Colin McRae Dirt 2

  • Thread starter Pepsi0
I got this game, I think its great!
I'v always loved the rally from previous GT games but never really was a fan of ANY really games like sega rally or the origional dirt.

But I'v had an absolute ball with this game! I'v seen alot of people dislike it & I was not in love with it the first time I played the demo but after renting the game I just had to go out & buy it.

As soon as I get a steering wheel I will play nothing but this game untill GT5 is realised :)
Excellent fun tonight. That battersea race was amazing, three way fight all the way until I tried to drive round the outside of Tommi and got boxed into the next corner, I went in a little deep and caught the rear end which spun me into a solid third place. Brilliant fun though when you trap Drag and he has to race with the rest of us slow coaches.
I should be online tomorrow night at about 8ish (BST) if anyone is up for it. I haven't played it for ages so my rubbishness should be amusing at the very least :D

Damn, clashes with my Civ4 clan...

Good fun on Friday, nice to get back in to Dirt. Many laughs with Aldo again.
Excellent fun tonight. That battersea race was amazing, three way fight all the way until I tried to drive round the outside of Tommi and got boxed into the next corner, I went in a little deep and caught the rear end which spun me into a solid third place. Brilliant fun though when you trap Drag and he has to race with the rest of us slow coaches.

Yeah, sorry about that. I was thinking 'I've got the inside line here and this is a corner you need to brake for so he'll back off and I'll be able to stay ahead without any contact.' FAIL.:ouch: Great battle up until that point.👍 It was nice to finally beat Drag too.:lol:

I should be online tomorrow night at about 8ish (BST) if anyone is up for it. I haven't played it for ages so my rubbishness should be amusing at the very least :D

That may be an advantage to you at certain locations.;)
Yeah, sorry about that. I was thinking 'I've got the inside line here and this is a corner you need to brake for so he'll back off and I'll be able to stay ahead without any contact.' FAIL.:ouch: Great battle up until that point.👍 It was nice to finally beat Drag too.:lol:

It wasn't your fault at all. I should of backed off and not been so brave to think I could creep past the big brick wall and take the inside line into the long left-hander.

I'll probably be on tomorrow too. Look forward to racing with another GTP'er.
It wasn't your fault at all. I should of backed off and not been so brave to think I could creep past the big brick wall and take the inside line into the long left-hander.

Ah, no worries then. I thought I hit you when I turned left for the exit of that bricked area. :)
I'll get on tomorrow night as well then :D

Hey Aldo! Remember me from SHIFT? Arvore just pointed me to this thread and I'd love to join in on the fun.

When are most of the people here on DiRT2? I'm in the EST timezone (-5H GMT).
I heard you played with my brother tonight tommi. I am disappoint.

I know, I was quite surprised myself.:lol:

I did accept that invite you sent me beforehand but you signed out before I could join.:confused:
I'm going to be on from 8ish tonight (in 4 hours) and it looks like a few others will be too. I think I've given everyone low enough expectations of my driving so even the slightest bit skill should seem awesome ;)
I don't believe you're pessimism Neal :P I'm sure you'll do fine once you get used to the combinations we run. The reason I don't believe you is I don't think I'm particularly amazing on most games but alot of people seem to disagree.

Also, the aformentioned Battersea race with the 3 way battle was great, you guys just didn't leave me a big enough gap to capitalise on in the sections I was strong (not that you should!), and then I'd lose ground out of the final turn as I just couldn't get the power down in the Escort but then I'd get it back during the next few corners. It's races like that which make me always use previous race reversed as the grid order, it means I have to try and get around people and it brings more then just sheer pace into the mix. That's also why I run a normal rally stage first, to set up a reverse grid for the first real race.
First rule of race driver tactics is make excuses before you even get to the track ;) I may not be quite as good as Rossi at it though :lol:

