CLOSED: CCCL Competition: Week 22

  • Thread starter Nato_777
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Moderately Super
New Zealand
Kaikoura, NZ

Further explanation of the theme, as chosen by bmxmitch:

"I know everyone misses the Porsches in GT5. It's the biggest gab GT still least for me.
And yeah yeah, everyone may know it already, I like the RUFs, a lot.
Now I wanna see what you create with that beauty!
A shame we only get standard versions of them though. But due the fact this week is a
2.0 Comp, I'm sure you all make the RUF look smexy as hell!"

LOCATION: Nurburgring Nordschleife (Time change)


Please, ensure you read and understand all requirements for this competition. Failure to follow the rules may result in
disqualification. If you have any questions, please, send me a Private Message.

This Thread has everything you need to know.

  • There must be at least some detail of the background (location) visible in the picture that can later be identified to be
    part of the location specified in the theme. If the location is not immediately clear from the picture you must
    provide the exact location if it's queried.
  • Only one entry per user allowed. It must be that user own work and never used in another competition.
  • Do not ask other members to choose your entry.
  • Entry post must be marked with a FINAL ENTRY text.
  • Entries may only be changed once and it must be indicated clearly.
  • Entries must be posted in either thumbnail or a preview. We recommend you to link either to it's full size.
  • Posts containing bigger previews than allowed, full sizes or links only will be ignored.
  • Previews should not exceed the limit of 500px in either direction and have any effect not present in the original image.
  • It's recommended the usage of a free image hosting service, such as ImageShack, Photobucket or Flickr.
  • If you want your entry to have a link to your full sized image in the poll, make your preview a link to the full sized photo.
  • Only the best 20 entries will get through poll.
  • Keep in mind that the Host of this competition may ask for the original image and it must be submitted if so.
    It's recommended to store the original image (from the USB stick) until competition week ends.


What you may not to do a photo:

  • Alter the geometry of the car. No stickers, or body modifications not available in game.
  • Add shapes or objects from outside of GT5, signatures excepted.
  • Remove items from shot (scenery, other cars).
  • Use more than 1 image (HDR, photo-stitching, multi-exposure).
  • Add effects that make the picture look something other than a photograph.

What you may do to a photo:

  • Crop and/or resize an image.
  • Adjust the level or curve values.
  • Alter the colour tone of the image (gradient maps, photo filters, colour balance, etc).
  • Adjust brightness, contrast, exposure, shadow/highlights.
  • Enhance shadows or highlights (dodge and burn tools in Photoshop, for example).
  • Add noise and/or diffuse glow.
  • Add a post-game tilt-shift blur, or apply a motion blur to a stationary Photo Travel shot.
  • Make use of Layer Blend Modes.
  • Use a Sharpening filter and/or tool.
  • Scale or enlarge rims.
  • Remove or modify license plates.
  • Remove the GT watermark.
  • Add a personal signature.
  • Clean up or fix jaggies, texture pixelation, or colour separation.
  • Add a vignette effect.


Sunday 14.08.11
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Since the car this week is a standard, not everyone is likely to have one - therefore it would be greatly appreciated if those who have one or more could set one to online status so others can 'borrow' it for a photo shoot.
If you can please post a note in here with your PSN Id so others know they can use them.

Thank you.
I got 2 BTRs in my garage. Going to set them both online tomorrow.
So, if anyone wants to have a black or blue one, feel free to add me. ;)

and yes yes I know, it's the Nordschleife again:boggled:, but this car needs to be driven on that track:dopey:
Nice theme. I think I have one or two of them. If I have two I will put one of them online. 👍
Now I'm out. :lol:
That is a fantastic shot zambuca. Should easily get into the poll with that. 👍
i have every Ruf inmy garage if needed , just ask for it :)

iam glad this week is 2.0
^if it weren't a 2.0 comp, I wouldn't have chose the car for you guys. Its not fun without editing.....doesn't count for the driving though ;)
Just a quick question are we allowed to use the 24h layout so long as the photo is taken somewhere on the Nordschleife section, I don't want to use the normal Nordschleife (Time Change) because I don't want rain ruining my photo and it could take X number of laps to figure out where the best shot could come from.
Just a quick question are we allowed to use the 24h layout so long as the photo is taken somewhere on the Nordschleife section, I don't want to use the normal Nordschleife (Time Change) because I don't want rain ruining my photo and it could take X number of laps to figure out where the best shot could come from.

hmmmm, I prefer to see shots on the actual Nordschleife, but also the dry version. So if its easier to get on a dry track at the 24h version, I would say yes.
But at the same time, its pretty easy to get the actual Nordschleife without rain, just try and select the track. If your tire choice is set on rain tires, go back to the track selection and look again. If there are your racing or sport tires now, you will race on a dry track. Just try it ;)
Now I'm out. :lol:
That is a fantastic shot zambuca. Should easily get into the poll with that. 👍

Thanks ashes :) Everybody loves this car, so I'm sure there will be a lot of competition this week. Happy driving to all of you - and remember to give this baby a new set of racing tires if you wanna make a full lap at the ring ;)
hmmmm, I prefer to see shots on the actual Nordschleife, but also the dry version. So if its easier to get on a dry track at the 24h version, I would say yes.
But at the same time, its pretty easy to get the actual Nordschleife without rain, just try and select the track. If your tire choice is set on rain tires, go back to the track selection and look again. If there are your racing or sport tires now, you will race on a dry track. Just try it ;)

Ah but after a preliminary scouting run on the 24h course some of the scenery is slightly different I had forgotten to take that into account but that could also have a bearing in the photo possibly maybe, Adding to that the 24h version has no weather change so no chance of sudden downpour :sly:, Sounds like its allowed by you though and for that thank you sir ;)
As long as it is on the Nordschleife, it should be fine! In my opinion though...;)

Also, I put my 2 RUFs online. If anyone needs or wants one, feel free to use them :)
I have a RUF online if anyone needs it. 👍

EDIT : And thanks bmxmitch for making me use this car. I really like drifting in it and is my new go to drifting car. :D
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Is this the first standard car used in this competition?
Forgive me for asking, as I don't take part in them all
Is this the first standard car used in this competition?
Forgive me for asking, as I don't take part in them all

I think so yes.
I also took a standard for the CCCL week, because its the same for everyone, no handicap between standards and premiums here. ;)
Hope to see more standard cars in the future weeks:sly:

Also, I really like what I see so far. But I want mooore
Final Entry

...Taming the "Beast" :crazy:

^^please click^^​

* with appreciation to bmxmitch for loaning me the keys 👍 .... I am assured the dents and scratches will 'buff-out' :sly:
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