Chirac starts food fight with British

  • Thread starter a6m5
WWI was a political war . Britain did not have to declare war on Germany but did so so that Germany would not win and usurp the power balance in Europe. The US was the victim of bad decisions by Germany and very good propaganda used by France and Great Britain. At the time as many people wanted to help the Germans as they did the French and British ...but the stupid Kaiser tried to get Mexico ( bwaaaahahahahahaahaa ! ) to invade the US and the British were reading their codes we get a heads up ..and between sub warfare and the propaganda crap...its the last straw and the US gets to send dudes over to Europe to join in the meatgrinder . After WWI Europe balks at paying its war debt and the people of the US feeling screwed over doulble decide to let the Europeans kill each other and get it over with ...just leave us out..Cash and carry for arms ..Up until the last minute lend lease is even in danger of failure and there is little hope of the US declaring war on Germany ..Then thank god for the dumb ass Japenese for bombing Pearl Harbor ...a decision made for strategic reasons of national security..( we wouldnt let them buy oil...they as a modern industrial power HAD to have oil and other resources ) and dumb ass Hitler for declaring war on the US ..we get to get France their country back and help Great Britain survive along with Russia.. So why should anyone care about what our fathers and grandfathers did in the WAR ? I guess if you are related to someone who lived in a German concentration camp or a German occupied country during the war you would already know the answer . If you use ONE IOTA OF A BRAIN CELL and could read and comprehend a history book you would not have posted this ;

YOU should care if only because its thanks to the people who fought and won that you can even post that crap anyway .
Don't hold back or anything(see red). I agree with many parts in your post there though(I think this is the first! :D).

The Chinese government isn't exactly an example of a great government anyway. A lot of Chinese people aren't very educated so they believe whatever the government and other influences nearby tell them. Even if you compare history China still shouldn't be saying much, they have a bloody history as well. Just ask anyone from Tibet.

I never said that people don't hold grudges / ask for respect because of what their ancestors did. I just said that I think such ways of thinking are pointless and don't make sense.
I think you're right, to a certain point. However, like I said earlier, it's just the way it is IMO..... like it or not.

You guys make me laugh not wanting eating something beceause it's cute or doesn't look good enough... pfffftt

An horse is cute? I've seen horses way more fugly than your average duck, rabbit or heck, even veal. Come on... done rare and with Dijon mustard, it's awesome.

If snails and frog legs are vomit-inducing to you, what about seafood then? Oysters, clams, scallops, cockles, squid anyone? Or the ones that looks like big insects? Shrimps, crab, or a lobster (my favorite food)?

For those who care about not eating some parts of a pig, just do a search on why jellybeans have that nice elastic texture. :P

This is funny. I don't know much about British food, since the only common places we have coming from the UK around here are Irish pubs (quite a lot), but british restaurants are extremely rare, even outside Quebec. We see more French restaurants, but not that much, far less than Asian and Italian ones. Funny considering not long ago we were a British colony. I'll probably have a better idea of what it is once I visit the UK.

Anyways, Italians win the food pissing contest hands down.
Oysters ARE disgusting too. I tried them once. It feels like snot in your mouth, with the taste of sea water.... yum. By the way, Chirac referred to haggis as an English dish, but it is a Scottish one. The english do have some food that is good, scrambled eggs with bacon on toast is good. Some of the stuff they sold in the food department of Marcs & Spencer was good too (unfortunately the one over here closed down).... but pickle flavored crisps, or vinegar with chives flavored crisps aren't exactly my idea of good taste. :D

I think any country has good food and less good food. When I was in Rome a lot of the food we had was gross too, but I agree a lot of things they make are really good. :)
Some stuff about horses and pigs

A couple of points. Well, one points and a question.

1. Pig's trotters = toenail clippings. How desperate for something to eat must you be?

2. What sane person looks at this and thinks "Hey, you know what'd be cool to eat?"


Mmmm! Nummy!
Are the walkers Marmite crisps disgusting too? I never got to try one when I was in the UK. I did try marmite though, it's very strong, and kinda tastes of beef boullion.

But, seriously... A filet Mignon with a pat of butter and Kosher salt with a Baked potato and some Carrots pwns all else.
A couple of points. Well, one points and a question.

1. Pig's trotters = toenail clippings. How desperate for something to eat must you be?

2. What sane person looks at this and thinks "Hey, you know what'd be cool to eat?"


Mmmm! Nummy!

Clam chowder anyone??


About the pig nails... yes, that is questionable, but unlike the stuff found in jellybeans or your average sausage, which is at least as disgusting, you don't actually eat them. :P
A couple of points. Well, one points and a question.

1. Pig's trotters = toenail clippings. How desperate for something to eat must you be?

2. What sane person looks at this and thinks "Hey, you know what'd be cool to eat?"


Mmmm! Nummy!

Doesn't look any less edible than this... yet many posh English people do like to eat this:

But a lobster lives in the sea, and is hard on the outside... Snails eat your plants and look even worse minus a shell.

