Comparison Project cars vs Forza 6.

  • Thread starter klondike
sorry but I am having real trouble trying to figure out if you are joking or not!

did not read all posts , but me too have more problems with forza 6 then project cars..
(i have project cars on ps4 though..)

mostly ****** ai in forza 6 and connection probems with multiplayer....

(like both games,.. but project cars is my favorite)
sorry but I am having real trouble trying to figure out if you are joking or not!

Nope not joking, Remember I did not use the XB1 version of PCars so I did not experience the issues that were common for XB1 users. I have the PC version and there were very few problems that I ran into while playing it. Namely saved replays did not work before the patch, would crash the game if you tried to load one. The game did crash to the desktop on me 3 or 4 times during the first month I played it but that was always when I first loaded it never while playing and the AI were to fast in wet conditions which made it hard to win a couple of races.

Forza 6 crashed more times in the first week that PCars did in the first month, FM6 does it quietly though and doesn;t even indicate that it has had a problem you'll just suddenly be looking at the XB home screen and then when you select Forza it goes through the startup process like you are starting it for the first time [meaning it shows the turn 10 studios screen before going into Forza rather than returning to where you were in Forza]. I have saw this happen several times and once it did not want to load after having done this. Fortunately it did load without an issue on the retry. My brother was not so lucky when it happened to him it corrupted his game and he had to start over. This of course is a serious issue and could happen to anyone at anytime and there is no way to even make a backup to protect yourself should it happen. All we can do is hope it doesn't happen

There are several little things I have found in FM6 already that effects my game play, most of which I have found a way to work around at this point and am enjoying the game. In Pcars I had no such issues.
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Project CARS on X1 being compared to F6? Come on lads.. there's no comparison at all. Forza is leagues ahead. CARS may have really good physics, but that's about it.
And dynamic TOD, weather, very deep adjustable FFB per car even, much deeper tuning that actually works properly, you can create a public lobby and you can tune in a lobby and .... well you should get the idea. While PCars was/is buggy on the XB1 it still has lots going for it.

That said I do not think it is 100% fair to compare PCars on the XB1 and say that PCars is a lesser game. It just so happens that it is apparently better on the PS4 and a lot better on the PC. Personally I knew it would be better on the PC so that is the version I bought then as an added bonus I get to use my Forza wheel that doesn't work with Forza ;)
And dynamic TOD, weather, very deep adjustable FFB per car even, much deeper tuning that actually works properly, you can create a public lobby and you can tune in a lobby and .... well you should get the idea. While PCars was/is buggy on the XB1 it still has lots going for it.
I agree with you there, and wish I could try the game out on a PC. It looks just so amazing compared to the console counterparts. It's something I want to dabble in, in the future. As for the tuning, it works just as properly as Forza does, as in they both have their errors.

That said I do not think it is 100% fair to compare PCars on the XB1 and say that PCars is a lesser game. It just so happens that it is apparently better on the PS4 and a lot better on the PC. Personally I knew it would be better on the PC so that is the version I bought then as an added bonus I get to use my Forza wheel that doesn't work with Forza ;)
Something can only be as strong as its weakest link, so its a perfectly fair comparison. Xbox definitely still has issues, apparently people are still having issues on PS4, but the PC seems to be the best of the group by a long shot. I feel that this game shouldn't have been multi console, and should have stood with just one console rather than both. It's creating too much of a stigma between the user base from the differences between each console. If they would have done that I feel that what ever console they choose to use, it would have been a lot more optimized and detailed from the start.
I think they would have been better off if they had delayed the console release of the game for a while and just released it on the PC initially. Some people I know who had both a PC and XB1 bought the XB1 version and weren't to happy about it.
I think they would have been better off if they had delayed the console release of the game for a while and just released it on the PC initially. Some people I know who had both a PC and XB1 bought the XB1 version and weren't to happy about it.
Oh the Xbox One version was a mess. I've heard it's been improved upon, but it was so bad that I'm just not getting the urge to even get back into it.
If I'm reading this correctly a "crash" in Forza 6 is where it doesn't resume gameplay after switching it off and on again. I just ran up Project CARS on my PC to try out an event on Spa with the BMW M1 ProCar. The game disconnected my controller shortly after the start of the third lap so I quit the game and gave up.

