Coming from GT Sport, having trouble enjoying PC2

  • Thread starter OneGunner
@Beezer215 is totally right about riding the edge in any car in a proper sim. It's a shame that we usually only get a choice between drab motorsports realism, or a breadth of content, but watered down in the name of accessibility. PCARS and AC have each taken steps into the no-man's-land in the middle.

I'm anticipating Gran Turismo 7 because I've waited long enough for a new sim with more cars I can relate to. I'll reluctantly accept GT handling if it means a chance to drive Subarus, kei cars, grocery-getters, homologation street models, and various other classics in a new game again. If you backed all that with a PCARS/AC-caliber handling model... :drool:
I hate to say it but I'm preparing for GT7 to be GTS with some more content and some type of career mode wedged in that doesn't rival close to GT4 or GT5 or even GT6. Maybe there is car tuning part upgrades like aero or exhaust but something tells me they might not even go this direction due to the thousands upon thousands of variables put into play online. ? I don't know.

I just get this feeling that Kaz has this "been there, done that" attitude even though it's still what we all want and what made the series what it is. Start from the bottom, grind, you're now allowed to do license tests A, grind, make more money, be able to get a car to compete in A races. Blah blah blah.
I also don't think the physics are going to change much. Look at GT5 to GT6 to GTS. They want it accessible to a 10 year old that just got done playing Fortnite for 3 hours and now wants to race a car with a controller.

Oh well, I was sour for a short while but realization set in and they don't corner the market anymore in "actual SIM" racing, there's other wonderful companies and groups out there that are fulfilling this need just fine.
Man, by this point I'll take a glorified CGI museum with PD's trademark polish. I don't think I could resist a regular offline Gran Turismo with a long list of JDM cars like the old days, even if it is no more accomplished than GT Sport. Forza remains the only other serious contender for that kind of content. I love cars more than I love racing. Unfortunately, I also prefer realistic handling dynamics.

Oh well, I was sour for a short while but realization set in and they don't corner the market anymore in "actual SIM" racing, there's other wonderful companies and groups out there that are fulfilling this need just fine.
True. Ten to fifteen years ago, sims like PCARS2 or Assetto Corsa finding some mainstream success and surviving well enough to fund sequels was kind of unthinkable.
Start from the bottom, grind, you're now allowed to do license tests A, grind, make more money, be able to get a car to compete in A races. Blah blah blah.
I honestly don't think I'd have another GT because of this. I quite enjoyed it initially but the novelty wore off on each release. Now I don't want to collect credits I just want to pick any car and drive it anywhere.
Man, by this point I'll take a glorified CGI museum with PD's trademark polish. I don't think I could resist a regular offline Gran Turismo with a long list of JDM cars like the old days, even if it is no more accomplished than GT Sport. Forza remains the only other serious contender for that kind of content. I love cars more than I love racing. Unfortunately, I also prefer realistic handling dynamics.

True. Ten to fifteen years ago, sims like PCARS2 or Assetto Corsa finding some mainstream success and surviving well enough to fund sequels was kind of unthinkable.

Fully expect that I will move towards PC by the end of 2020. I think the best of both worlds could be more attainable, good racing sims and would expect that Forza 8 will be available for PC. I have tried Forza in the past but never really could really used to the menu structure and xbox controller compared to playstation. At one time did buy an xbox just for Forza 4. I would expect that Forza brand would have a better chance of moving more towards sim compared to the GT series.

Anyways today canceled my home cox wifi and cox tv. Just not worth the price based on the 50 plus hours that typically work. Especially with most channels showing same movies all month long. This means will further distance myself from the GT series and continue focus on project cars and occasional AC. Will see how long I go without getting home hot spot from Sprint. Heck getting rid of wifi/cable bill could go see 20 movies a month if chose to do that. The benefits of being single and empty nester.
...I would expect that Forza brand would have a better chance of moving more towards sim compared to the GT series.
Although I have not yet sampled FM7, I personally would caution against betting on Forza to evolve itself. Turn 10 and Playground Games are evidently quite comfortable with what they've had since FM5 & FH2, which (IMHO) were each a step backwards from FM4 and FH1 in terms of understeer/oversteer dynamics. Mainstream accessibility and concessions for rowdy multiplayer matches are the name of the game, and it sells.

On the other hand, oversteer dynamics are more important to me than the typical sim racer I guess, so your mileage may vary. Forza's thing is to be awfully understeery on corner entry and hyper-controllable once oversteer has been initiated, which really sucks the joy out of it, personally. :indiff: I have to remember to drive The Forza Way™, because my real-world techniques are not helpful.

