[CLOSED] WHaT's Drivers Club

  • Thread starter ProjectWHaT
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I'm sorry, I there's too many holidays :P

*Checks calender*

*Has no days off until the 17th of February.*

Damn it. ;p


On a side note, I won't be able to join a lobby all week. I may be able to join the Friday one though, if I don't get mountains of course work to complete.
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The following post reflects some opinions and suggestions of mine about several club-related stuff.

Firstly, I presume that this club likes to focus on a more realistic side of things? One thing that irks me is just how cops like smashing into anyone at full speed/head on, even for minor stuff. I think it would be more interesting if cops employed more realistic tactics instead of doing maneuvers that would get everyone killed in real life.

Secondly, I've noticed that some cops just seem to do whatever the hell they want and nitpick at everything just to give a ticket. For example, one time a cop was suddenly braking in front of me, in the middle of the road, which prompted me to crash into him. I then accelerated again and, as expected from a RUF with comfort tires (and shameless use of automatic), my wheels released some smoke for about half a second. One minute later the same cop pulls me over to give me a ticket because apparently I did a "burnout". AFAIK, releasing some wheel smoke briefly isn't a crime. And his reckless driving went by unpunished, as he's a cop.

Thirdly, some people seem to like calling out racers ("reporting" them), among other things. I'm fine with that, but taking those reports for granted is just dumb. IMHO a cop should only give a ticket if they've seen the infraction firsthand. An example: me and another cruiser were doing some pulls, and some other driver called us out. Less than a lap later a cop with a Viper crashes into me head on (could've at least tried pulling me over first, and yes I was driving under the limit at that point) and immediately gives me a ticket. Bit unfair, I reckon. About two minutes later the same guy called us out yet again, except this time we weren't even doing anything wrong. If it weren't for mine and someone else's complaining, I'm sure we'd have gotten another ticket. Reports shouldn't be a guaranteed ticket, just more of a reason to keep the reported under more surveillance/suspicion.

Another point. I believe a pursuit should end if the offender crashes too hard against a wall. I sort of agree with the 5 mph rule but it would be better if we had to stay below 5 mph for 3 seconds or so (near a cop of course, and also because someone could go under 5 mph for other reasons like doing a U turn). This is also why I talk about a more realistic approach to pursuits, as getting anyone below 5 mph is easy if you just crash into them head on which almost 100% of the time is unavoidable for the offender, especially if cops are driving both ways on a track. Another thing that would be nice to emulate is when a pursuit is still ongoing after X amount of time, a cop could call for backup and some of the member cruisers in the room would switch to cop and aid.

And finally, about the "Pursuit" kind of lobbies, which I've never seen done yet. I don't see a reason why this mode should be restricted to Sarthe only. I think it would be better if the mode would work on a "last as long as you can" basis, it would be far more fun I believe.

I'm sorry if this post ends up offending anyone, as that is certainly not my objective. I know many of you will think "It's just a video game" but in the end I guess it's safe to say we all want things to be as fun as possible, and these are just some of my ideas.

Just my 2¢.

That was actually me he was referring to in the second paragraph. I pulled to the side a bit and braked to make sure the guy Atongo was ticketing wouldn't run. I looked back then looked forward again and saw a cloud of smoke. I'll make sure next time I clearly pull over and not ticket based on assumptions. Sorry about that guys. Fun lobby though!
I saved all my homework for today which was not the best decision to make, but hopefully I'll be able to join a lobby later today.
That was actually me he was referring to in the second paragraph. I pulled to the side a bit and braked to make sure the guy Atongo was ticketing wouldn't run. I looked back then looked forward again and saw a cloud of smoke. I'll make sure next time I clearly pull over and not ticket based on assumptions. Sorry about that guys. Fun lobby though!
Actually, I was referencing you in the second paragraph and atongo in the third. All good anyway. As for driving away when pulled over (as in, when the cop is typing a message), that's quite the low blow.
Actually, I was referencing you in the second paragraph and atongo in the third. All good anyway. As for driving away when pulled over (as in, when the cop is typing a message), that's quite the low blow.

Happened quite a few times with some people, non members I think.

I think that there are a few people that are sometimes cops that should never be cops. Those are the ones that ram people (when it isn't necessary), give unnecessary tickets, and race and drift around the track just because they can. Those are also the last ones that should be allowed to be a cop. IMO, only trustworthy members should be allowed to be cops (no immature members and horrible drivers as cops).

And what you were saying earlier - when you're the cop and writing a ticket, the racer drives away. Just put the ticket in the chat. Technically he received the ticket, but he just didn't acknowledge you and drove off. So that's 1/3 for him right? Find him again and give him ticket 2/3 because chances are, he did a burnout in your face when he drove off. So one more ticket and then he just got his favorite car impounded. That will teach him his lesson. Works every time. ;)
Any lobbies up? I'll be on in a couple of minutes.

BTW, concerning VIP members, can I be one?

I wanted to be a mod, so I could host lobbies, but VIP is better, as I don't have to worry about the other responsibilities of mods
I'm not going to make it today. I have to take care of some things. If you see me online, that's my bro. (He'll be on GTA, I think) Anyways, see you guys tomorrow (hopefully)!
And what you were saying earlier - when you're the cop and writing a ticket, the racer drives away. Just put the ticket in the chat. Technically he received the ticket, but he just didn't acknowledge you and drove off. So that's 1/3 for him right? Find him again and give him ticket 2/3 because chances are, he did a burnout in your face when he drove off. So one more ticket and then he just got his favorite car impounded. That will teach him his lesson. Works every time. ;)

Or you could instantly give him 2/3 for resisting
I either will be joining the lobby, or playing a lot of.. uh, you know. *Points at avatar*

And if you know what that is, you're awesome. If not... eh...
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