
  • Thread starter GTP_Nail
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I had a great race with @GTP_Versatile until lap 5. Made me a little proud to be able to keep up with him. When will this ever happen again? ;-) (Well, of course the long straights and the slipstream helped a lot.) But at the beginning of lap 5 I spun out. I wonder how long this could have gone on. Really really disappointing.
@roamer2629 My strategy at the end was to do 10 laps instead of 8. But it turned out we had to do 1 more lap than I had expected :grumpy: So I had to do 11. You did the right thing when you went for another short stop. I wasn´t so wise. That´s why you caught up on me so damn quickly. I was extremly short shifting and switching fuel map between 3 and 6.
On my final lap I was so focused on the fuel situation that I missed the first chicane. That added to the fuel saving situation and made it even easier for @Argon to catch me at the end of the lap. Without the mistake I probably would´ve kept P4. But thanks for the commiserations ;-) @Argon
I need more racing experience, I guess.

The video shows a 20 minute wrap-up of my race. Which means the first and the final phase.

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Great race from my end. I got much better into a flow and rythem than the IRS race - I could have gone on and on, loved it very much.

I also forgot to save the replay - wanted to see peoples best laps in lmp1 as I think we were all very close paced, but sadly spaced out. Also wanted to see how the heck I got damage as I don't recall any contact anywhere.
There was an incident with Mike/@Argon that caused you damage on lap 1 in Indianapolis.

Tomorrow’s race will be at 1330 Central.
2 hours
Heavy damage
One five minute pit stop per hour
Discord Ring Rats
room will be up at 1200 until Roamer gets up. Make sure you have both @GTP_Nail and [USER=192983]@roamer2629 in you friends list. Javier will be the first ( and hopefully the only) host and if necessary I’ll take over.[/USER]
I'll be there early too Ned.
I know we are all on the same page here by now, but it's worth going through some of this anyway. Keep in mind there's only one line here. Be patient when faster. The driver ahead has the right to brake in his own markers, and asume they'll be earlier than yours. We run full damage so risk-reward ratio doesn't look good.
When slower and ahead, no need to give up the position, that just defeats the purpose of racing. No need to be stubborn either, if you make a mistake and go off track or loose control, try your best to avoid hurting someone else's lap, and be careful when rejoining track. I'm not trying to lecture here and I've been guilty on both counts before.
We run a gentlemen's league here and we need everyone to keep it that way.
That said we have never yet had to resort to stewards to resolve issues and we should all be proud about it.
I'll be there early too Ned.
I know we are all on the same page here by now, but it's worth going through some of this anyway. Keep in mind there's only one line here. Be patient when faster. The driver ahead has the right to brake in his own markers, and asume they'll be earlier than yours. We run full damage so risk-reward ratio doesn't look good.
When slower and ahead, no need to give up the position, that just defeats the purpose of racing. No need to be stubborn either, if you make a mistake and go off track or loose control, try your best to avoid hurting someone else's lap, and be careful when rejoining track. I'm not trying to lecture here and I've been guilty on both counts before.
We run a gentlemen's league here and we need everyone to keep it that way.
That said we have never yet had to resort to stewards to resolve issues and we should all be proud about it.
Well put Javier. Also please all to Discord and set your volume low and sensitivity to low also . Javier is not on so I’ll do the blather about start and pit stops and relay instructions. During race it is handy to leave it on so you can warn others of circuit matters.

This is not new...but was never said and was brought up by a new guy requesting clarification.

if you cause an accident that results in damage to the other must not only conciede but follow him to the pits if damage forces him to do so , and pit yourself ( you may fuel and replace tires). Another good reason to be on D. Remember this is fun racing and just fess up and decide with each other what the course of action should be.
That was a great race, too bad we lost some people at launch and along the race. Started last behind Lab rat and Monoha, and if it wasn't because Mike had to leave we would have had a three way battle for 2nd.
Monoha and I were exchanging position for two hours never more than 5 seconds apart, to finish 3 tenths from each other. One of the best races I've ever had at Nordsleife.
Sorry I had to leave. I don’t think I was close enough to keep up with you guys despite good pit strategy. I also crashed on my outlap before I quit so the real life event actually put me out of my misery. I’m glad you had fun Javier after missing out on many races due to connection issues.
Thanks for the race, a really good one. Sadly still no challenger for Setted - how about some ballast for every win ;)?

Unfortunate mr rat, thought you'd have a good chance at beating Javier and me with strategy - but atleast it was good seeing you with us again, felt like a while 👍.

As mentioned I was tired and decided to race with concentration on my comfort rather than pace; wanted to concentrate on going easy on my death grip and gas pedal excess pressure and ease off whenever I found myself pressuring too hard. Worked out good and didn't really lose pace compared to my normal pace. When it was really close racing it wasn't so easy to let go.

Was therefore happy to start in the back and see where that would take me - which got me some good close gentleman racing with Javier, felt really good racing with you and I'm glad it didn't come down to a last straight slipstream overtake - great job 👍. Also had Argon with us in the last part of the race, where the three of us were racing within 2-3 seconds, pretty nice - except for a side bump that put me on the green stuff and into the barrier at 250+ km/h, which looked really strange, perhaps another glitch - didn't get damage.

