Colin McRae Dirt 2

  • Thread starter Pepsi0
I will be online tomorrow night if anyone would like to join me for some racing.

EDIT: Just realised that I haven't been given a F1 driver name yet.
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I will be online tomorrow night if anyone would like to join me for some racing.

EDIT: Just realised that I haven't been given a F1 driver name yet.

How do you know the stig isn't a formula 1 driver....
Even though the Stig is Ben Collins...
hey guys, just got Dirt2 on Steam (PC) and i can't create a save file (save corruption bug). anyone's got a work around? I'm running a XP 64bits OS.

Its funny cause i can't even play one race and save... and it sucks cause well, i can't really progress through
My brother bough a new headset for PS3. I think it's a TB XP21 or w/e. The Group N in Dirt makes such dirty noises and it sounds fantastic with bass boost through the headphones.
just got Dirt 2 a few minutes ago. just installed the update. :P ready to roll. :P

I now have all events unlocked and three rookie events left.
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DAMN you race fast! :lol: I've had the game for six months and still haven't gotten around to finishing the singleplayer mode. :embarrassed:

I'm going on soon if anyone wants to join me.

Edit: Maybe not. :dunce: Can't use the wheel right now.
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I have only a few more events left until I'm done with the career. (and get the last gold trophy and second to last silver trophy.) Then it's on to getting 7 pesky online trophies...actually, the hardest one there would seem to be the "Tourney" one since those run every few days or so. Luckily, the current Tournament is getting a lot of online rep...which I'll be working on probably tomorrow.

But yeah. :P almost to Platinum. D2 will be my only platinum game until TDU2 comes out. I'm thinking of getting Blur soon, but it's trophies are crazy as are MCLA's.

EDIT: I wonder...if like GRID, we'll get some DLCs for Dirt 2 2 years later.
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it's alright. I almost just beat your trailblazer time in LA on the one with the big jump.

Nice races today, Cale. :)

Hey...would someone be willing to help me get the stupid "With Great Honor" Trophy. All you'd have to do is join a session with me and pick your car. No actual racing is involved. You could literally just let me start the races and then pull off to the side or set the controller down. I figure the easiest way to get this trophy is to do this. And if you need help getting your WGH trophy, I'll help you, out, as well.
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My times are deceiving... when my save crashed so did my lap times.

ah.'s better than than the 100 or so cheating times. Codemasters really needs to release an update that fixes the glitch that allows people to get those 15 second times and then erase all of them. FM2 had a similar issue once when a couple cars had incorrect class ratings so they corrected it and deleted all the times with those cars. I still hope that Dirt 2 will get some new cars or something before Dirt 3, but I don't think it'll happen.

So...after playing the game for a few days I think I'm ready to give my impressions:

All in all, it's a great rally game. the CM series has been my favorite rally racing series and D2 isn't an exception. It's fun, and takes a while to get old. Also, the achievements/trophies are relatively easy to get. I've played for about 3 days and have all the offline trophies and am already working on the online ones. Dirt 1 had easier achievements on the 360 with only about 3 online trophies. (I got all but one). However, I do have some gripes.

1. Clipping...LOTS of clipping - Really? It's the PS3 and there's that much clipping in a single player race? Seriously? Dirt 1 wasn't jerky like that. Another thing that needs fixed in an update or Dirt 3.

2. I'm not going to say there isn't enough cars, but the variety sucks. I think there's 25 cars or so in total and the majority of those are repeated. It'd be nice if Rally, Rallycross and Trailblazer had a different set of cars all together instead of having the same set of cars with a couple extras tossed in.

3. Too much Rallycross. It gets By the time I got to the All-star races, I literally did the rest of the Rallycross races just to get them over with.

4. X-Games tracks not exactly authentic. The three X-Games tracks are based on actual tracks but, they're adjusted a little bit. I don't know why Codemasters thought this needed to be done, but it would have been nice to see the actual X-Games tracks in, as well...then again, The REAL ones are Crossover tracks and those were missing from Dirt 2.

