to install! :)
Even without a Mod Manager such as NMM, most mods require a simple copy-paste to a relevant folder (Battlefront II mods are like this, mostly).

Furthermore, most mod communities have many talented developers, who can make amazing models/scripts/locations/etc! So I'm sure the popular mods will show which have the quality some may be looking for :)

I would love a GT on PC, @jjbk ! You have my full support, even if it may be an, ehm, interesting turn of events should it succeed - good luck ^^