This is that point in the middle of the rainy, starry night that you realize that the best part of your travels isn't the destination, it's the journey. That split second where life is just completely perfect.
Hi guys !
I know it's still early but I have to close this. I won't be able to access Internet before monday night here in France so I prefer to close this earlier rather than later. I don't want you guys to wait for too long tomorrow.
So I'm truly sorry but...
Ninja edit : Actually, I won't even have time to send the top 20 to SlipZ today.
I'll send it tomorrow evening at the latest. I'm really sorry guys, I hope you'll live through the suspense
Sorry about the double post but I thought you might be interested to know that I sent the Top 20 to SlipZ.
Again, I'm sorry about the delay and I hope you'll enjoy the poll.