I don't think anyone could hate Forgs legs, but I don't think anyone could call them tasty either. Snails, well it could just be how they were cooked, but they were also very chewy.

Doesn't the Jelly baby stuff come from the intstinal tract? Or maybe even near the anus.
By the way, a Finnish member of European parliament, Alexander Stubb, sent Chirac an invitation for dinner, just for a laugh. You see, his wife is British so the food courses are British and Finnish food combined, like Fish and chips with very Finnish ingredients. I'll have to find you that list later because I don't know what this stuff is in finnish :D.

But anyway, he has received piles of positve E-mails from people in Poland, Japan, UK, France, Belgium and Finland. And many members of the parliament have thanked him because of this "joke".

I also read on a newspaper today that French people are conserned that Chirac's "insult" on Finnish food had upset Finland and that's why we voted for London. The newspaper said Chirac has made many mistakes during his politics and this is the one that is going to kill his career.

I'm still wondering why on earth did he say something like this just before the host city of Olympics was chosen:lol:

Edit: Found the letter & menu, Click!
What are the different things you eat in Finnland ? I must say I have at least seen a few English resturants..never a Finnish one . Never in my life . not that that would mean much I am sure their are a few places not know for .. ummm.. food choices ( ?) or the type of food .
What are the different things you eat in Finland?
They eat pickled herring in sour cream, and nothing else, ever. Well, except for those little flat crakers that taste like cardboard.

Can't we just come to the understanding that France rarely ever contributes more than a used snot rag and a bunch of save-us-before-we-get-exterminated (again) requests?

Not to mention I don't think they've ever actually won a war without having to be saved.

Oh, and British food rocks. Long live fish'n'chips.
Well they did win the war of independence.

Actually frog's legs are very good as are pig's trotters. As for snails, I dont know what went wrong there...
What are the different things you eat in Finnland ? I must say I have at least seen a few English resturants..never a Finnish one . Never in my life . not that that would mean much I am sure their are a few places not know for .. ummm.. food choices ( ?) or the type of food .

An everyday dinner is not a big event in Finland as it is in many central european countries, it's just a "fill-up" here. We don't use whole day preparing dinner, we eat something easy and convenient (sp?), like potatoes/rice/pasta with meat/sauce/fish/whatever. Usually finns drink water or milk. And coffee consumption is pretty big here, we drink more coffee per person than any other nation.
There are many local specialties, like Karelian pasties (rye crust filled with rice-pudding) and fish pies (rye-pastry filled with trout). There's also a nice amount of Laplandish foods, like reindeer meat (:drool: ).

You're right saying there's not Finnish-food-restaurants. Finnish foods are usually home-cooked. You can't get too much tradional Finnish dishes at restaurant even here.

They eat pickled herring in sour cream, and nothing else, ever. Well, except for those little flat crakers that taste like cardboard.


Not quite, Duke :D

I can't say Finnish cuisine is better than French or Italian. I'm sure it's not even near. But then again, it's just about your own taste.

My point here is, insulting other nation's cuisine isn't leading anywhere. A president should not make an insult like that. That's ridiculous. I mean, no matter how much you hate other cuisines, the head of the country shouldn't say that out loud. There's just no point, it's only going to upset people.

BTW, do you have meatballs in US/UK? Because everytime I see someone going to IKEA on a TV-show they always talk how they're gonna eat so much meatballs. Is it really that special?
British food is, apparently, not good enough for Chirac. So, let's look at what the French have given the world of eating:

1. Horse. Yes - the cute little pony all girls love to love, which people race and teach tricks to. Slice it up and stuff it on the plate. Neigh.

2. Frog's Legs. Well, those freaky French cut up and roast pond life - that puts them on a level with a year 10 schoolboy's dissection experiment.

3. Pig's trotters. An animal considered SO unclean that one religion bans their consumption entirely and the Gauls munch on the dirtiest part of all. For Heaven's sakes, Chirac, you're eating toenails!

4. Snails. Only in a country where farmers burn all of the good meat-producing animals in protest every 6 months would you find food so scarce you resort to cooking vermin that most gardeners eradicate without a second thought. Pass the salt... oh.

Let's not even begin to mention to relative incidences of BSE in the UK and France in the last 24 months...

Appearantly British food isn't good enough for most of the civilized world either, and rightfully so.
It's a sin what the English have done to food. ;)

What has France contributed to the world of eating? As much as I don't like to admit it, just about everything.
Probably the most influental is Escoffier. He is pretty much responsible for organizing and standardizing the culinary world. His systems are still very much in place today all across the globe.
He even introduced a proper saute pan to England so you didn't have to boil everything to death. Evidently it didn't take.
Glance at any menu and the way it's designed, he's responsible for that as well. Al a carte?

How about French wine and it's very integral part with food and cooking?
However, North America did save the entire French wine industry from a plague of philoxora. Yet another time their ass was saved by someone else?

You also mentioned snails, which are more commonly refered to as escargot. I'll admit that the French popularized them, (they consume 40,000 metric tons a year) but snails have been eaten as food since at least ancient Roman times.
If ya gotta eat, ya gotta eat.

