
  • Thread starter GTP_Nail
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i said it before Ned, i wouldnt mind doing a few other circuits once in a while and as Jammy said, Bathurst is a great alternative as first contender for a change up
i said it before Ned, i wouldnt mind doing a few other circuits once in a while and as Jammy said, Bathurst is a great alternative as first contender for a change up

....but, but we're Ring Rats how can we be Ring Rats on Bathurst we'd need to change our group name to Mountain Goats :lol::lol::lol:
Yeah, I don't want to bore you with details but keto diet basically solved my frequent migraine issues.

As far as track change, I'm not tired of the Ring yet but I don't mind switching it up. Bathurst and Suzuka would be my top two choices.
Sounds good to me - Bathurst and Suzuka would also be my top 2, with Bathurst as 1st choice.
Bathurst sounded like the winner and Gr4 BOP also seemed to be well recieved by all( here comes my Subaru!).
I also like Interlagos as it is long and has more places to pass than either Brands or Suzuka.
Bathurst sounded like the winner and Gr4 BOP also seemed to be well recieved by all( here comes my Subaru!).
I also like Interlagos as it is long and has more places to pass than either Brands or Suzuka.

I would go Interlagos over Suzuka for a second track

Sundays 2 hour race will be with BOP GR3. Two 5 min pit stops. Heavy damage. Room opens at 1230 Central US and racing starts at 1330.
Disord : Ring Rats. Nail#4222
There will be no official psn chat
Did something terrible happen during the race? I'm surprised nobody is sharing experience :D

Yes, there were a distinct lack of "which Mike?" and "Eeek a rat" comments in the party chat. :lol:

But since you asked, there was the typical chaos of some members not being able to see each other, and trying to remedy the situation. At one point, two rooms were suggested, since we had at least 13 people, with Argon attempting to host it. Dutchy, Kjeld, Roamer and I were asked/told to join Mike's room, but it crashed almost immediately, with there being some kind of bug not allowing him to do anything, and I was unable to even get on the track.

Eventually we decided to go back to just one room, and if someone couldn't see someone, oh well, because we were already behind schedule.

As fate would have it, if I'm not mistaken, Kjeld was on pole, followed by Monoha. I'm not sure they could see each other, because when we were in formation before even getting to the Hatzenbach, Monoha was a considerable distance behind Kjeld. And since Kjeld couldn't see Monoha, his rear view would consist of a 10 car gap, followed by a train of cars going slowly. He exited the track saying there should be a EU room, and a US room, and Dutchy followed saying he'd make a new room. Keep in mind, we were behind schedule, and most of the room was over it, and just wanted to go. So we did. Somewhere along the line, Potvin left shortly after Dutchy did, I'm not sure why.

-- On to the actual race itself --

The first few laps are always the most eventful, so I decided not to push for the first hour, and cruised along behind Argon for the duration of his stint. Monoha was leading in the Aston Martin, followed by either StormPacer, or Chris, all I remember is second place was an R8 (that would go on to spin in the Karussell? and get damaged) moving Mike up to second, and myself in third. Since I wasn't really going all that fast (yet) I switched to map 4 and just followed Argon until he pit, which would help me save enough fuel to potentially go 6 laps, but I only went 5.

After my pit stop, Monoha was still leading, but only by 9 seconds, and with no one in front of me, coming down rather quickly. Caught him on the back stretch, and the top speed battle was on. Mustang vs Vantage, I had draft of course, so it wasn't much of a challenge haha, but surprisingly, at least at that moment, our strategies aligned and we were both pitting at the end of the same lap.

Once the first hour had passed, I was no longer doing 5 lap stints, and wanted to see how much of a delta I could make, going all out for the final hour. I don't recall ever seeing another car again, other then Argon's Z4 just as he exited the pits from doing his second 5 minute stop.
Midnight fire at sea sums it up.
My race was spent on a great fun first stint with 4 or five us in a row cruising along. But my Merc needed more attention than normal everywhere which finally resulted in my sliding down the outside guard rail at Flug Platz ,on my out lap of course, and thinking that was painless with a tweaked beak and left front damage and then :eek: having a mind of its own, turning 45 degrees and spearing the outside armco with predictable results:boggled:. Followed by a SLOW SCENIC tour of the ring which took 12 fracking minutes.
After the race I discovered that I had idiotically reset the bb to 2 instead of 5... no wonder it wouldn’t turn. Finished in front of Sam and P3. , our new additions , who were rudely introduced to concentration duties over two hours. more on the convo tomorrow.
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How many people was in the room at the end of race (Ned's room)?!

My race result was
-1st Roamer
-2nd monoha
-3rd me
Next ones I don't remember but 8 people were my result table.
I was on a burn all the fuel strategy.

Was leading the race untill Setted were done playing around with his prey lol. After he overtook and we took a joint pitstop, I got my first and only damage on the outlap and decided to not pit extraordinary for it, losing 7-8 seconds a lap. My last ring rats race I also only had damage once and that was also within a few seconds to Setted, hmmm.

Anyway, still had 2nd with @roamer2629 and @jammy21 comfortably behind me. I went for my last pit stop but REALLY had to take a bio break, so lost ~1 min and when I came back I forgot I was supposed to fuel for 2 laps and not just 1.

