ClubSport V2 Introduction

  • Thread starter thehawk05
We did not want to re-invent the CSP as they are succesful just as they are.
So with a little finetuning they are up to date and should be doing good in this price range. Why make a much more complicated and more expensive system if the reults are similar? It is easy to spec up a product and sell it expensive. To deliver similar results at a much lower price point is much more tricky.

I agree these will sell great and are a nice update.
Personally as a customer interested in the CSW I do not think these are upto the same level of build or performance of ECCI or CST for example. Only time will tell if the results from users is similar as you suggest Thomas. I see this as a good product for you but still think some in the community expected or wanted more.

I'd love to see a higher end product in the 400-500 region from Fanatec that goes all out to rival such other brands and models. I may be wrong and people are welcome to disagree but if people are willing to spend 700+ on a CSW with GT rim and more on additional rims they certainly should spend 400-500 easy on extremely nice pedals...
I'd love to see a higher end product in the 400-500 region from Fanatec that goes all out to rival such other brands and models. I may be wrong and people are welcome to disagree but if people are willing to spend 700+ on a CSW with GT rim and more on additional rims they certainly should spend 400-500 easy on extremely nice pedals...

Stop now or Fanatec changes price for pedals to be 500€.
I've had the V1 Clubsports for over two years and with the tuneup kit they are incredibly good as they are. I use paddle shift with ALC and left foot braking so I never use the clutch pedal. Can't see that "dampening" the brake pedal is going to make that much difference from the original design from a braking performance standpoint. I'll be very interested in reviews from new owners that can compare the performance differences. I suspect they are going to be very, very small if any.
They're not up to the performance or build quality of pedals that cost literally twice as much? LOL

Nobody said they shoud be...
I had higher expectations is all.

Fanatec make point their CSW wheel will compete with Frex etc costing much more. So my point is if I buy a CSW that offers such why can't I expect a solution from Fanatec that matches 600-800 competitor pedals for similar value in the 400+ range. Serious wheel, serious pedals. You won't take a set of CSPV2 from a race car and attach it to your sim like shown with the wheel rim. So to me anyways the pedals fall short of the wheel. No doubt I will likely buy them for one of my other rigs but lets see what Derek Speares offers and what price point he hits first perhaps.

Many sim racers use Fanatec wheels or T500 with high end pedals which I'm sure is evident and certainly it may be a lot of money but possibly better spent than an overpriced brake cylinder for G27 which these will probably compete well with.
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Your comment is pretty cut and dry and looks like you're asking why they don't perform or feel like pedals costing double and triple as much. Just pointing out what your comment looks like, nothing more.
Your comment is pretty cut and dry and looks like you're asking why they don't perform or feel like pedals costing double and triple as much. Just pointing out what your comment looks like, nothing more.

Well your reading it wrong. I clearly stated these are a good upgrade but they do not look to be serious challengers to the class leading products out their. Thats a shame for me as im seriously considering high end pedal solution as many CSW buyers may want in the future.

The CSW according to Thomas is "The Real Deal" I'm not expecting too much from a RC car damper and the minor updates. More control and nicer but not quite the "Real Deal" in pedals I was hoping they might be.
Well your reading it wrong. I clearly stated these are a good upgrade but they do not look to be serious challengers to the class leading products out their. Thats a shame for me as im seriously considering high end pedal solution as many CSW buyers may want in the future.

The CSW according to Thomas is "The Real Deal" I'm not expecting too much from a RC car damper and the minor updates. More control and nicer but not quite the "Real Deal" in pedals I was hoping they might be.

Yeh. I completely get what your saying. If your gonna get the best wheel, your more than likely gonna want the best pedals and preferably a set by the same company.

ATM the wheel may be the best out there, but the pedals are good but not the greatest.

So I agree fanatec should and more than likely will in the future offer a set of pedals to compete with the best out there.
Mr Latte I seriously can't see your point. You're moaning about CSP not beeing on par with CSW? Are you kidding me?
Name me one more fully adjustable, contactless sensor, load cell, fully aluminium set of pedals for 200£. Oh wait, you can't.
If you prefer CST or something else - just go buy it, just don't post crap how CSP "aren't on CSW's level" since that makes no sense at all.
Also, added damper and clutch on V2 can just increase realism and that's always a good thing. So what's the deal of V2 "not beeing hydraulic"?
Now considering that the price of CST pedals is over 600£ you don't have to be a genius to see what's better value.
And added to that - CSTs don't make up in performance for the huge price defference.

My only issue is that there won't be an upgrade kit and I'm really dissapointed about that, but oh well I'm extremly happy with my CSP so I'm keeping them.

Seriously people...
Actually I am reading it right. Because in order for them to exceed the "class leading pedals" they would need to actually cost as much as the "class leading pedals".

If they cost a third as much, and are as good as they are, then in actuality, they are the class leading pedal in their class.

If I compare a 15,000 dollar car to a 40,000 car and then say the 15,000 dollar doesn't compare, my logic is flawed.

The CSW is suddenly the "class leading steering wheel"??? I see, so its better than the double and triple cost ECCI and FREX? Because this is what you're saying.

The CSW and the CSPv2 seem to me to be the class leading components in their class. Above G27, but below ECCI/FREX/CST.

Pretty clear actually.
Rather than try to have serious discussion on these forums, people want to pick at every point made to create a debate. Like I said nobody has to agree with me and I not interested in arguing.

