Chassis Rienforcement Yes or No?

  • Thread starter colepepper
I've been wondering for a while, what exactly does this upgrade do to a cars performance? And should you or shouldn't you put it on your car permanently and risk ruining it?
Chassis Reinforcement wouldn't be much of an upgrade if it ruined things... this has always been reported and perpetuated as complete FUD. Learn to use it correctly and it pays off every time.
Are you really sure man? I do alot of drag racing, and would chassis reinforcement help my car launch better. Some times i really question the physics in this game, and sometimes i really think its tha placebo effect so to say.
I've just seen a lot of people say that it can hurt rather than help your car so I personally rarely instal it on my cars.
It depends on a number of things. Do you have the cash to spend? How much do you plan to use the car? Are you planning to max out the horsepower?

If I buy a car just to use for one or two A-spec events or one or two seasonal events, I won't bother with chassis stiffening. Why waste the money for so little gain when you can add a few cheap upgrades and beat the AI.

For low horsepower cars, I don't tend to bother with chassis stiffening.

For cars that I plan to drive alot and tend to have high horsepower or race mods or racing tires, I always add the chassis stiffening.
It stiffens the car, which has an affect on the handling. It stabilizes the car while all wheels have grip, but the reaction once a wheel loses it is more violent. It makes the car sharper, but less comfortable.

I like the effect on some tracks (e.g Indy) but hate it on others (Tokio R246). I usually don't buy it.
I've always felt that if you have a car that has a tendency to understeer even after you tune it then reinforcement make it worse.
It just makes the car more solid, which can cause under or oversteer so you just have to retune your suspension. I've noticed that the chassis doesn't have to be rebuilt as often either.
Do you mean the one available in GT Auto or in the Tune Shop? The one in GT Auto should only be done if your car has driven around 10K+ KM's, at least.
The chassis reinforcement more often than not will provide benefits to your car's handling. It helps your car's suspension to function more consistently by reducing suspension movement from chassis flex. Theoretically, it should magnify your suspension settings effect on your car.
Anyone have any concrete lap time experimenting that shows that adding chassis stiffening (not chassis refresh) improves lap times? By how much?

I don't. I only do it because it's there and there's a feel to the car. Did it improve lap times? Who knows? All thoeries and B.S. aside. Anyone have lap time evidence? And I'm not talking about adding chassis stiffness, then retuning a bunch of other settings. Take a well tuned car, add the chassis stiff and what happened to lap times?
Since this upgrade affects mostly suspension consistency and given the fact that it's hard to be really consistent in this game, it will probably be unlikely that we can really gather any hard data on any improvements it might give. I know that IRL, you can *feel* the difference in handling when a car has had it's chassis stiffened. In GT5, we lack the "seat of the pants" feel when we drive and while the FFB of the steering wheels give a pretty good impression of what the front wheels are doing, we still lack the real *feel* of the car's handling. In my racing experience, stiffening the chassis has always provided benefits so I install it in all of my cars. Does it really make a difference? Sorry, can't really answer that given the game mechanics.
I think you sacrifice the character of the car for better driving precision. If you plan on doing hardcore time trials, learning every inch of the track and maxxing the cars performance, it must do some good. In my opinion it's not worth the sacrifice. If it could be undone I'd play with it but it's too much like castration.

Maybe in street cars that you max out you could make a better case for the utility, but in race cars or every damb car I think is overkill. Personally I'd rather enjoy most cars rather then use the driving simulator in only one way.

That's my opinion.
I've always thought it magnified how your suspension is set up. If set up for slight oversteer, then you'll get more oversteer and vice versa. I always put this on most of my cars, but I try to only use cars that I really like. This upgrade will make every change you make mean more. In some ways this makes tuning easier, as you can get into your preferred handling characteristics faster. But at the same time it makes it hard to make small adjustments to make the car perfect.
I've always thought it magnified how your suspension is set up. If set up for slight oversteer, then you'll get more oversteer and vice versa. I always put this on most of my cars, but I try to only use cars that I really like. This upgrade will make every change you make mean more. In some ways this makes tuning easier, as you can get into your preferred handling characteristics faster. But at the same time it makes it hard to make small adjustments to make the car perfect.

This is very true. Stiffening the chassis will take chassis flex out of the equation when tuning the suspension allowing the suspension to work more efficiently. It will also bring out the worst of the suspension if it isn't setup correctly.

Imho, road cars benefit the most from chassis stiffening especially if you intend to use a stiffer suspension. This is because a stiffer suspension will cause more chassis flex. In a race car, the chassis is already built to be very stiff but any sort of extra chassis reinforcement is always welcome. IRL, this usually means adding weight to the car but in GT5, you're getting this upgrade without any weight penalties.

If you install the chassis reinforcement upgrade and your handling gets worse, it's probably because the original suspension settings were setup taking chassis flex into consideration. You'll have to re-tune your suspension for the "new" chassis.
This is very true. Stiffening the chassis will take chassis flex out of the equation when tuning the suspension allowing the suspension to work more efficiently. It will also bring out the worst of the suspension if it isn't setup correctly.

Imho, road cars benefit the most from chassis stiffening especially if you intend to use a stiffer suspension. This is because a stiffer suspension will cause more chassis flex. In a race car, the chassis is already built to be very stiff but any sort of extra chassis reinforcement is always welcome. IRL, this usually means adding weight to the car but in GT5, you're getting this upgrade without any weight penalties.

If you install the chassis reinforcement upgrade and your handling gets worse, it's probably because the original suspension settings were setup taking chassis flex into consideration. You'll have to re-tune your suspension for the "new" chassis.

That makes a lot more sense now. The only problem is I'm not exactly a good tuner.

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