Chirac starts food fight with British

  • Thread starter a6m5
Exclamation marks, according to you, don't denote humour any more.

Well that's me told!

You'd have thought with Canada being able to receive many BBC broadcasts - much more so than the US - you'd at least have a faint grasp on British humour by now. I wouldn't have to use it as an "excuse" so often if you didn't object to what I was saying because you didn't understand that I was joking so often.

Frankly, thinking my knowledge of French cuisine is not as broad as yours is insulting to me. Last I checked I'm 6 hours closer to France than you.

Is being that close painfull ? Do you get a rash ?
Maybe the point here is that Chirac was insulting not joking . Maybe you should read the text and context of chiracs statement . get off your high horse before you fall and break something .

The horse I'm on only looks high because of how low you are to the ground when you make "jokey" posts in a thread like this one.

And Famine, when exactly did I say or insinuate that I know more about French cuisine than you do? AND WHO CARES? Or is this "I know more because my country is closer to France than yours is?" statement yet another of your famous "jokes?"
The new you is getting really boring, AP. Can we have the original one back?

Anyone who treated Chirac's outburst seriously, and not just another ill-informed rant from Europe's stupidest leader, needs help. The fact that you treated my very-thinly-veiled (seriously - exclamation marks DON'T denote humour?) comic retort as serious too is, frankly, jaw-dropping.

And if anyone actually cared, they stopped caring the next day when our capital city was bombed by Al Qa'ida.
Anderton Prime
Then why are people still discussing it in this thread?

Just because people aren't outraged or affended by it, doesn't mean they don't want to discuss (or poke fun of) it.
France, its' people and culture are so interesting, though I haven't been happy with their politics in a while(I'm sure the feelings mutual). When I joined GTP, it was so cool to see members from all over the world, but I did notice that I hadn't seen anybody from France, Russia, Continental Africa or Middle East(1 member, who was like half Iranian or was from Iran, now in Germany). In case of the French though, I'm pretty sure Viper Zero's posts in the Opinions Forum has scared them away. :D
Is anyone here actually from France, or in France?

Few members here are from there, the most famous probably being VV, but they're not very active here lately (not surprising really, since French bashing is quite in vogue all over the place lately - a lot are doing it with a tongue in cheek, but some comments are bordering on sheer xenophobia and ignorance).

My last girlfriend was born in France and grew up there. When we got there to visit her family, I really enjoyed every single meal I had. And yes, she did shave her armpits... (for those who still believe this is true for French womens, well, all I can say is what I've seen on the beaches of the Côte D'azur was way better than what I've seen at the beaches of Florida... and I guess they had a good laugh at all the fuss around the superbowl's nipplegate, especially since this is far from unusual on beaches there)
Solid Lifters
No, they're too busy looking for snails for snacking.

AP sounds like he's full of gas. Another reason to hate French food.

To quote my brother, it's mass, not gas.

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