Here is the curious case of an asteroid that became a comet. It's called 596 Scheila, is 3.1 AU from sol orbiting in the asteroid belt, at least 115km along its major axis, and has suddenly sprouted a funny looking tail.
Note also this curious storm on Saturn.
With respect to Comet Elenin, you can use the interactive controls of this JPL browser to see the position of the comet within the solar system along its timeline.
Type and enter "elenin" into the lower search box of this JPL browser, and you will get up-to-the-minute orbital data of the comet.
New observations are taken on a frequent basis. Now the period is indicated at 4m yrs.
Sunspots are a proxy for solar activity. During periods of increased solar activity, the heliosphere is strengthened and cosmic ray flux reduced. Here is an interesting chart of solar activity which indicates a recent increase.
Photo of very recent auroral activity on Earth:
During the Carrington Event of 1859, blood-red auroras were seen even in equatorial regions such as the Caribbean.
note: I've just finished an excellent book published by Princeton University Press called
The Sun Kings: the unexpected tragedy of Richard Carrington and the tale of how modern astronomy began. Highly recommended story of 19th Century British astronomers and their discoveries.
Edit: Here is the blog of the comet's discoverer. He notes that the comet may briefly exceed magnitude 0, i.e., generally visible even from large cities.
Currently, as of March 7, Elenin is traversing the densest part of the Asteroid Belt. No known objects of any size are thought to be in its path.
Edit: Ulysses probe flies through Comet McNaught's ion tail with interesting results:
The Ulysses spacecraft made an unexpected pass through the tail of the comet on February 3, 2007.[13] Evidence of the encounter was published on the October 1, 2007 issue of the Astrophysical Journal.[14] Ulysses flew through McNaught's ion tail 160 million miles from the comet's core and instrument readings showed that there was "complex chemistry" in the region.
The Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer (SWICS) aboard Ulysses measured the composition speed of the comet tail and solar wind, and detected unexpected ions within the comet's tail and found that it had a major impact on the surrounding solar wind. It's the first time that researchers have detected O3+ oxygen ions (atoms of oxygen with a positive charge because they have five electrons instead of eight) near a comet. This suggested that the solar wind ions, originally missing most of their electrons, picked up some of their missing electrons as they passed through McNaught's atmosphere.
Besides that, SWICS found that even at 160 million miles from the comet's nucleus, the tail had slowed the solar wind to half its normal speed. The solar wind should usually be about 435 miles (700 km) per second at that distance from the Sun, but inside the comet's ion tail, it was less than 250 miles (400 km) per second.
"This was very surprising to me. Way past the orbit of Mars, the solar wind felt the disturbance of this little comet. It will be a serious challenge for us theoreticians and computer modelers to figure out the physics,"
It will be seen from the manipulation of the JPL browsers above that Elenin will be directly between the Sun and Earth on September 27th. Whatever ion tail Elenin possesses will then be pointed directly at Earth at a distance of 0.381 au. As can be seen from the data on McNaught, there is potential for an ion tail to disturb the cosmic wind and alter the chemistry of space for 1.6 au. distance from the nucleus. Later, starting October 17th, the Earth will begin passing through the dust tail. Various predictions are possible as to what would occur should Earth pass through these tails. Stronger auroras at lower latitudes are a strong possibility. The light of the Sun might be scattered by the coma and the dust tail of the comet, making the Sun look diffused and the sky darker. It is possible in these conditions that the new Moon could be visible, as a black Moon. The dust tail may create significant meteor showers. The meteor showers would peak around November 3rd , when Earth crosses the path of Elenin.
However, it is best to remember that the odds are it will be a dud like Kahoutek.
Respectfully submitted,