So came out between roamer and jammy, but would obviosly lose 3rd to jammy as I needed another stop. Came out of the pit few seconds behind him, so got a nice little battle on the last lap, which ended with me passing on the last straight.

Oh and about Kjeld, I was able to see him, but wasn't sure if he went racing or not and I thought the formation pace was 100 km/h, so that created the gap. My mistake and unfortunte if that was why he left :ouch:.

@jammy21, we had Setted on P1, which I guess you then couldn't see.
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Start was chaotic yesterday, guess most of us could see each other so the grid just went ahead with the race. We will discuss the possibility of having two rooms divided by area during the week, but it didn't work yesterday.
I could see everyone on track. Started 9th, a bit confused about launch, some people waited for T1 some just launched. Tried to be patient and was third by lap 6. Then I couldn't seem to close the gap on Monoha and Setted so I focused on not having any damage. I assumed something had gone wrong with Monoha when I came out ahead of him on the last stops. Great race overall, had a nice battle with Joel and mainly I GOT TO RACE.
This Sundays race is the monthly 3 hour on the Nordschleife
Three five minute pit stops
Heavy damage

entrants to date
GTP_Nail..... M6
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What a race; started last and was ~20 seconds behind the formation as I was on an important phone call, but worked myself up to 3rd.

Got minor damage at the half way point, which meant I got to race quite close to @Storm_SP17 - untill I spun at the karrasel for reasons unknown and got engine damage. That luckily meant I got to race @Goldomor quite close untill the end, pretty good racing. I was lucky to have timed my last stops so I didn't need to do a short last fuel stop and was able to take 4th from Goldomor.

My butt found a good position after 30 min and from there the pain was bearable.

Solid race from @jammy21 and @GTP_Versatile, well done guys 👍

Looking forward to Bathurst!
First couple of stints were a horror show for most, and I was no exception. Expected Setted to run 5 lap stints so I mirrored to keep on his tail; not realising he was taking the sandbags off. :lol:

Was clawing my way up the field from 7th to 4th in the first hour, chopping and changing positions with @monoha, @GTP_Nail and @Goldomor while Setted and @jammy21 pulled away with seemingly error-free runs in 1st and 2nd. Chopping and changing my aero package on more than a few occasions at each stop.

A moth (yes, bloody things fly INTO MY FACE) put pay to my last lap before my 2nd 5-min stop; so I thwacked it in cold blood as soon as I was able to step away from my screen. Must be the shiny balding head :lol:

Last 45mins went well, and I WAAAS in 3rd, lined up for some nice credits after a forgettable race; turns out my service provider wanted me to more thoroughly. My internet threw a brick of hot feces into its mouth and heaved, taking me out of the lobby, and ergo the race, 30 seconds from the end.

No more Ring Rats for me now until June 24th... some already know that I'm travelling abroad as of this coming Saturday. I hope you all have a great race at Bathurst!
I had pretty good race. I think I had 3 off tracks, one no damage, two with light aero damaged.
My strategy was run full speed 3 lappers stints and last stint with 3 or 4 laps.

Try to keepup with Setted but he pull away 10th by 10th. I waited him to make mistake (I saw one yellow flag) but nothing big happend. Well done Setted - again!

See you Autumn as I move now to PCars2 for 3 months.
Apart from a heavy crash on my first lap, and a small one towards the end, I´ve had a very solid race. Actually it was the most solid one I´ve had on the Nordschleife so far. I messed up my strategy though by miscalculating the number of laps we´d have to go. So I did a three lapper towards the end instead of sticking with the four laps strategy. That meant another pit stop to add fuel for the final lap. My highlight was racing @monoha during the last few laps which added some really good race action. It unfortunately ended when I had to go for that extra splash before entering the final lap.
I think the main reason for my performance stability in this race was the change I made in the ffb settings for my G29. So far my settings had always been 4/6 which gave me a good feedback. But no matter what car I was driving I´ve always had problems with understeering. Just by changing the settings to 2/7 I found myself in a very different car, being able to go through corners full throttle where so far I had to lift or even slightly break. But it comes with a price. The feedback to my wheel now is only very subtile. With the 4/6 settings I wasn´t able to take my hands off the wheel on the long straight without causing it to go left and right until the car got out of control. With the new settings nothing happens when I drive freehand. Seems you can´t have everything at once ;-)
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Yup I have found the 3/4 setting on the TM 300 to be best with the ability to easily feel the onset of understeer and to feel the wheel load up and move on onset of oversteer.

Racing on the Mountain today!

Two hours racing just before sunrise. Two 5 minute pit stops. GR4 with BOP. HEAVY DAMAGE.

Not for the faint of heart :crazy:

1330 Central ( Zulu mi us 5) room opens around 1200.

No qually but grid will be set by host ( to fastest first so please get in one hot lap before we start...and to all... be careful with each other on the Mountain.
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Racing on the Mountain today!

Two hours racing just before sunrise. Two 5 minute pit stops. GR3 with BOP. HEAVY DAMAGE.

Not for the faint of heart :crazy:

1330 Central ( Zulu mi us 5) room opens around 1200.

No qually but grid will be set by host ( to fastest first so please get in one hot lap before we start...and to all... be careful with each other on the Mountain.
Think you mean Gr.4 Ned :lol:
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