Character Customization In GT5, maybe?

Ferrari-Driver93 & HAMIDEH
What do you think if PD offered Character Customization,would sound nice (might sound pointless but atleast give me your opinions:))
I'd have no problem with it. Tourist Trophy had a rider customization feature to it as well so maybe we will see it in GT5. I would make my driver wear all know, like another famous test driver. Being able to have my own garage as in Project Gotham would also be pretty cool.
Always wanted to choose my own costume color, gloves, helmet (design) etc.. especially in open wheelers and in the replays and online, it's worth the effort.

However.. seeing as how perfect they want everything to be, i'd be fine with it being implemented as DLC.
Would be quite a nice little feature, I'd imagine that there would be a hell of a lot of people going for all white with a blue visor a la stig.....

Personally I'd see it as one of those things that are not in anyway important, but would be a nice extra either as DLC (or if as the rumours keep saying the game is practically ready for release, it would be a nice extra for them to be working on to keep the programmers busy)
in my opinion it would be a nice add on imagion u stopping at your team for the required pitstop and the entire gang wears your designed clothes would be nice.
If it were implemented...

Here come the Stigs :P

Wait, doesn't the stig wear all white(or all black in the early seasons)

That would mean we would get him either way since I beleive the suits are all white now.
I'm down with the custom color schemes, maybe facial detail is going too far though, but you know what i think isnt, maybe height\weight\sex options, contrary to popular belief women CAN drive.

As far the Stig goes, it should be interesting to see how close they get. What with the Top Gear license, and no doubt genuine gear licenses (which I believe they had for Tourist Trophy), we should be able to assemble a "real" Stig with all the right gear. Then we can laugh at all the wannabe's online that only slap together a generic non-Stig white outfit.. hehe.
I'm down with the custom color schemes, maybe facial detail is going too far though, but you know what i think isnt, maybe height\weight\sex options, contrary to popular belief women CAN drive.


Who says they can't drive?

Everyone I know says they can't drive well.:sly:
I'm down with the custom color schemes, maybe facial detail is going too far though, but you know what i think isnt, maybe height\weight\sex options, contrary to popular belief women CAN drive.


My sister can drive. He drives a Super Charge ,05 350Z with 376hp under the hood she always smoke me when we always met in a stop light :lol: I drive 350Z, too, except her's is tuned.
i'd have no problem with it. Tourist trophy had a rider customization feature to it as well so maybe we will see it in gt5. I would make my driver wear all know, like another famous test driver. Being able to have my own garage as in project gotham would also be pretty cool.
nice the stig i would make mine all red like ferrari
I'm down with the custom color schemes, maybe facial detail is going too far though, but you know what i think isnt, maybe height\weight\sex options, contrary to popular belief women CAN drive.


I like what you're saying here, haha:)
:lol: I can see it now, a girl character -driving online with the words "UTERUS POWERED" on the back of the car :lol:
...Being able to have my own garage as in Project Gotham would also be pretty cool.

Yes!! The Project Gotham garage is exactly what Im hoping for in GT5.
It gives a real sense of ownership as, for the majority of us, we will most likely not be able to afford 300 supercars and 600 others rides.
I'm down with the custom color schemes, maybe facial detail is going too far though, but you know what i think isnt, maybe height\weight\sex options, contrary to popular belief women CAN drive.


hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: