CLOSED: 2.0 Advanced Competition: Week 9

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm
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Wow, this is a great theme, all the entries are unique and of a very high standard!
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happycorey, you might have my vote! That's just astonishing, it really looks like a picture from decades ago.

Thanks! As I kept editing the background was looking more and more flat, I couldn't believe I was really making it look so old haha. I was trying not to go too far but I don't think I did


Ferrari Run

I hope this is okay.
mog is that edited or just using gt5 editing

It's had the colour balance edited in Photoshop, the actual photo is straight from GT5 though.

Keep the entries coming guys, the standard has been immensely high so far and I'm hoping it continues even if it does give me a hard time when choosing the poll entries! :lol:
happycorey, definitely my favourite image so far I haven't got a chance of beating it!
(im still going to give it a go though;) )
Not the same car but exactly the same place... and the same filter...:P

...and yours won't be entered unless you post it as a link or make a preview image instead.
Final Entry

I don't know yet if I will get rid of that yellow bit in the right corner.
Glowing edges and lens flares aren't listed anywhere in the list of what you can do (and the latter is generally frowned upon by most anybody who's spent some time in Photoshop)...
Quick question- I've gone back to my entry, and tidied up something that was bothering me, and added a signature. Will I have to make an update post, remove the original and link it, or can I just swap the picture in to my original post and edit in a statement of that fact?
Now those ol' Duke brothers better hurry if they're gonna get the shine to the Hazzard county line in time.

Final Entry


Yeee... Haw... Original

It's my first attempt at a retro TV look, and I definately I couldn't help myself to add a Dodge Charger jumping the dirt trails in the woods.
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