*EDIT by the way, first race without getting any damage!!
Guys that was an epic race. There appeared to be great tussels up and down the grid and a very interesting first lap :lol:. I do not have any idea how many times @spacemovie ( Patrick) and I passed each other ( or fell off in front of each other) but each stint was more fun than the last. He’s faster than me but I know the Green Lady better and the result was intersecting lines of march with great and intensely insane moments. When he finally fell off ( for the penultimate time :crazy:) I waited for both him and Larry( who,it turned out, was WAAY back there on his first venture in loong distance racing) and recommenced the pas de deux with cars. Probably the first time I had the occasion to race with someone for an entire event...which I heard was even more intese up front. This formula really work doesn’t it!!!

On another subject....if individuals continue to leave the race because they have a bad day the “ Committee of DOOM “will be forced to convene to determine what to do with the impacted miscreants . Lets not get to that point please.

It has been mentioned that a few of you want to spec race. While I am not unduly opposed to that, the varied and complicated intersection of strategies and actual car capability’s has produced superbe racing that a spec series can not produce. In my experience spec racing produces tt like progressions due the lack of a slower drivers capability to enhance his ability by driving an “easier “ car that he can push harder without ending up in the pucker brush quite so frequently . In short it allows better and more frequent intersection of drivers due to more factors, other than sheer speed , which causes more wheel to wheel fun. Since we are all about FUN....IMHO we do not want to go there. Upon occasion we could select a cross section of cars of different classes to race as long as there is always one in each class that is, shall we say, easy to drive quickly for those of us of the less skilled persuasion, to pedal with gusto without fear of the long crawl back to the pits.

Again...probably the best race we have ever had. Thanks to all.

Edit: Its time to turn wall impact relocation back on . I was taken out by Robs out of control car at Swallow tail because he slid into the kitty litter and then touched the wall which spun him back across the track and terminated my race. ( actually it caused me to intersect with Patricks race which, as noted above, was GREAT fun).If wall contact relocation was on, that most likely would not have happened. BTW Rob...nice driving up till that point!!.
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Guys that was an epic race. There appeared to be great tussels up and down the grid and a very interesting first lap :lol:. I do not have any idea how many times @spacemovie ( Patrick) and I passed each other ( or fell off in front of each other) but each stint was more fun than the last. He’s faster than me but I know the Green Lady better and the result was intersecting lines of march with great and intensely insane moments. When he finally fell off ( for the penultimate time :crazy:) I waited for both him and Larry( who,it turned out, was WAAY back there on his first venture in loong distance racing) and recommenced the pas de deux with cars. Probably the first time I had the occasion to race with someone for an entire event...which I heard was even more intese up front. This formula really work doesn’t it!!!

On another subject....if individuals continue to leave the race because they have a bad day the “ Committee of DOOM “will be forced to convene to determine what to do with the impacted miscreants . Lets not get to that point please.

It has been mentioned that a few of you want to spec race. While I am not unduly opposed to that, the varied and complicated intersection of strategies and actual car capability’s has produced superbe racing that a spec series can not produce. In my experience spec racing produces tt like progressions due the lack of a slower drivers capability to enhance his ability by driving an “easier “ car that he can push harder without ending up in the pucker brush quite so frequently . In short it allows better and more frequent intersection of drivers due to more factors, other than sheer speed , which causes more wheel to wheel fun. Since we are all about FUN....IMHO we do not want to go there. Upon occasion we could select a cross section of cars of different classes to race as long as there is always one in each class that is, shall we say, easy to drive quickly for those of us of the less skilled persuasion, to pedal with gusto without fear of the long crawl back to the pits.

Again...probably the best race we have ever had. Thanks to all.

Edit: Its time to turn wall impact relocation back on . I was taken out by Robs out of control car at Swallow tail because he slid into the kitty litter and then touched the wall which spun him back across the track and terminated my race. ( actually it caused me to intersect with Patricks race which, as noted above, was GREAT fun).If wall contact relocation was on, that most likely would not have happened. BTW Rob...nice driving up till that point!!.
Thanks for the compliment Ned, and again I apologize for that muckup.

I spun out because a few things were said over the mic that I felt were directed to me, and I felt uncomfortable and a lil awkward and lost my concentration.

This is why if the radio can not be limited to only actual race situations, then I need to have it off completely, and I'm saying this for only during Sunday Race Days.

Monthly 3 Hours of the Ring
Three mandatory 5 min pit stops (one per hour)
Room opens @1200 Central
Race starts 1330.
Friends only. Make sure the you have a FR with @roamer2629
Will keep trying to get a room up let's be patient things are difficult for servers today.
Ned has a room up
We will try again at 1400 Central to see if PD has gotten their sierra back together in a relatively small(ish) pile
up down up down....geeze.

Next week we’ll try GR4 or N500 with rh. The Mileage cars are very good.
room up for practice.
This month Gr4 with BOP
all the rest the same unless anyone want a night race in the 24 in week 2 or 3

Room is up but I’m having lunch. Back in room in about 30
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