Whatever Forza is guilty of it hasn't exhibited any bugs as game breaking as that during play. As for the Xbone version of PCars, I've kind of given up on it due to the speed-up-slow-down frame rate when accelerating down a straight.

I'd say Forza may have design faults but the build seems a lot more robust to me than the SMS game.

As for "just play the game you prefer", sure, but this is a comparison of both games and the only thing I can compare are my own personal experiences with each.
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Sure PCARS has its strengths, but it was a mess at launch. Despite having gotten many of the issues fixed, it just doesn't excite the soul and relay the sheer thrill of racing like Forza does. My honest 2.
As for "just play the game you prefer", sure, but this is a comparison of both games and the only thing I can compare are my own personal experiences with each.

Yes and what happens, people tell people they are right or wrong when they disagree. Someone tries to convince or prove someone else otherwise. If the games are that good then I question the amount of time some of you spend going around in circles on the forums rather than on track. :)
If I'm reading this correctly a "crash" in Forza 6 is where it doesn't resume gameplay after switching it off and on again.
No a crash in Forza is when you are in Forza and then you get presented with the XB home screen through no action of your own and then when you try to switch back to Forza it has to start fresh. In other words the Forza program stopped running. It has nothign to do with turning it off or on.

On a PC you would generally be presented with a message something to the effect of "This program has stopped working and will be closed" on XB1 it just quietly quits and apparently if the timing is bad it can cause your save game to be destroyed in the process as happened to my brother last week.

I have personally saw the game exit with no message [crash] multiple times. Once I was going to watch a replay, once I was entering the tuning once I wasn't doing anything at all and who knows what I may have been doing the other times but it wasn't anything that would normally be a problem, just seemed to happen at random. In my brothers case he was test driving a car and making tuning changes when he quit race it kicked him to the home screen and then when he tried to go back in it would not load, we tried everything we could think of but as it turned out the saved game on the cloud had been corrupted apparently by the crash and had to be deleted before the game would start under his gamer tag.
Project CARS is a good game in its own right. The handling physics, sound and FOV adjustments are simply brilliant in that game. They controls were just messy having to adjust it to get the feel right foir handling physics, the bugs and launch of the game. FOV in Project CARS is something Forza 6 doesn't have and it could do with it. But I still have it to play when I feel like it on PS4.

So far I'm at the karting career but I just got a little bored of mainly racing only so stopped playing Project CARS and its not that I don't like the game though. I just find Forza more exciting, with the painting and customization aswell as racing with its huge variety of cars. This is why I prefer Forza. Project CARS gets all the official racing rules spot on and more realistic than any other game with its pit strategies which Forza or Gran Turismo doesn't Project CARS is great for the pure racing of stock cars enthusiasts.
Project CARS is a good game in its own right. The handling physics, sound and FOV adjustments are simply brilliant in that game. They controls were just messy having to adjust it to get the feel right foir handling physics, the bugs and launch of the game. FOV in Project CARS is something Forza 6 doesn't have and it could do with it. But I still have it to play when I feel like it on PS4.

So far I'm at the karting career but I just got a little bored of mainly racing only so stopped playing Project CARS and its not that I don't like the game though. I just find Forza more exciting, with the painting and customization aswell as racing with its huge variety of cars. This is why I prefer Forza. Project CARS gets all the official racing rules spot on and more realistic than any other game with its pit strategies which Forza or Gran Turismo doesn't Project CARS is great for the pure racing of stock cars enthusiasts.