GT isn't so different, per se, but at least it's on Playstation, where there's more than just Forza for exclusives and no Windows 10 to stick its nose where it doesn't belong.
Back to racing.

Just did my first real race on Silverstone Classic GP in the 145 mph in the G40 GT5.
Did a 11 lap quick race with random position.
Nice car, good track. Foot on the gas most of the track, just ease off the gas and trail braking for some turns. Was leading by mid race. Then on lap 8 was pushing to beat my lap time and a not paying as much attention as should of. Was to far on outside on one of the turns, went through a fence and wooden barricade. Received some serious suspension damage and probably engine damage. Eased around the track for 2 laps while everyone blew past me. Could really feel the damage through the T-150 wheel. Ducked in the pits on lap 10, but with what would been 3 or 5 minute pit stop decided to retire from the race.
"Good racing" Can see this track being in my favorite 5 or so tracks. I know people have recommended it in the past, just never reall gave it a chance. Would be excellent for a lot of cars from GT6 in the 165mph or less category with GT2 type of racing mods.
Lol did it again wipe the game, this time I have not change any default FFB or configuration.
In fact I lie I turn up FX.
Had a race online with a league, 7 cars for 40mins @ Monza I still not fast but made less mistakes.
Started 6th sad start dropped to 7th got up to 3rd after I got my pace up got close to 2nd.
My mind went on to am I supposed to pit blah blah lost my pace drop close to 4th then got my pace a bit.
Got close to 2nd again then made a mistake drop back to 6th but ended race in 3rd, it was fun & made me feel I can race close & not go off thinking am I to close.

Now the car feel like Assetto but not as good with way less road feel.
ended race in 3rd,
Nice one. Practice makes perfect. I've been playing it for years and I'm still in the practising category. ;)

way less road feel.
Since you've restarted the game without touching any other settings just try out both the informative or immersive FFB options. They may help in giving you a different feel without tweaking anything else. But when trying each one be sure to drive for a few laps to let the auto calibration of those modes to take effect. Informative might be best for overall road feel but try both.

As you probably know by now different cars will feel different because they are different. :P
That's a weird feeling that GTsport good controller optimization still have something to do with driving aids. Finally turned back and turned TCS on low in setting menu. What do you know, never have I ever spin out and push car like in GT sport, the only difference - if go too hard, you really will feel how power greatly cuts through trail breaking, like sometimes its nearly stop a car. In positive side it completely doesn't work in other situations, apart from those, you know, on corner exits:).

Lap times 'course far away from GT, for example Nürburgring GP, bop, HR for a same year class Porsche RSR in gt 1:57.615, in project cars barely 2 minutes, but with stable set up with minimal adjustments. To be certain only change breaks pressure and bias, and downforce to maximum.
I have question about abs works in this game, since have noticed it screws me up very often. To compare I never spin out on locked wheels, when abs free and on a loose set up. But when I use abs, noticed pretty weird thing it's engaging for too long, when getting into corner. I see indicator blinks for a second, even though pedal is fully depressed, and I'm trail breake already and it ends in various results like spinning out at worst, or making me go for a slight drift to keep car straight.

On other note, it's the good time to jump into pc2 in quarantine, 20+ lobbies online the whole day. And a lot of people with low tier licences to play with.
I have question about abs works in this game, since have noticed it screws me up very often. To compare I never spin out on locked wheels, when abs free and on a loose set up. But when I use abs, noticed pretty weird thing it's engaging for too long, when getting into corner. I see indicator blinks for a second, even though pedal is fully depressed, and I'm trail breake already and it ends in various results like spinning out at worst, or making me go for a slight drift to keep car straight.

On other note, it's the good time to jump into pc2 in quarantine, 20+ lobbies online the whole day. And a lot of people with low tier licences to play with.
What car are you using? Are you sure it's just the ABS?
Could it be a rear diff? Or stiff rear suspension? Can't really judge on what's going on without knowing what you're doing where.
What car are you using? Are you sure it's just the ABS?
Could it be a rear diff? Or stiff rear suspension? Can't really judge on what's going on without knowing what you're doing where.

The most recent MB e190 gr.A, practically everywhere, I use preset loose set ups mostly, only lower clutches to 4 or 2 in differential. Why I suspect abs, is that from observing and it happens when abs indicator starts eventually flashing mid corner after attempting trail breake, no breaks applied.
Ok, I would turn ABS off. You can in global settings. That would tell you something at least. The diffs and tyre pressure are really touchy in PC2.

Well, I did thought about all that, especially tires, more specific front inner to a corner side, but how abs would engage into this? Probably the only mistake could be turning to much and early so a wheel got locked somehow...

