Chase Cam is Ruining GT7 for Me

  • Thread starter hunter328
United States
United States
Hello all,
What are the chances that the devs might update the chase camera to a more dynamic camera in the future?
I got GT 7 yesterday, and had been so excited for it. A couple races in and now I’m not sure if I’m going to keep playing, and it’s solely because of how awkward it looks/feels playing in 3rd person, which is by far my preferred way to play.
If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, play or watch a video of any of the Forza Motorsport games while in chase cam. When the car enters a turn the camera shifts sideways, making it look/feel like the car is actually turning instead of how GT has the car basically planted center screen pointing straight and it looks like the track is rotating around the car. A dynamic camera also adjusts the field of view in correlation to speed/acceleration/deceleration and gives a much greater sense of speed to driving.

Im so disappointed after playing. I was really hoping GT 7 would be my new go to racer. From the little I’ve seen, the game seems to nail so much of everything else. It’s a shame they didn’t spend a little more time on a little thing that’s so important in making the game fun to play.

So, for those who’ve been around the recent GT games more than I have and probably have a better understanding of the kind of things Polyphony tweaks post launch, should I hold out hope that adding a more dynamic 3rd person camera might be one of them, or am I stuck waiting until who knows when Turn 10 finally releases the new Motorsport?

Thanks for any info and have a great day!!!
Hello all,
What are the chances that the devs might update the chase camera to a more dynamic camera in the future?
I got GT 7 yesterday, and had been so excited for it. A couple races in and now I’m not sure if I’m going to keep playing, and it’s solely because of how awkward it looks/feels playing in 3rd person, which is by far my preferred way to play.
If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, play or watch a video of any of the Forza Motorsport games while in chase cam. When the car enters a turn the camera shifts sideways, making it look/feel like the car is actually turning instead of how GT has the car basically planted center screen pointing straight and it looks like the track is rotating around the car. A dynamic camera also adjusts the field of view in correlation to speed/acceleration/deceleration and gives a much greater sense of speed to driving.

Im so disappointed after playing. I was really hoping GT 7 would be my new go to racer. From the little I’ve seen, the game seems to nail so much of everything else. It’s a shame they didn’t spend a little more time on a little thing that’s so important in making the game fun to play.

So, for those who’ve been around the recent GT games more than I have and probably have a better understanding of the kind of things Polyphony tweaks post launch, should I hold out hope that adding a more dynamic 3rd person camera might be one of them, or am I stuck waiting until who knows when Turn 10 finally releases the new Motorsport?

Thanks for any info and have a great day!!!
If I remember correctly, GT7 retains the chase cam settings that were introduced in GT Sport. By no means can you emulate the FM camera with them, but there are a few facets of the cam's feel that you can bring a bit closer, in order to remove a bit of the awkwardness that comes with it by default. In my taste, the default settings are way too stiff and therefore oddly-distant. That said, GT generally doesn't lean on atmospherics too much, so I think it might just be a bit of a wait for the Forza Motorsport reboot if that's what you're after.
It’s always been the same in Chase view. Hasn’t ever changed much but you can mKe some minor adjustments. It is easy to switch camera view if you need a quick view of a corner using one of the other camera views.

Don’t give up GT is a great game
You would really really enjoy the bumper cam, it makes it so much more immersive for me and the replays worth watching.

That said it all depends on how you play and what you like, but do try the bumper cam at least for a while.

I understand what you mean about the TPV camera but if I'm going to be honest, it's just not a view I am even remotely interested in with a game like GT. My preferred view is FPV (behind the wheel) with the second being from the roof of the car (top of the windscreen I guess it is). ....3rd might be the bumper but to me that view is simply too low for my liking.

My own suggestion would be the roof top view if you're looking or something close to TPV. I wouldn't bank on them making any meaningful changes to the behind-the-car view to be honest.
You can adjust the chance cam in the settings and make it like past GT 1-2-3 games. Chase cam in gt4, 5, 6 is so rigid. GT sport sorted it with aettings and gt7 continues it.

Put sensitivity to 1 and offset to 0. It's on those settings as standard but you have to click on it to activate it. It's a big and has been there since GT sport.
It makes the camera less rigid and the car visually turns before the camera locks on.
To be honest all camera views feel wobbly in this game, I was more comfortable with GT Sport cameras, the cockpit cam with controller makes me slightly naseous after longer periods.

The chase cam isnt perfectly stable either and not to mention close cam with some cars is literally unusable since you can see the road.
Also a nicer, cleaner hud would be nice for chase cam, I hate how it comes onto the cars
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There's a trick I used in GT Sport (that worked on GT7) to make the car move more naturally.

Chase View Camera Sensitivity: Set to 1. Then set to 10. Then go back to 1. (all this without leaving the menu - even to adjust the next item)

Chase View Rotation Axis Offset: Set to 0. Then set to 3. Then go back to 0.

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Really? I remember Lewis Hamilton mentioning that chase cam was his preferred view. I've also seen GT Sport World Tour finalists using it.
I mean it could be argued that it is better because it gives you an advantage in seeing the exact position of your car on the track and among the other cars but for that very reason it feels like cheating and you lose the sense of simulation you get from literally any other view.
I have played GT since GT3 and always use chase cam. Been playing racing games since about 84 on my C16 so wouldn’t count myself as a beginner. Everyone is different dude.
Likewise.Started on a C64 with Revs by Geoff Crammond.2 tracks if i remember,i may be a crap player/driver but def no beginner
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So use a better viewpoint. Chase cam is for beginners.

Better viewpoint?

I like the cockpit view myself most times for immersion but let's be honest. You can't really simulate peripheral vision or the viewpoint a real person would have behind the driver's seat. VR might be the closest you'll get or triple monitor support.