Project CARS has many strengths, no question about it, and the patches really brought them to light. I really wish though, they'd work harder to get the engine/exhaust notes right for road cars. Race cars sound brilliant.
Yes and what happens, people tell people they are right or wrong when they disagree. Someone tries to convince or prove someone else otherwise. If the games are that good then I question the amount of time some of you spend going around in circles on the forums rather than on track. :)
How can you convince or prove to someone that their own experiences are wrong? Sharing those experiences is one of the reasons we have forums in the first place.
How can you convince or prove to someone that their own experiences are wrong? Sharing those experiences is one of the reasons we have forums in the first place.

Yes I said people try but I didn't say they always actually succeed at doing so. :)
The differing opinions (arguing) often becomes the topic or persons interest over expression of the original discussion.

Sure it is fine doing like for like comparisons/analysis on a technical/performance level but when "opinion" or "personal preference" is used as factors to benchmark.

The problem is when people usually wont let things go and just agree to differ.
Yes I said people try but I didn't say they always actually succeed at doing so. :)
The differing opinions (arguing) often becomes the topic or persons interest over expression of the original discussion.

Sure it is fine doing like for like comparisons/analysis on a technical/performance level but when "opinion" or "personal preference" is used as factors to benchmark.

The problem is when people usually wont let things go and just agree to differ.
Like he said though, this forum was literally built around discussion. Discussions will always be based around opinion, which usually comes from experience with the discussion at hand. To assume that because the word opinion is used, that it shouldn't be a valid form of comparing something is wrong.
You miss what I said, basically "opinions" are not like "facts" or measured performance data. The issue is people will spend more time trying to prove the other persons opinion is inaccurate, wrong or not worthwhile because it differs from theirs.

In all the bickering you lose the point in "sharing or expressing" their own opinion/likes/preferences. Some wont even bother sharing as it will likely get jumped on by someone who disagrees and the debate takes over.

It is hard to have sensible discussion on such matters...
You miss what I said, basically "opinions" are not like "facts" or measured performance data. The issue is people will spend more time trying to prove the other persons opinion is inaccurate, wrong or not worthwhile because it differs from theirs.

In all the bickering you lose the point in "sharing or expressing" their own opinion/likes/preferences. Some wont even bother sharing as it will likely get jumped on by someone who disagrees and the debate takes over.

It is hard to have sensible discussion on such matters...
Opinions should always be based around some kind of fact though, if not then it is wrong, even though it is still an opinion. In order to have an opinion on something you'd have to actually have knowledge of the situation at hand, otherwise it is hardly anything to be taken in, and those are the ones that stand out.

Whether someone is trying to prove the other persons opinion wrong or not, that is exactly the point of this thread. To discuss opinions and viewpoints, based off facts from experiences with both games.

Like you said though, some people just have a hard time with the situation and end up resorting to childish methods or throw temper tantrums, but that all comes with the territory. There are some I'll stay away from, and there some I'll dabble with, but the choice is up to you if you do not wish to dabble.

When you go to a doctor and he tells you something, you very well have the choice to go and get a second medical opinion from a second doctor. However, that doesn't mean one is wrong, as they are both basing their's off fact.
How is Horizon 2's method outdated compared to PCars/GT if it's doing the exact same thing - the world and cars have uniform lighting engine and dynamic shadows for both? Does Horizon 2 look bad compared to either of those? No. So what's the problem?

Once again, go back to our last debate on the subject. I am not repeating myself for anybody.

But whilst you are here this sort of covers most of it....