Have no trouble without any assistance, except different more slow driving style. Too scary:).
Well the thread is called "Coming from GT Sport"
If that the case then there is a huge learning curve of difference. You have to put yourself in PC2 world. Once you start getting the feel down, which is VERY different, you start understanding how to manipulate the car better. It took me a while to get to the point where I started understanding what was going on to a degree.
You would not believe, I'm trying to understand it since Shift 2, and when in GT everything was kinda clear from the start, here have started making real steps only recently. A year ago I couldn't drive the Nürburgring GP without a lethal crash, now finally ride 24 near gt sport times without aids. Mistakes still happen for sometimes though, mostly minor stuff.
I’m currently sort of jumping ship from GTS to PC2 :rolleyes: Finally found good wheel settings and have tweaked the ffb to my liking. It’s a world of difference compared to GTS, it’s a lot harder... but much more satisfying when you beat the AI :cool:

I agree with the above, but I'm sort of doing the opposite! I just picked up GTS for £9.99 after a long time on PC1 and PC2. I love the graphics and polish, but the actual driving using a wheel lacks feedback and immersion, however the game is compulsive and fun! I am not a fast driver, but once I have learned a track I can be consistent on GTS (consistently slow) - despite many, many more hours on PC2 I find it very hard to produce consistent lap times and overall it requires a higher level of concentration from me as position on the track seems more important and the slightest error is punished.

I love both games plus AC and Wreckfest also - if you have more time on your hands I strongly recommend both of those titles to anyone with a wheel - Wreckfest in particular is unexpectedly good with a wheel - just a shame about the long loading times!
Reading through @Bloodytears ABS questions and his mention of the Grp A - e190

Something I've never thought of before but I wonder if ABS works differently in the game between cars that don't have it it real life to those that do. Forced vs realistic.

I have the realistic option selected and don't really have a problem with abs. I find it is quite realistic in that I can feel it operating through the wheel. But then it wouldn't be active on the Grp A cars. Hmm I might try a bit of testing.


Wreckfest and GTS! The virus is affecting you in a different way to most people @Sick Cylinder. It'll be Need for Speed next. Check your temperature. :P
(Disclaimer. I quite like GTS and I'm waiting for Wreckfest to be in a sale)
I agree with the above, but I'm sort of doing the opposite! I just picked up GTS for £9.99 after a long time on PC1 and PC2. I love the graphics and polish, but the actual driving using a wheel lacks feedback and immersion, however the game is compulsive and fun! I am not a fast driver, but once I have learned a track I can be consistent on GTS (consistently slow) - despite many, many more hours on PC2 I find it very hard to produce consistent lap times and overall it requires a higher level of concentration from me as position on the track seems more important and the slightest error is punished.
That's all great but it's normal for the GTS lifecycle, and for 10 bucks, that's an acceptable price. Of course, for the first 6 months, heck, year, GTS was great learning it, doing the challenges and whatnot. Then you get done with that and the whole thing turned into waiting for a month for new material, tuning it on to update, driving the cars a bit, realizing that they just feel the boring same as everything else, turning it off and firing up PC2, AC, rF2, ACC, ect.
GTS just doesn't hold it's own against what else is out there. You can pick any one car in PC2, have a one make race and it's more enthralling then any grid of cars GTS can throw at you with the ai rubber-banding mess. I mean even turning it on to do the daily workout to even see if you got a "different" car became a chore. And I'm a Gran Turismo fan. A disappointed fan that when it's said and done, thinks this was a wasted generation of console for the Gran Turismo Series. You'll get your 10 smackers worth of fun though for sure.
Reading through @Bloodytears ABS questions and his mention of the Grp A - e190

Something I've never thought of before but I wonder if ABS works differently in the game between cars that don't have it it real life to those that do. Forced vs realistic.

I have the realistic option selected and don't really have a problem with abs. I find it is quite realistic in that I can feel it operating through the wheel. But then it wouldn't be active on the Grp A cars. Hmm I might try a bit of testing.

Just want to warn you, I'm also using a controller, so you probably need to overdone some turning movements to copy my situation:). Have all three options "on" in settings and on the low, so can join lobbies with pure rage, to chill for a while, or hardcore lobbies, and those who drive in the middle - like abs only, or abs and traction control.
Wreckfest and GTS! The virus is affecting you in a different way to most people @Sick Cylinder. It'll be Need for Speed next. Check your temperature. :P
(Disclaimer. I quite like GTS and I'm waiting for Wreckfest to be in a sale)

Yes - strange times indeed! - maybe Dirt 2 will be next (that's free by the way).