If some of you are blown away by the V2 that's fine and I've not said anywhere they are crap "Fobia" thank you.

Thomas expects the CSW to be a match for much more expensive wheels, he clearly believes he can offer that performance at a much lower price and with more specs/features. I propose if he can do it with a wheel he could certainly produce something more substantial than the V2 which are a minor upgrade really.

I'd like to see more of a match for current high end pedals "Mayaman" from Fanatec. An entirely new design that is well below the cost of competitors and likely in the 400-500 I gave example to. I believe Fanatec could achieve that but certainly in the world or semi serious sim fans which the CSW appeals to I'm sure many of them will feel the same. The V2's do not quite hit the mark, using much of the same components and the cost of current high end pedals which is rather high allows for something new in between the price points of both to be a desirable purchase.
Nobody is picking. I stated it pretty clearly.

Extreme cost, extreme *reputation* performance, Top tier

Middle cost, good value, great features middle tier

Entry level, entry level cost, bottom tier.

There is no argument, or picking. This is pretty clear.

What is unclear, and in my opinion unfair and pretty silly is comparing much more expensive products, which are not as flexible and catered to a very narrow audience to products costing much less with more functionality.

Stop playing the victim. You tend to play that role a lot. Nobody is arguing with you.
Latter, I get what you are throwing down 100%. I think people are confusing you stating you want a higher end peddle with you saying v2 is "crap". Which you are not.

Thomas is.directly targeting the ultra high end wheel market performance whilst offering mid range pricing. Mass market producing allows fanatex to do this whilst say frex is still buildto order, causing higher price points.

Csp2 are really nice, but also not the leap I had expected ( all speculation, never touched em). I would have expected a more modular design.
Something that could be easily inverted, pedalangle and spacing adjustability etc.

I think the main problem is the CS name. The wheel is definitely going after wheels 2 or 3x its price point whilst the pedals are slightly above where they havebeen for years now. The technological advancement is slight compared to the wheels.

Lost my train of thought, little drunk at thepool on holiday right now ;)

Thank God for auto spelling. Other wise this post would look something like this.....



Okay guys...

Yes Caz you make sense even at the pool half drunk on hols...

So I buy a CSW @ 700 and with an extra rim say upto almost 1000 which is rather serious money for a wheel/rims. I have to use the same pedals the typical customer of a 400-500 wheel will purchase.

Why, because the company produce nothing else only cheaper pedal solutions for cheaper wheels. Yet my wheel is indeed a high performance component as is the rim offering elements of true motorsport quality.

Can I say the same for V2 pedals?

Their clearly is a market with a 700-1000 wheel/rim combination for a 400+ pedal set.
If Fanatec do not try to accommodate that I'm sure others will as "Mr CSW owner" is a "quality/performance concious buyer" he wants "more" he wants better than middle of the road.
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Well all I can say is lets wait till the products are actually available. At this point its all speculation anyway. Until someone has them and tests them we know nothing. So all this back and forth is actually allowable since we're all speculating.

Carry on :)
Well all I can say is lets wait till the products are actually available. At this point its all speculation anyway. Until someone has them and tests them we know nothing. So all this back and forth is actually allowable since we're all speculating.

Carry on :)

He will likely send you a V2 set for your review, well I hope he does.

I will say now I expect the V2 to be a great competitor to your "Real Feel" brake pedal. So yes indeed progression, improvement yet just like the Porsche chassis going from GT3 - GT2 incremental.

CSW wheel deserves a truer more motorsport specific set of pedals.

Oh and while Thomas is reading, here is an idea. Lets be creative, let's innovate and lets have a set of pedals that works in essence as the wheel having quick release rim changing.

I put to Thomas, allow people to run F1 wheel rim with easy swap F1 pedals. Oh you want to change to rallying. Simple easy pedal inversion and pedal positioning please. All in a new design that accommodates various driving formats. Yet does so with higher quality springs, heavier build improved precision and response.

Does any of this get your attention?
I want thomas to send me a real F1 chassis attached to his wheel. While he's at it please include several of the hottest F1 girls with it. And some champagne and delicious caviar.

Hey if we're going for most accurate authentic, might as well get the whole experience. lol
I want thomas to send me a real F1 chassis attached to his wheel. While he's at it please include several of the hottest F1 girls with it. And some champagne and delicious caviar.

Hey if we're going for most accurate authentic, might as well get the whole experience. lol

He can send the F1 chassis, the champagne and caviar to you and I will do fine with just the girls :D I like to cut down to the chase.
So Latte you want them to be more expensive? Well I'm sorry but not everyone has £100k sallary.
No, I believe he's saying that he wants Fanatec to produce a set of high end pedals to rival CST's and such, at around or below the associated price tag.
I have been pondering the idea of a set of CST's. Contacted Todd about dimensions of the pedals for my rig setup. But I am now thinking these may be a little overkill. Would it be wise to wait on the CSP V2 release just to see how they stack up? Is the feel of the CSP on par to the CST? Anyone tried both?
It has changed since that video was released? Ill be interested to see the changes. As it is now it is just something to add more brake resistant, which is far from being a hydraulic brake pedal.

That's not true. Unless you think a hydraulic spring over shock is the same as a spring.

I think Raitziger means Fanatec will never be able to make a clubsport shifter that has a progressive resistance depending of how far you press the clutch.

(yes I provoke to see how far Fanatec pushs) :)

Does any sim shifter at ANY price do THAT ? I'm in serious doubt but my eyes and ears are open to rebuff.