Even though the French have done an amazing amout in the food world, it doesn't make Chiracs statement about English food any less pompous. And Mr. Putin doesn't really have much room to talk as Russian cuisine is just as horrible as the English.

On a side note, Traditional Italian cuisine is by far the best. Ever have risotto? Take into consideration that what most consider Italian food now a days, is actually fairly new. Italy didn't have noodles until the Chinese introduced them, and Italy didn't have tomatoes until the Americas were discovered.
Never heard of Joan of Arc or Napoleon?

Joan of Arc was burned to death and killed by the English, and Napolean was his own men. Ha...hahahahahahahaha. Poor sucker.

Actually it was by my great, great, great, great, great, great. . .great, great, and I think it's give-or-take a great depending on my family's former reproductive habits, grandfather who exiled him. My last name is Taillon, which yes, is French...but I like to disconnect myself from whatever nationalities I was born with with no choice.

But generally the French haven't exactly had the reputation of being courageous or honourable fighters. Their women are fine though. If only they'd shave...
Joan of Arc was burned to death and killed by the English, and Napolean was his own men. Ha...hahahahahahahaha. Poor sucker.

Actually it was by my great, great, great, great, great, great. . .great, great, and I think it's give-or-take a great depending on my family's former reproductive habits, grandfather who exiled him. My last name is Taillon, which yes, is French...but I like to disconnect myself from whatever nationalities I was born with with no choice.

But generally the French haven't exactly had the reputation of being courageous or honourable fighters. Their women are fine though. If only they'd shave...

You're still wrong, no matter what your opinion
You're still wrong, no matter what your opinion

Aside from Joan of Arc (which I wouldn't call a victory per sé), and Napo(wned)lean, how many times have the French independantly won a war, or battle, alone? Or better yet, what's their loss:win ratio?
Let me get this straight. Chirac insults British cuisine, and being a supposedly extremely dignified and polite culture, the British retort by insulting French cuisine in far greater detail? Am I supposed to believe I'm among intelligent company here? All I see are posts that appear to have been written by children in the fifth grade. Famine, you of all people should be ashamed of yourself.

I eat snails, I'm not French. I eat fish and chips, I'm not British. I eat bangers and mash, I'm not Irish. I eat Chinese food, I'm not Chinese. I eat calamari, I'm not Greek. I eat bison, veal, pork, beef, venison, wild boar, alligator, moose, and many other dishes that are from another culture, without being part of that culture myself.

People of Britain: stop acting like juveniles and laugh it off like you're supposed to. Concentrate your anger at those who've caused the tragedy in your country; they're the real enemy, and it's time to stop bickering with the French.
Aside from Joan of Arc (which I wouldn't call a victory per sé), and Napo(wned)lean, how many times have the French independantly won a war, or battle, alone? Or better yet, what's their loss:win ratio?

My post was a reply to your original post...

<snip>Not to mention I don't think they've ever actually won a war without having to be saved.</snip>

France have won more than one war without having to be saved, hence you're wrong. You never said anything about loss:win ratios or stated exclusions such as "Excluding Joan of Arc and Napoleon they've never won a war without needing to be saved".

Anyway, to lighten the's a joke...

How many gears does a French tank have?

6....5 reverse and one forward, incase they get attacked from behind

Boom boom (quite literally in this context)
Anderton Prime
Let me get this straight. Chirac insults British cuisine, and being a supposedly extremely dignified and polite culture, the British retort by insulting French cuisine in far greater detail? Am I supposed to believe I'm among intelligent company here? All I see are posts that appear to have been written by children in the fifth grade. Famine, you of all people should be ashamed of yourself.

I eat snails, I'm not French. I eat fish and chips, I'm not British. I eat bangers and mash, I'm not Irish. I eat Chinese food, I'm not Chinese. I eat calamari, I'm not Greek. I eat bison, veal, pork, beef, venison, wild boar, alligator, moose, and many other dishes that are from another culture, without being part of that culture myself.

People of Britain: stop acting like juveniles and laugh it off like you're supposed to. Concentrate your anger at those who've caused the tragedy in your country; they're the real enemy, and it's time to stop bickering with the French.

Look it up.
This is your excuse for everything, Famine. "Oh, I was only joking;" "Can't you take a joke?" etc., etc. You don't sound like you're joking when you use exclamation points and italics to stress how gross you think eating pigs' toenails is.
Maybe the point here is that Chirac was insulting not joking . Maybe you should read the text and context of chiracs statement . get off your high horse before you fall and break something .
Exclamation marks, according to you, don't denote humour any more.

Well that's me told!

You'd have thought with Canada being able to receive many BBC broadcasts - much more so than the US - you'd at least have a faint grasp on British humour by now. I wouldn't have to use it as an "excuse" so often if you didn't object to what I was saying because you didn't understand that I was joking so often.

Frankly, thinking my knowledge of French cuisine is not as broad as yours is insulting to me. Last I checked I'm 6 hours closer to France than you.