The plan with GTS is to run our own Goodwood Meeting as the Members meeting last weekend was stopped by the Corona Virus!
Nevermind, but may be someone will need it: found the problem - engine breaking and yes, no connection to abs in reality. Switching it from minimal to none seems cures the issue completely.
@Sick Cylinder If your even slightly interested in Rallying/RallyX you won't regret playing DR2, it's a fabulous game.

I will be downloading it as soon as it becomes available. I like Rallycross and went many times in the eighties and early nineties To Brands Hatch and Lydden Hill. Less a fan of rallying, but I greatly admire and respect the skill of the drivers.

Below this post gives me an excuse to post a couple of shots from the "European Rally Cross Grand Prix" at Brands - I can't remember the year, but circa 1990.

RX Slide 1.jpg
I will be downloading it as soon as it becomes available. I like Rallycross and went many times in the eighties and early nineties To Brands Hatch and Lydden Hill. Less a fan of rallying, but I greatly admire and respect the skill of the drivers.

Below this post gives me an excuse to post a couple of shots from the "European Rally Cross Grand Prix" at Brands - I can't remember the year, but circa 1990.

View attachment 905273

It must have been quite the experience watching those Group B cars !

I was just watching a Rally X race from that time period on YouTube, VHS rallies, it's a really good channel for classic footage, worth checking out.

DR2 has all of the Group B Rally X cars & plenty of tracks, (although some are locked behind DLC). As much as I like Rally I prefer playing the Rally X in this game it's so addictive.
So been several weeks.

Not a lot new.

Baught me a game chair/office chair since working from home. Sure makes a lot more comfortable on longer game sessions. Been running lots of laps at Catalunya. Now switched back to Lemans Bugatti Circuit. Do not care to much a Lemans 24 hour circuit, however Buggatti Circuit would probably be on my top 10 favorite circuits.

Just did a good race with the 1970 Ferrari 512M. Took pole on qualifying. Then made some minor adjustments on car settings. One of my best races on PC2. Only had one off track instance mid race. Broke a little late and and the front end got loose, off course went. Luckily though did not come to complete stop and only lost 5 positions or so.
With persisentance, pushing a little and having more speed on the straights. That and one long right hand turn that the A.I. go in slow and stay to outside. Anyways really nice experience driving the old Lemans cars, all the cockpit views are pretty good in the those cars.

Been reading and watching videos on automobilsta 2. Sure seems like will be a good sim game. So can see myself getting PC sometime in next few months.

One more thing that seemed weird. There were a few A.I. in back of starting grid the crashed lap one before turn one. One car lost their engine cover (front engine car), then another lost their back engine cover. Anyways on replay for 3/4 of lap missing those parts. However before those two cars enter the pits the body panels has been replacd. Is this a common graphical game glitsch or bad programming code (thinking it probably is).
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I find playing pc2 on controler still twitchy.

I went from playing pc2 on ps4 to my ps4 pro the visual quality is like night n day as the visuals on ps4 are ok.

Pc1 looks better than pc2 on a standard ps4.

But I do still like pc2 but since I sold my wheel I rarely play it.

Hopefully pc3 they make the better more like forza n Gts
I find playing pc2 on controler still twitchy.

I went from playing pc2 on ps4 to my ps4 pro the visual quality is like night n day as the visuals on ps4 are ok.

Pc1 looks better than pc2 on a standard ps4.

But I do still like pc2 but since I sold my wheel I rarely play it.

Hopefully pc3 they make the better more like forza n Gts

Good to hear that PC2 on PS4 Pro is better graphically.

Agree with you on the fact that with controller PC1 is considerably easier and maybe just easier in general. I am getting used to the graphics on PC2 now. I still miss the motion blur effects from PC1. I have electronic copy of PC1 and disc for PC2. So pretty easy to switch between both. However PC2 has better car content with the add on cars (which are great) along with more tracks.

I just use T-150 and picked it up maybe close to 3 years ago for less then $200. Do not have the shifter, but have consider getting. Do not think it by itself though is worth $80. Have a G27 in the closet when get a PC. Also just use and old small book shelf as my wheel stand. Work okay and just happens to be at the right height.

Not sure what you mean by your comment more like FM or GTS.

Sure I would like to see as many cars variations as possible. Except think for something like PC or similar race car versions are fine by me. Even if just taking street cars and making fictional race cars if real versions do not exist.

I am pretty much done with GTS. As even the most basic race in PC blows GTS out of the water. I do think GTS has the best interface, enjoy photo mode, the car history stuff is fantastic. If they had an arcade mode (sand box mode all cars available) or ability to rent cars for track day/races that would be a lot better.
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