[CLOSED] WHaT's Drivers Club

  • Thread starter ProjectWHaT
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I won't be able to join tonight. If I have free time, it's usually around 4:00.
Go buy a GT350... Seriously. With RE it makes a lovely brub-brub-brub sound up until 3-4k rpm. :3
Already have it...

Also, it's nothing compared to the RE on a fully tuned Buick GNX. Pop into 5th and drive full throttle from 0 to around 4k RPM. Prrrrrrub-prrrrrub-prruuub-pruub-pruub-pruub-pruub-pruuuuuuub-pruuuuuuuuuuu-vacuum machine..
It's more PD's fault than people's internet problems...

QFT, My Internet is awesome, and even in my lobby, running on my speed, we still had horrible lag, it's not on the host or anything, it's PD having inadequate servers and asking the PS3 of PS4 processing ability imo.

BTW, did you guys read my offer for VIP member instead of moderator?

Yes, I believe I brought it up, just waiting on others (*ahem* don't make me tag you guys ;))

In other news, If I am on PSN tonight, I'll look to host. That photoshoot never happened :indiff: (too many laced donuts or something I think :P)
new as in, new for me. Not new new. :lol: I'll obviously get a used one, if its the last resort.
Even though you don't think it's the YLOD, it would be worth it if you added some Thermal Paste. You can buy some at WalMart in the ranges of 1$-15$. If it works well lucky you, you just saved yourself about 100$, if not, you didn't lose a lot of money and can get your used PS3. Here's a guide on how to do the operation. Good luck doctor WHaT =3 http://l.gamespot.com/1arl8YI
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I had my first gen ps3 (read: original 60gig) reflowed for like 30$. Did the paste first, it stayed running for a solid year after, then reflow, and it's still running 3yrs later, just not well enough for gt6, so we got a pop-top ps3..
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QFT, My Internet is awesome, and even in my lobby, running on my speed, we still had horrible lag, it's not on the host or anything, it's PD having inadequate servers and asking the PS3 of PS4 processing ability imo.

Except it isn't. Open lobbies are Peer to Peer meaning its not the servers fault, but someones internet connection. The lobby is only as good as the slowest connection.
Probably won't be able to join any lobbies throughout the rest of the week. School is crazy for me right now, so I'm hoping I have some time on the weekend to join a lobby.
Except it isn't. Open lobbies are Peer to Peer meaning its not the servers fault, but someones internet connection. The lobby is only as good as the slowest connection.

Hmm, well last night's late-lobby lag was much worse than usual while it was present, and my speeds been consistent up to that point, so who knows I guess, lol

Lobby won't happen (you guys might've probably figured it out by now, lol), because my truck decided it wasn't going to go into park anymore, so I got busy jerry-rig'ing it to stay put for the night, in freezing/snowy winds.

Tomorrow is a complete unknown, truck and club-activity wise :scared:
Can we please have an early lobby today? It's my birthday tomorrow would love it if I got to join a lobby tonight.
My Dad has a Heat Gun where he works, so hopefully, when he brings it home, I should be able to fix my PS3. If not, I think I'll have to just buy a new used PS3
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