I was going to ask what the format was but that's explained it a bit. Are you running it Drag so do I just wait for an invite?
Yeah we generally invite but if not you can use the custom join search on Jam sessions and find us. Drag always hosts so it will be his name to look for.
As a heads up, we generally race sort of BTCC style, contact is expected but not deliberate. Sometimes a random unknown may take you out and I honestly don't mind if you (as Aldo does often :lol:) deliberately slam them like a lunatic, after all it's only the 2 involved who will pay for it and the none GTPer will be kicked for starting it. However unless absolutely certain that they took you out on purpose I don't expect to see any GTPers causing mayhem except when it's designated a demo derby to begin with.
Sometimes a random unknown may take you out and I honestly don't mind if you (as Aldo does often ) deliberately slam them like a lunatic
Damn right! If someone slams me. Their life shall be a misery until they are kicked or they leave... :D
Also, if it looks like I am deliberately slamming you guys, it will be because you are either mis-identified, or are near someone that I want to slam. Drag can testify this I'm sure :lol:

Hey Aldo! Remember me from SHIFT? Arvore just pointed me to this thread and I'd love to join in on the fun.

When are most of the people here on DiRT2? I'm in the EST timezone (-5H GMT).

Haha alright mate!
I think about 8pm GMT (3pm your time?) some people said. I think I might be heading on with Drag in about 20mins or so. 👍
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Haha alright mate!
I think about 8pm GMT (3pm your time?) some people said. I think I might be heading on with Drag in about 20mins or so. 👍

It'll have to be a weekend as I work until 5PM EST, unless you guys keep going until the wee hours. :)
Aww ok :(
10:30 is my new limit after I have fellt the benifits of a decent night's sleep today! :P
Good fun last night and I am proud to say I didn't lose one race (i.e. there was one race I didn't lose!). Sorry to everyone I rear ended, cut up, squashed out and in one case parked up on a blind bend :lol: it was all due to a lack of skill and and practice so hopefully I'll be better next time. :P
I should be free later, just drop me a message on here or PSN if I'm not already on Dirt 👍.

Neal, you did just fine I don't think there's any need to complain as none of us are perfectly clean when it comes to Dirt 2. Mostly it's all just racing incidents, it is alot like BTCC the amount of paint trading that goes on but it's mostly just entertaining over annoying. It's only when you get the deliberate punters who blatantly take everyone out that it gets silly, last night however was really quite good and alot of clean randoms joined us.
Saw this game in the bargain bin at a game store here... Is it worth getting? I'm itching for a new game to keep me busy 'til F1 2010 and GT5 come out... I think this will tide me over just fine!
There's a demo on the store you can try, however be aware that in my (and I believe the others) opinion they don't give you the best class to try out, the normal rally cars. As long as you don't go in expecting the most hardcore sim in the world you should be pleased, I like to think of it as arcade physics with realistic elements and it strikes the balance just right. Don't take the demo as everything, as you only get to try 2 different classes I don't really understand why the normal rally cars weren't one of them but maybe I'm alone in thinking they're the best of the bunch in the full game (you get trailblazer which are like pikes peak insanity-mobiles).

I personally felt I got my moneys worth and I paid almost full price when it was reasonably new, so you can't go wrong in a bargain bin in my opinion. Other then Golfman, I don't really know anyone who doesn't enjoy the game despite most people wishing there were more traditional rally stages which is really the only complaint. Saying that with the GTP gang we race alot on the rallycross stages as they provide some excellent racing with a good group.
Cheers Drag 👍 I'll be on again but not tonight.

Blitz187 - Definitely get it mate, it's Platinum as well so you can get it for £15 in the UK now so should be similar in Holland. Offline is a lot of fun but still challenging and the Ken Block style totally awesome dude stuff is quite amusing...even my missus laughed when the commentator said shizzle! Also online is loads of fun as I found out last night.
Yeah you weren't bad at all Neal.👍 It's not the best game to play with a wheel (that's why ive given up and gone back to the pad:lol:) and they weren't your run of the mill races either. I was shocking last night, the most wrecks i've ever had:indiff:

@Blitz - I also recommend it mate:tup:, that's if you're not offended by the terrible graphics of course.;)

Thanks for the info guys... I'm going to try the demo out first and then if I like it I'll get it as well! 👍
Platinumed...Finally. Stupid Tourney Trophy. That makes 6 games at 100%. The other 5 are the five chapters of the Tales of Monkey Island. The trophies really aren't that hard to get for those and most come simply by playing through the story. However, there are a few that one needs a trophy guide for. Anyways, my first platinum trophy. Shift will probably be next. If I feel like it.