Chrome and Matte Paint

  • Thread starter MigVT
I'm tired of seeing people invent stories on how to get chrome and Matte paints.

What i learned thanks to a youtube video is that every 30(30,60,90....) you get a random matte or chrome paint and a horn (i think somtime even only a horn). If you want a specific color what you should do is as soon as the message saying you have x30 cars and it says the color and horn do not press ok. Instead quit the game to xmb and put it again go into gt mode and the message will pop up again do this until the message displays the color you want. To get chrome i had to do it about 5 times and with matte black which i wanted it took me only one so it is luck.
I know you can get the paints in other ways but this is the easiest and it will assure you the color.
Here is a similar video
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It's a fairly old theory... and isn't correct.

Since I first heard of it I've been keeping an eye on my car-collection-based gifts and haven't been receiving a chrome or matte paint specifically at multiples of thirty.
It's a fairly old theory... and isn't correct.

Since I first heard of it I've been keeping an eye on my car-collection-based gifts and haven't been receiving a chrome or matte paint specifically at multiples of thirty.

I've gotten one each thirty and how i stated sometimes you only get a horn i'm not sure if at bigger multiples it changes but at least till whare i am (90 cars)
i've gotten the message and then done the trick to get the color i want i will look for the video link and post it
EDIT: I've tried it myself on every chance i've had
It's a fairly old theory... and isn't correct.

Since I first heard of it I've been keeping an eye on my car-collection-based gifts and haven't been receiving a chrome or matte paint specifically at multiples of thirty.

Sorry mate, but it is correct. for every thirty cars in your garage you'll be awarded a special paint, and a horn every ten cars.
I have over 440 cars in the garage, and the award has always been given at the correct interval.

GT5 is a bit dodgy sometimes though with it's awards. For example: I was just awarded my second 1000 ticket (1000 miles or 100 wins) after just under 32000 miles and over 600 wins... I suspect either your GT5 is playing silly buggers or you haven't been paying attention :)

And yeah, this 'theory' is pretty old now..