CLOSED: 2.0 Advanced Competition: Week 9

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm
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Awesome topic and entries, its clearly apparant as this is the first time that Advanced Competition has more entries (and higher quality) than the regular one.
It's not the first time ;)👍. But completely agree, great theme this week, a pity I didn't had the time to enter this one. Speaking of time, where is SlipZ?
I had a small family emergency that kind of screwed up my weekend. All is good now, and while I have next week's theme, I wasn't able to get a PM to Moglet until just now, so this week's poll will be delayed. I work in about... 9 hours, and I'll be up a fair amount before then, so if Moglet does happen to send them in before I head to work, I'll get them up. If not, assuming I have the PM from him, they'd be up in about 15 hours from now.

Sorry about that guys! :(

(EDIT) Oh yeah, for now though:

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Apologies for sending the Top 20 so late everyone! I've been house hunting all weekend and unfortunately didn't have the time to look through so many good photos! The standard has been stupidly high and it gave me a very hard time choosing the photos to go through.

I apologise if yours doesn't make it but it was VERY tough and I went for the photos that best represented the theme whilst still having artistic value in mind. So even if it was perfect for the theme, if the composition was off or any effect was overdone, it might not have made it!
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