"Things" are of little meaning to me. Friends, family, and memories are the important stuff in my life.
But if I -HAD- to have 'things' for Christmas ...
The things I would put on my list:
Toys (yea so what if I'm 23 ... )
Every Star Wars Lego set that I don't already have (which is about half of them)
Mindstorm Legos (they ROCK)
Remote controlled cars. (I saw a 1/24th scale 787B that would be so much fun!)
Movies (DVDs ...)
Princess Bride
Star Trek Insurrection (the ONE I don't have)
Titan AE
... many more.
Always in need of cool clothing, which I have poor taste in.
Things that can't be purchased:
More time with my friends, doing the things we love, and none of the things we hate.
I want the people of the world to calm down and take a look around. It's not a bad place, so stop complaining, but it can be so much better, so pitch in and do your part.
I'd like to be back in the kind of running shape I was my senior year. Wow.
How about a for-real date with the woman I've been admiring since 11th freaking grade! I'm getting close on that one though. She's about to graduate college, so we'll be 'available' more. (:
Stuff that will never happen, but nice to dream about
Ferrari 355 GT1 (hubba hubba)
A day in a Formula 1 race car at Montico
A day in an F-15!!
A day on the Enterprise (StarTrek again ...)
Dinner with a few of my favorite celebrities
-- Lavar Burton (Reading Rainbow host and Jordi Lafordge on StarTrek)
-- Cindy Crawford (No explination nessasary)
-- River Phoenix (yea he's dead, "stuff that will never happen")
-- Eddie Veddar (Pearl Jam!)
-- Patric Stuart (Great actor, Captain Picard on StarTrek)
... now that I think about it, there are a LOT of people I'd like to have dinner with. And I'd buy! I just want to hang out with them for an evening (:
The biggest Christmas wish of all though, and this is cliche, "Peace on Earth, good will toward men". But it's the truth.