Personally I find that GT5 and PCars on Xbone both have better IQ than Forza 6, the aliasing is pretty bad in this. Graphics are a nice bump over Forza 5, nothing major, but mostly a more realistic color palette and no overdone in your face effects like lens flare and what not. Gives it a more planted look. But as far as actual rendering tech goes it's about 10 years behind competition, dynamic shadows should be standard by now, I find that even GT5 Prologue, a 2007 release no less has some tech that FM6 doesn't have like HDR, eye adaption and generally better shaders on the cars. But overall FM6 looks okay, it uses the same old tricks like 30 fps mirrors, reflections, simplified shadows for AIs and no actual shadow casting, baked lighting and a bunch of new ones like smoke running at quarter resolution in the distance and rain running at 30 fps too. I kinda wish that MS didn't screw devs over with crappy underpowered hardware, but oh well, what can you do. Night racing looks a bit flat because there are no shadows being cast in cockpit view, something that GT5 again did back in 2010 on ancient hardware. Rain seems like a cool gimmick, I can see it getting old real quick, the cars handle fairly well even without the assists. Handling feels like a solid improvement over 5 which was way too slidey for my liking. Overall it's shaping up to be a very solid title, hopefully it scores in the 90+ like 360s Forzas did and I can't wait to go balls deep in the full version in 8 days.

See that bold line, you wrote that. You know why dynamic shadows are not standard? Because they are using a rendering solution not suited for it. It is simply too expensive to achieve decent results with the techniques they are using. If they went the way most, if not nearly all of the AAA industry is going they would have that now. LIKE I SAID IN MY FIRST POST!!! The reason my post existed in this thread.

Then I added they would be in a good position going forward. That was a bonus.

I do hope you understand this now and I am pretty sure you will because you know what you are talking about, I don't want to waste any more time debating this with the uneducated who only bring opinions to a factual debate.
Having everything dynamic would be an amazing thing to achieve on the console, hopefully one day some company can get it working without hindering gameplay. That is something I look forward to.

I'm currently stuck in career mode on PCars on one of the invitational events during heavy rain in a Ruf RGT-8, as it was getting extreme slow downs and speed ups that seemed to be effected by the pressing of the triggers, and bad stutters throughout. I've been planning to check it out again recently, but the fun factor from customizing and tuning alone in Forza, as well as the added consistency of the frames, is just making Pcars an afterthought. I think if I had a wheel, I'd likely enjoy Pcars more(If I can ignore the glaringly obvious FPS issues) as the pad is just horrible on the game.

However, as it sits, I can't entirely be too upset that its not in, but I am a bit saddened by the overall lack of tracks that have weather/time options. I much prefer the rock steady frame rate that FM has, as its hard to get competitive and into a game that fluctuates like that.
See that bold line, you wrote that. You know why dynamic shadows are not standard? Because they are using a rendering solution not suited for it. It is simply too expensive to achieve decent results with the techniques they are using. If they went the way most, if not nearly all of the AAA industry is going they would have that now. LIKE I SAID IN MY FIRST POST!!! The reason my post existed in this thread.
So why is that brilliant rendering technology that the rest of the industry is using does not allow anyone to achieve 1080p with locked 60 fps? When T10 knocks down the framerate to where the rest of the industry hovers around in Horizon 2 the engine is perfectly capable of displaying dynamic shadows. So there is a contradiction is your argument. Maybe it can be done on PS4 level hardware and I assume GT7 will indeed achieve this, 500 extra gigaflops, double the memory bandwidth and double the ROPs will certainly help with that. As it stands there isn't a 1080p/locked 60fps game on the market that sports dynamic shadows, MGS5 on PS4 could semi-pass as one, but graphically it is very barebones and not too different to lastgen versions, which certainly helps. But again on Xbone it's 900p.
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Having everything dynamic would be an amazing thing to achieve on the console, hopefully one day some company can get it working without hindering gameplay. That is something I look forward to.

I'm currently stuck in career mode on PCars on one of the invitational events during heavy rain in a Ruf RGT-8, as it was getting extreme slow downs and speed ups that seemed to be effected by the pressing of the triggers, and bad stutters throughout. I've been planning to check it out again recently, but the fun factor from customizing and tuning alone in Forza, as well as the added consistency of the frames, is just making Pcars an afterthought. I think if I had a wheel, I'd likely enjoy Pcars more(If I can ignore the glaringly obvious FPS issues) as the pad is just horrible on the game.