Then there is a matter of line of sight which doesn't really change as it would when you're driving IRL. My viewpoint in GT is fixated straight ahead in a turn when in reality I would be looking where I want to go. .....I find it's not natural and a lot of times (depending on the car, the a-pillar design, etc.) the fixed view is far from ideal.

The mirrors in the game are also a problem in most cars I find because they are either not visible or partially obstructed. .....and the "look" view with the stick is difficult to manipulate (I find) while driving. There are actually a couple cars I simply refuse to drive in FPV because of their obstructed view. In those I switch to the rooftop perspective.

Better? That's a matter of personal choice IMO because an argument can easily be made that the other views make up for the shortcomings / unnatural limitations of the cockpit perspective.
The camera is a matter of taste. I can live with GT7's chase cam, but I don't like it, because the car doesn't sound as good. I much prefer the sounds from the front of the car, which is why I'll default to interior or bumper cam.

Today, Gran Turismo leans more heavily on simulation than Forza ever did. In Forza, the controller is fastest, you get speed bumps from using manual with clutch, the steering assist is way too strong and the slipstreaming is completely broken. So it's a game more suited to TPV than Gran Turismo. More "arcade", if you like.
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I use chase cam for Forza, Need for Speed, Wreckfest and older GT. I took my time in GT Sport to adapt to roof cam since it just gives a better view in close battles with other players. For me I am able to more clearly see the width of my own car and with this beeing able to positioning the car on track, on curbs, hitting apexes, etc.. This also improved my times constantly and I also using it in ACC and other sims since then. But I absolutely agree with your problem I also don't like the stiffness on the GT chase cam so I just don't use it anymore except for the drifting stuff.
I am one of those a bit disappointed by the new chase cam "effects''. In no ways it feels the same as GT Sport to me. No matter how realistic or not this is supposed to be, it's quite a change in my style of driving. Of course, after a few days I'm slowly but surely getting used to it, but it definitely feels a little more arcade than before. Makes me think of NFSU2 back then sometimes. I learned to drive mostly in GT Sport, and I would like the camera not to shake as much. Fiddled with settings but no luck. Still feels like car is on a water bed lol. Guess I'll have to get used to it, cuz I still love this game A LOT 🌞
Sono uno di quelli un po' delusi dai nuovi "effetti" della camma di inseguimento. di guida. Certo, dopo alcuni giorni mi ci sto abituando lentamente ma inesorabilmente, ma sembra decisamente un po' più arcade di prima. A volte mi fa pensare alla NFSU2 di allora. Ho imparato a guidare principalmente in GT Sport, e vorrei che la fotocamera non si muovesse così tanto. Armeggiare con le impostazioni ma senza fortuna. Mi sembra ancora che l'auto sia su un letto ad acqua lol. Immagino che dovrò abituarmi, perché amo ancora MOLTO questo gioco 🌞
Try 10 0
I wish hood cam had a rear view mirror. Bumper cam can be difficult to see when the field is crowded. And with hood cam you get a better sense of the width of the car.

Cockpit is definitely the most fun though, and I tend to use that in single player. Hood cam for multiplayer or "serious" racing.
Hello all,
What are the chances that the devs might update the chase camera to a more dynamic camera in the future?
I got GT 7 yesterday, and had been so excited for it. A couple races in and now I’m not sure if I’m going to keep playing, and it’s solely because of how awkward it looks/feels playing in 3rd person, which is by far my preferred way to play.
If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, play or watch a video of any of the Forza Motorsport games while in chase cam. When the car enters a turn the camera shifts sideways, making it look/feel like the car is actually turning instead of how GT has the car basically planted center screen pointing straight and it looks like the track is rotating around the car. A dynamic camera also adjusts the field of view in correlation to speed/acceleration/deceleration and gives a much greater sense of speed to driving.

Im so disappointed after playing. I was really hoping GT 7 would be my new go to racer. From the little I’ve seen, the game seems to nail so much of everything else. It’s a shame they didn’t spend a little more time on a little thing that’s so important in making the game fun to play.

So, for those who’ve been around the recent GT games more than I have and probably have a better understanding of the kind of things Polyphony tweaks post launch, should I hold out hope that adding a more dynamic 3rd person camera might be one of them, or am I stuck waiting until who knows when Turn 10 finally releases the new Motorsport?

Thanks for any info and have a great day!!!
I found a fix but thing is you have to install racing suspension then in settings adjust the spring frequency
Guys put 10-0!! Is similar to gt sport!
Not at all, this is the problem, there is a lack of range possibility for sensitivity compared to gt sport . It's quite inexplicable they didn't simply use the same parameters than Gt sport. The fact is the minimum value we can use is 1 instead of 0 for sensitivity, I think this is precisely what it makes a big difference.

see this video to observe this difference :

I hope they take account the problem, many of us use this view. I even know some gamers who came to gt sport only after Polyphony bring update for the horrible chase cam there was before (since GT5 I think, the chase cam became hyper rigid ), it was a real problem for those who like to play with this extern view.
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Chasecam is indeed really bad. It's too static now again in GT Sport you could make it more loose than in 7 and you still can't rotate the camera as in every other racing game nowadays. Why PD doesnt let us move it with the right analog stick keeps a mystery for me. I think there is no racing game but Gran Turismo where you can't rotate it, it makes just no sense.

Also I find it always quiet irritating how people want to tell other people how to play a game, there are people who like the chase cam so let them use it. A bumper cam is also not realistic, nobodys head is mounted on a bumper and also nobody sits on a roof or a hood. Only realistic one would be Cockpit then.

I like chase cams but avoid in GT completely while in Forza for example I love to use it.

Please PD fix it finally. I wont stop complaining about it...
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