[CLOSED] WHaT's Drivers Club

  • Thread starter ProjectWHaT
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While I do agree with the "police brutality" thing, for lack of a better term, you also have to remember that there are quite a few stubborn and hardheaded people here that will just not pull over for whatever you do, constantly! When you're trying to pull over people like that for hours on end, it is annoying and you just want to get the current pursuit as over as quickly as possible (especially if you're the only cop, which is why I refuse to be a cop by myself anymore).
While I do agree with the "police brutality" thing, for lack of a better term, you also have to remember that there are quite a few stubborn and hardheaded people here that will just not pull over for whatever you do, constantly! When you're trying to pull over people like that for hours on end, it is annoying and you just want to get the current pursuit as over as quickly as possible (especially if you're the only cop, which is why I refuse to be a cop by myself anymore).

I would kick those people for not following rules.. O.o

It's not like they don't know what they're doing.
I have absolutely no problem with being a cop when there other cops on duty with me. But, I refuse to be on-duty when there's 15 other street racers with a "**** da police" mentality that just race and don't acknowledge that you're a cop. That's a waste of time.

But, IIRC, most members do pull over the majority of the time when asked to do so.

So, I think if there was a group for dedicated cops, that would solve a lot of the cop-less-cop (lol) rooms that were supposed to be cops, but nobody volunteered. I think we would have a lot more cops like the old days. :)
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Nope. No YLOD yet. I turn it on and nothing happens. The orange light flashes a few times then stops.
The only orange LED is the HDD one in the lower left corner. If it's on top by the buttons, flashing while the PS3 beeps and shuts off, it's the YLOD.
Unless @JasonGT's lobby is still up and active at the time, I will look to host a straight-cruise lobby later tonight around 8pm EST, will mostly likely be a friends/members-only room, involving SSRX at some point - if high activity warrants it. :sly:
Creating new members-only lobby, as old one was all like "Im'ma LAG sO hARd!!!"

And.... UP!
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