However, as it sits, I can't entirely be too upset that its not in, but I am a bit saddened by the overall lack of tracks that have weather/time options. I much prefer the rock steady frame rate that FM has, as its hard to get competitive and into a game that fluctuates like that.

You still having issues with pad control after all the updates they rolled out?

So why is that brilliant rendering technology that the rest of the industry is using does not allow anyone to achieve 1080p with locked 60 fps? When T10 knocks down the framerate to where the rest of the industry hovers around in Horizon 2 the engine is perfectly capable of displaying dynamic shadows. So there is a contradiction is your argument. Maybe it can be done on PS4 level hardware and I assume GT7 will indeed achieve this, 500 extra gigaflops, double the memory bandwidth and double the ROPs will certainly help with that. As it stands there isn't a 1080p/locked 60fps game on the market that sports dynamic shadows, MGS5 on PS4 could semi-pass as one, but graphically it is very barebones and not too different to lastgen versions, which certainly helps. But again on Xbone it's 900p.

That is truly a remarkable achievement: 1080p in a game running at locked 60 fps with all that's happening on the track. The 60 fps is not something I personally would want to ever surrender! Just saying. :D
So why is that brilliant rendering technology that the rest of the industry is using does not allow anyone to achieve 1080p with locked 60 fps? When T10 knocks down the framerate to where the rest of the industry hovers around in Horizon 2 the engine is perfectly capable of displaying dynamic shadows. So there is a contradiction is your argument. Maybe it can be done on PS4 level hardware and I assume GT7 will indeed achieve this, 500 extra gigaflops, double the memory bandwidth and double the ROPs will certainly help with that. As it stands there isn't a 1080p/locked 60fps game on the market that sports dynamic shadows, MGS5 on PS4 could semi-pass as one, but graphically it is very barebones and not too different to lastgen versions, which certainly helps. But again on Xbone it's 900p.

Right, First off MGS5 uses fully dynamic lighting solution because of the obvious reason, light and weather cycle. That is not what Forza needs at this point in time as they are not aiming for that (even tough I would want them to, but that is neither here nor there in this argument) So T10 can still have pre-baked lighting for the most part and save massively on the budget as these lights are calculated into the lightmap and have zero impact on performance. You keep stumbling into the mindset that when we talk of deferred and dynamic lighting, the whole project needs to run dynamic like that. That is definitely not the case, you can still keep the free static lighting and have an inexpensive dynamic option for when you need it (trackside lights, other cars headlights, etc)

Or you can have what T10 have now which is the free static lighting, ONE fairly inexpensive dynamic light and every single one after that getting more and more expensive with each and every use. Hence, no shadows on any besides the first one.

Also, the contradiction is not in my argument, it is in yours as YOU stated T10 are using 10 year old tech while Playground are using the exact same tech. I hope you see that. My argument is they are both using the wrong tech going forward. Not because they are incapable of using a better solution, I'd argue that, with being first party studios concentrating on one platform and with a past record as good as they have, they're in a better position than most to get the best out of the better suited solution. T10 would have a better looking FM in an environment they can still control at 60fps, static tracks, dynamic shadows where needed, etc. Playground would have a better looking FH at 30fps, dynamic weather, better and a lot more dynamic shadows where needed, etc. BOTH teams would be in a prime position going forward from then on.

Which brings me full circle to the real problem. Time. Something I am not willing to waste explaining again as I have went over this too many times already. But that is the real culprit here, and the longer it goes on, the longer it will take to change.

