Compatibility with Driving Force GT?

  • Thread starter mu51im
i know the wheel is made for this game, and the middle "GT" button is left unused. do you think that they will put in a horn feature in the full game?

its a great wheel by the way.
I care more about the force the moment in gt5p is VERY low and I can't even adjust the degree rotation. I hope I will be able tu use the dfgt like in GTR2
i agree, the feedback is rubbish. but also more realistic in my view. if in real life you go over some sort of wooden brige then the wheel wouldnt shake about as much as it is emphasized in games.

i also agree with you about the degrees, i would be a much happier person if i didnt have to use the whole steering wheel when drifting. i would like it to stop at halfway like the old wheels. for racing though, i think the full wheel is better.
Actually, I do not care about a horn assignment to the button. I mostly care about the wheel degree adjustment and more realistic ffb as others have mentioned but it would be a good extra if we can horn // Actual horn samples for each car in the game! :)
I think we will be in for a surpise when the full version of GT5 comes out and we'll see that the horn button will have other purposes than just honking someone. I think Kaz is a little more sophisticated than just wanting to put a horn. What other uses the horn button can be used for? In my opinion, I think it will be more like a protest button when you are trying to pass someone and he or she is making illegal moves to stop you from getting by, by blocking or pushing you off the track, anything that would be in violation to the rules of racing. The button will activate a save mode to be able to replay the incident and penalize a driver. What are your thoughts?
It'd be really nice to have proper adjustment for 900 degree wheels. Many race cars should be 360 to 450 or 540 degrees of rotation and you should be able to adjust it as such.

I'd be happy for the middle button just to be a horn. A horn is useful in racing games, you have very little visibility of what is next to you and a horn is great for letting people know you are there.
Basically, the game itself could modify this value. So, some cars would have 9000 degrees, other ones would have less. This would be realistic in my opinion.

In my opinion users shouldn't be able to modify turning angle, unless they tune the car this way (maybe make this modifiable via setups in a tuned cart with race suspensions?).
Basically, the game itself could modify this value. So, some cars would have 9000 degrees, other ones would have less. This would be realistic in my opinion.

In my opinion users shouldn't be able to modify turning angle, unless they tune the car this way (maybe make this modifiable via setups in a tuned cart with race suspensions?).

Well ideally you'd have a default value for street cars, but then race cars it should be a tuning option. GTR lets you set a wheel rotation as well as a steering wheel rotation via the logitech profiler (so you can set the wheels to, say, 20 degrees, and the steering wheel to say, 450 degrees). That should be an option for race cars, as its part of the steering geometry which can be modified from car to car.
It'd be really nice to have proper adjustment for 900 degree wheels. Many race cars should be 360 to 450 or 540 degrees of rotation and you should be able to adjust it as such.

I'd be happy for the middle button just to be a horn. A horn is useful in racing games, you have very little visibility of what is next to you and a horn is great for letting people know you are there.

For GT5p under the settings of each car their is a setting for steering adjustment it's labeled as "Max. Turning Angle" I can go as far as 50 and I think down to 40 so the lower the number the less turn in on the sterring so for drifting you will want a higher setting. I think it works out better this way. The way they have it setup in GRID it's too much work to get it right. Seems they were to lazy to get the settings right themselves and is just leaving it all up to the players individual taste.
The force feedback feels very good to my opinion. But the rotation is not always as great.

1) You don't see the 900 degrees rotation in the animation of the steering. ( So you make a 900 degree rotation but the virtual driver doesn't)
2) When racing with a F2007, it isn't fun to drive with 900 degrees. I hope you will be able to change the rotation...:nervous:
For GT5p under the settings of each car their is a setting for steering adjustment it's labeled as "Max. Turning Angle" I can go as far as 50 and I think down to 40 so the lower the number the less turn in on the sterring so for drifting you will want a higher setting. I think it works out better this way. The way they have it setup in GRID it's too much work to get it right. Seems they were to lazy to get the settings right themselves and is just leaving it all up to the players individual taste.

Yes, I work with the tuning mode, but you cannot change the rotation of the F2007. It's on 30 degrees standard. With the driving force GT it is (almost) impossible to drive in London or at Eiger Norwand with the F1 car...:indiff: