Rennsport Coming to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series in 2025

  • Thread starter Famine
Yeah, PSVR2 support or it’s irrelevant to me.

Well unlike a lot of these racing games that people insist on only playing in VR, the PC version of this one actually supports it. Not very well, at least when it first launched but it may have improved since.
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Well unlike a lot of these racing games that people insist on only playing in VR, the PC version of this one actually supports it. Not very well, at least when it first launched but it may have improved since.
If I move back to PC (and I may in the future), this will be one of the many games I try. There are a lot of great options for VR in PC-land. But my PC is old, and the upgrades to support VR would be costly, so I'm always interested in options that will work with my current PS5-based arrangement.

Maybe Sony doesn't want the competition? I'm sure GT7 is about the only thing selling PSVR2 hardware at this point.
Nope. They tried, but they were too incompetent to implement it properly (and probably still are) and removed it again. It doesn't even support triple screens. I tried it in the closed beta period and it's a very mediocre - and boring - game. There's not even an AI to race against, it's purely for online racing.

Perhaps it'll fare better on console than on PC where there are lots of much, much better alternatives, but without AI I have my doubts.

Edit: Just checked steamdb; there's currently a whopping 56 people playing Rennsport. Of course there's also a handful or two playing via Epic, so maybe around 70 people in total would be my optimistic guess. The game's already dead.

I also forgot to mention that there's crypto assets involved - you can supposedly trade your cars as if they were one of those "fancy" and "very valuable" crypto-bro Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs (non-fungible tokens.) What's not to like?
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Nope. They tried, but they were too incompetent to implement it properly (and probably still are) and removed it again. It doesn't even support triple screens. I tried it in the closed beta period and it's a very mediocre - and boring - game. There's not even an AI to race against, it's purely for online racing.

Perhaps it'll fare better on console than on PC where there are lots of much, much better alternatives, but without AI I have my doubts.
Hmm... online with no single player... hard pass. No doubt will be as scintillating as the last driving game published by Nacon. Meh.
It's free to try on PC right now. I don't recommend it at the moment. The performance is poor. The graphics are poor. The physics are weird and poor. Recommended 3070 for these graphics? It's just not optimized. It's main goal is esports and single player last.
There is a LOT that would need to change to make this worthy of the disk space. Including car classes with more than just two cars in it.
I can't get excited about this. We have those cars and those tracks (okay, most of them) so what is worth my investment over GT7? More GT3 type cars? Offer up something that GT7 has seemingly forgotten about, like street tired 400pp cars thrashing around an Autumn Ring Mini type track and I'm all in.
Nope. They tried, but they were too incompetent to implement it properly (and probably still are) and removed it again. It doesn't even support triple screens. I tried it in the closed beta period and it's a very mediocre - and boring - game. There's not even an AI to race against, it's purely for online racing.

Perhaps it'll fare better on console than on PC where there are lots of much, much better alternatives, but without AI I have my doubts.

Edit: Just checked steamdb; there's currently a whopping 56 people playing Rennsport. Of course there's also a handful or two playing via Epic, so maybe around 70 people in total would be my optimistic guess. The game's already dead.

I also forgot to mention that there's crypto assets involved - you can supposedly trade your cars as if they were one of those "fancy" and "very valuable" crypto-bro Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs (non-fungible tokens.) What's not to like?
Sounds like a real cherry.

So dumb to not do vr. I would have probably bought it despite the warts if they had…just for something different while pd faff’s off with their FFB implementation.
So a game with Mostly negative Reviews (And boy, are they numerous) and a less then steller current player count (Last I checked, A worrying 51 in comparison to the more plentiful 1,800 of LMU for example) is releasing on console with the help of non other then the publishers of Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown...

That was rFactor2 during the annual 24 Hours of Le Mans, where multiple were disconnected due to a less then steller servers (And all under everyone's favorite racing game publisher Motorsports Games, because that was a great time....)
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You know that this game is still in early access? Why do people comment it like it is finished product and already dead. Let them cook, if it will be still garbage after full release then the critisism is on point.

AC Evo is also garbage right now we will see later.

Rensport is going to be Free 2 Play so I will give it a try. No harm in that.
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You know that this game is still in early access? Why do people comment it like it is finished product and already dead. Let them cook, if it will be still garbage after full release then the critisism is on point.

AC Evo is also garbage right now we will see later.

I agree to some parts. But i dont put any trust to anything by nacon or kt racing.

I dont think Rennsport will ever be sucessfull going what we seen so far. It peaks at just around 50 players and just 200 reviews in total at only 40 procent positive. But even the new fm only has 45% positive reviews.

Ac evo on the other hand looks to have bright future. But i think it going to take a few months before we can have good time with it.
In summer i think they could kill it with the open world part.
You know that this game is still in early access? Why do people comment it like it is finished product and already dead. Let them cook, if it will be still garbage after full release then the critisism is on point.

AC Evo is also garbage right now we will see later.

Rensport is going to be Free 2 Play so I will give it a try. No harm in that.
Problem is, so is LMU (The game I compared it to with the player numbers for that Exact reason). And if we compare Rennsport to AC Evo (A game that went in Early access one month later), it too has a higher number of current players at 168. It is early days with how recent it is but that alone suggests so far people are far more interested in it then a game that sure it hasn't been in for long but its also been hyped since 2023 when it had that exclusive access Beta on the Epic Store.

So with those directly compared against it, the numbers paint an interesting picture and as we all know:

As this is what I've been moaning about for GT7 (online racing in modern race cars) I feel obliged to give it a go. The lack of (functioning) VR or triple screen doesn't bother me.
Problem is, so is LMU (The game I compared it to with the player numbers for that Exact reason). And if we compare Rennsport to AC Evo (A game that went in Early access one month later), it too has a higher number of current players at 168. It is early days with how recent it is but that alone suggests so far people are far more interested in it then a game that sure it hasn't been in for long but its also been hyped since 2023 when it had that exclusive access Beta on the Epic Store.

So with those directly compared against it, the numbers paint an interesting picture and as we all know:

Yes, but there were a lot of games that did poorly in the beggining and started to get improved also with player numbers.
There is still time. I am not trying to defend this game, I just think it is too early to put it in the trash bin.

I agree to some parts. But i dont put any trust to anything by nacon or kt racing.

Kt racing and nancon are not developing this game, they are just publishers of console version. That is it.
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it's bringing Rennsport to console, with a new build with handling improvements unified across platforms, and rethinking how you pay for it.
Rennsport’s free to play model and vehicle acquisition system left players confused and suspicious. And while Competition isn’t detailing exactly how that model’s changing yet, it is at least confirming that it is, indeed, changing, across the board
Steam reviews of this game seem to be mostly negative so lets wait and see how this game turns out, don't pre order ill wait till the reviews are out to see how it stacks up on console.

And they better not try that same minimization as they did on PC unless its a free game.

Do PC players play this or is AC, Automobilista 2, LMU, Race Room, Rfactor 2 etc better games?
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Do PC players play this or is AC, Automobilista 2, LMU, Race Room, Rfactor 2 etc better games?
I'm downloading it to give it another try, but the answer to that question is 'yes' the others listed are all better titles based on my last go with it.

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