*The bold is where you are getting confused.
Right, First off MGS5 uses fully dynamic lighting solution because of the obvious reason, light and weather cycle. That is not what Forza needs at this point in time as they are not aiming for that (even tough I would want them to, but that is neither here nor there in this argument) So T10 can still have pre-baked lighting for the most part and save massively on the budget as these lights are calculated into the lightmap and have zero impact on performance. You keep stumbling into the mindset that when we talk of deferred and dynamic lighting, the whole project needs to run dynamic like that. That is definitely not the case, you can still keep the free static lighting and have an inexpensive dynamic option for when you need it (trackside lights, other cars headlights, etc)
Damn, man, it seems like you haven't even played Forza. The track lighting is already completely pre-baked, has been for 10 years, it doesn't cost any performance which is exactly why Forza is the only 1080p/60 racing game of this generation. And in fact during night racing track side lights cast dynamic shadows of the passing cars, and your car's headlights cast dynamic shadows of the opponents occluding them.
Or you can have what T10 have now which is the free static lighting, ONE fairly inexpensive dynamic light and every single one after that getting more and more expensive with each and every use. Hence, no shadows on any besides the first one.
This is a problem with straight up Forward rendering, but with Horizon 2 they've introduced Clustered Forward rendering which allows them to have any number of dynamic light sources. A good example is all the opponent AIs cast dynamic light that are identical to the one player's car uses and the draw distance for them is actually quite impressive compared to the majority of games in which they fade out a few meters from the camera or like GT6 that has player's car casting a light, one opponent car casting simplified light and the rest of the field not casting any light at all. This shot from me showcases this tech in action.
I just ran up Project CARS on my PC to try out an event on Spa with the BMW M1 ProCar. The game disconnected my controller shortly after the start of the third lap so I quit the game and gave up.
Was it the game that disconnected your controller or was it the controller that disconnected from the game? That really sounds more like a controller/driver issue rather than a bug in the game.

I use a wheel and have not saw any issue like that at all. There was a bug where you could loose FFB after crashing hard. I am pretty sure that one was patched right away though and I only encountered it once during my playing.
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Was it the game that disconnected your controller or was it the controller that disconnected from the game? That really sounds more like a controller/driver issue rather than a bug in the game.
It's the same controller I use for Forza and it's never disconnected from my Xbox. If it's a driver issue then it's never exhibited it on any other PC game I play (Dirt Rally ot Grid AutoSport). As soon as I quit the race the controller magically came back to life in the menu but by that time I'd lost interest in my PCars session. If it was a physical connection break, then I'm not sure why Windows didn't make a USB disconnection or reconnection sound.
I think it's pretty straightforward, if you want a car game, Forza 6 it is, if you want a racing game, it's PCars. Forza does cars better than Pcars and PCars does racing better than Forza.

Which is very funny when you think about it, PCars has cars in the title and Forza has motorsport in the title. More apt titles would be Forza Cars and Project Motorsport.
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If I'm reading this correctly a "crash" in Forza 6 is where it doesn't resume gameplay after switching it off and on again. I just ran up Project CARS on my PC to try out an event on Spa with the BMW M1 ProCar. The game disconnected my controller shortly after the start of the third lap so I quit the game and gave up.

Whatever Forza is guilty of it hasn't exhibited any bugs as game breaking as that during play. As for the Xbone version of PCars, I've kind of given up on it due to the speed-up-slow-down frame rate when accelerating down a straight.

I'd say Forza may have design faults but the build seems a lot more robust to me than the SMS game.

As for "just play the game you prefer", sure, but this is a comparison of both games and the only thing I can compare are my own personal experiences with each.

I was racing the other night in Forza and my ffb wheel just stopped working had to reboot the console to get it back working. Guess that means Forza is shoot as well huh?

I've played loads of games over my 30 years of gaming where something similar has happened as the controller issues we are both reporting. Usually you have no idea if it is the game, controller or console that is at fault. Not sure it's a robust enough reason to say one is better than the other ;)
I was racing the other night in Forza and my ffb wheel just stopped working had to reboot the console to get it back working. Guess that means Forza is shoot as well huh?

I've played loads of games over my 30 years of gaming where something similar has happened as the controller issues we are both reporting. Usually you have no idea if it is the game, controller or console that is at fault. Not sure it's a robust enough reason to say one is better than the other ;)
I'm not saying one is better than the other, but I can pretty much guarantee I'll be playing one more often than the other.