5. Not REALLY enough tracks. Plenty of places to visit, but not a lot to see. This is compounded by the fact that the tracks you do race are are pretty similar. I mean, it's just Baja Spillway Short, BS Long, Yu Yang B Yu Yang...Croatia has an uphill, a downhill and a short version...and it's like that FOR ALL THE ENVIRONMENTS! A little more variety in the tracks wouldn't hurt. Don't get me wrong, the tracks are great, it's just there's...only 41 of them. Seems a little low. I mean didn't CM 2005 have more tracks than that?

Complaints aside, it's still a fun game and I can't wait to see what Dirt 3 brings.

4 flying body panels out of 5. or 8.0 out of 10
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I agree with most of what you just said Super, but I haven't noticed the singleplayer clipping you speak of. :odd: Maybe I just haven't noticed it, I'll look harder next time I play.

What are you guys using to drive with? I'm on a G27 which works fine, but it makes an awful lot of noise. :scared:
I use the controller. And by clipping I just mean a lot of jerkiness. maybe it's 'cause I got the game used, but the disc seemed pretty clean....who knows. I've also had it freeze on me once. But only once. And the jerkiness is only when there's a couple other cars on screen. When I'm doing time trials and things it doesn't do it. Online is the worst though...and that's another thing I forgot to mention...there is a LOT of lag on this game. None of that "find the stable connection" crap, I guess.
I agree with most of what you just said Super, but I haven't noticed the singleplayer clipping you speak of. :odd: Maybe I just haven't noticed it, I'll look harder next time I play.

What are you guys using to drive with? I'm on a G27 which works fine, but it makes an awful lot of noise. :scared:

I want to play with a wheel. I've got a turbo S but the gas pedal is broken, and I don't have enough money for another set. :ouch:

I've been told it's not ideal for a game like DiRT but it's gotta be better than my controllers. I have to re-center the analog sticks myself so it's very hard to be smooth.
What are you guys using to drive with? I'm on a G27 which works fine, but it makes an awful lot of noise. :scared:

I'm alternating between my DFGT and a controller at the moment, mainly because I currently have no room leave my wheel set up all the time. But the game is equally fun with both, though I find when i'm using the wheel it's easier to play because I can be a lot more precise with my steering.👍
The Rush Hour Trophy is by far the hardest. It's luck that you get a pro-tour race with 7 other racers and it's more luck that you win.
winning a race with 8 players is never really only about luck :P those 2/3 player races are mostly. Someone racing online atm? (in for a gatecrasher?) :P
Just keep racing in Pro-Tour and you'll get it eventually. I got that one by accident. And for the With Great Honor one, just do a few races without touching anything. You may have to go slower, but I think that's all you have to do. Again, I got that one on accident. :lol:
Just keep racing in Pro-Tour and you'll get it eventually. I got that one by accident. And for the With Great Honor one, just do a few races without touching anything. You may have to go slower, but I think that's all you have to do. Again, I got that one on accident. :lol:

I got the With Great Honor. It was easy. All you REALLY need to do, is to a totality Rally without touching anything, or not touching much and you'll get it.

EDIT: Juist got Rush Hour. Two left.
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Anyone up for some racing a bit later?

What are you guys using to drive with? I'm on a G27 which works fine, but it makes an awful lot of noise. :scared:
Just the plain old Dualshock for me as I don't have the money to buy a good force-feedback wheel.
Just the plain old Dualshock for me as I don't have the money to buy a good force-feedback wheel.

I've been on the original sixaxis all summer :lol: come september I'll be back on my G25. Using the sequential shifter with Dirt 2 is great 👍.
Going online now so join me for some racing if you are interested.

It's now me and TheStig who are racing, great stuff so far!. But we need more people, so come and join us guys!.;)
I think I might jump on a bit later. I'm sure Drag said he would be up for playing sometime today as well. Been busy with Skate 2 for the past week and managed to complete it. :D
Only 3 trophies left... Dirt 2 is still my only Platinum'd game. :indiff:
So I've changed my PSN, most of the GTP'ers I have on my friends list are for playing this game so I thought I'd post too just so you can update.

You can delete SweetshopUnion and replace it with FFloats.