STAR WARS General Discussion | Warning: Possible SPOILERS!Movies 

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
Mixed feelings around Skeleton Crew. I generally find kids to be really frustrating main characters, and I don't think that's any different here. That being the case though, I get what they're going for so looking past that, I like it so far, with the exception of the score, which I found a bit weak.

Intriguing how they set up At Attin so far, as soon as we got the scene in the classroom something felt oppressive, then we had the barrier, and droids patrolling no-go zones...
Mixed feelings around Skeleton Crew. I generally find kids to be really frustrating main characters, and I don't think that's any different here. That being the case though, I get what they're going for so looking past that, I like it so far, with the exception of the score, which I found a bit weak.

Intriguing how they set up At Attin so far, as soon as we got the scene in the classroom something felt oppressive, then we had the barrier, and droids patrolling no-go zones...
Watched the first two episodes last night and felt pretty much the same about it.

I felt At Attin was just a touch too Earthy. I know its aimed at kids, but i don't feel it needed to come across as so comfortably familiar for you to be able to identify with the main characters.

It was also very Amblinesq which whilst i think are great stories/films, if a little well-troden now, for me doesn't really fit the Star Wars universe.

Still, interested to see where they go with it.
I'm loving it so far. And then we follow this up with Andor season 2 which will also be amazing.

I'm really intrigued about the kid's home planet. Everyone thinks it's a myth, they're not allowed to come or go. I think the 'barrier' is some way to hide the planet? They've been sheltered from the war and the empire. Can't wait to learn more about it.
Final verdict on Skeleton Crew: Love it. And despite there being doom and gloom reports about the viewership numbers, I am confident we'll get another season at some point. A vast majority of the reaction to the series has been positive.

Now we wait impatiently for Andor season 2.
Skeleton Crew was formulaic twadddle for 12 year olds...

... and that's exactly what Star Wars needs at he moment, and it was great.

Jude law was brilliant, the kids were okay, the VFX were good, hopefully it will bring a new generation forward, to believe in what's right, what serves the people.. not what the cockcheese eating shaftclanker's that worship Musk think...
Looks amazing. And although the music is relevant to the story, still very jarring for Star Wars. Either way, I can't wait. And apparently we're getting all 12 episodes released in 4 weeks, 3 episodes per week.
Is it April yet?

Scared Still Waiting GIF by Looney Tunes

Also this other news will probably make a lot of the incels and neckbeards happy

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Action-packed trailer. I just hope we get the same quality thriller story we got in the first season.

Not keen on the choice of song, but I'm very much looking forward to this. Season 1 was excellent.
Its a shame that this will be the final season of Andor. S2 will bridge the gap between the end of S1 and the start of Rogue One (and really A New Hope too as that followed on immediately). It feels like there's too much ground to cover to cram in to a dozen episodes. The Rebellion of SW:ANH felt well established and united, where as in Andor S1 it felt very early stages. It will also, i assume, run concurrently with the Rebels timeline, at least to an extent. So there must be some crossover between the two at some point in S2 which will be interesting to see how they deal with that.
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