RIDE 5 to Launch August 24 for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series

  • Thread starter Famine
Yeah it but think it was actually release in 99 so HA !!!!! Lol. But those first 4 98-2001 SBK games were my and still are my favorites. I think 2008 was when they got back into the SBK (the 07 wasn’t actually developed by them. But both 2008 SBK & MotoGP games were awesome and I still think so today.

Would have been nice to have both. But I think the slip in the triggers tried to replicate tires spinning up…but honestly I don’t understand why we can’t have both?

The sound is 100% better. It’s subjective but I don’t think the few new tracks are worth the grind. I picked it back up yesterday and literally was almost back to my traditional breaking of controller with every new milestone game (usually at least 2 if I’m honest). It’s just terrible that the better the bikes the worse they are. I keep wanting to like Ride 5 but it’s just that having to grind through the career to get the one freakin bike I want isn’t worth the few positives they’ve made over Ride 4. Nothing in the DLC list makes me want to keep playing the game. Petty I know but if they had just kept the 05 R1 and made the RM 2020 R1 accessibility easier, I’d play Ride 5 even with the loss of PI. But that’s 3 big strikes for me so guess yeah I’m back to Ride 4 full time now

I think the put these silly little items into the game to appease those who complain it’s to easy. I know for a fact me sliding to the back of my bike won’t stop it from lifting the rear….I had a reminder last weekend lol. But yeah they add these things that are so unnatural and it just makes the games worse. If they are going to do that then they need to team up with a company to make a controller with more buttons.
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I'm just not that impressed after a few hours on the game. I put a lot of time into Ride 4 on PS4 Pro but traded it in about a year ago or so after just getting tired of the grind. I never played Ride 4 on the PS5. This new game (Ride 5) feels just...serviceable.

I thought going to Ride 5 on a PS5 would provide a little extra "pop" graphically over its predecessor on last gen hardware, but like MLB the Show, the graphical improvements are minimal and have more to do with the hardware and the upgraded 4K TV than the game itself.

Most disappointing are the weather effects and the lighting. They seems like they almost took a step backwards? Or is it just me? The pop-in on night lights in the rain at Mugello was just distracting.

I'm not a sound aficionado, so sounds are just ok, nothing to rave or complain about for me.

Gameplay is solid, a little bit easier as some have stated, but still solid. The only thing that I don't like is how the rumble feature works now, like a tin can rattling. It felt much much better in Ride 4.

Also, what's so special about "race creator?" With the exception of being able to create a championship, it seems no different than setting up a single race.

And what about the Weekly Track challenges, where did that go? It was a great way to earn extra credits in Ride 4. Career mode is really the only thing to do in this game and it feels like a linear grind that was more interesting in Ride 4.

The bike list is also not impressive. 15 manufacturers and half of them only have a few bikes on offer.

Right now the game is a hard pass for me, I will be returning my physical used copy and may pick it up a year or so down the line when it can be had with all the DLC for half price off or more.
This is missing too? They're leaving no reason to buy this game..
Yup...I was "googling" to see if there was anything planned for the future but nothing comes up. As I understand Ride 4 weekly challenges have already shut down. Maybe it will be added at some point during the Season pass timeline.

But yeah, other than a super dry and linear career, there's nothing here offline but single player races and time trials.

I think there is multiplayer online and split screen offline if that motivates anyone...
Also, what's so special about "race creator?" With the exception of being able to create a championship, it seems no different than setting up a single race.
What’s so special is exactly that. Being able to create custom off line championships use to be standard fare in racing games, but “season updates/pass” seemed to have replaced them as it seems people were willing to pay for this “content”. I was never that type and was always frustrated that I couldn’t create my own Championships. So finally having this option for me was great to see, though it’s still kind of pointless because “racing” the AI is pointless. Instead of all the half/poorly executed gimmicks Milestone really needs to work on the AI. Otherwise you aren’t really racing (in any mode career included) as much as doing time trails with stupid obstacles

But yeah, other than a super dry and linear career, there's nothing here offline but single player races and time trials.
Will try to word this as not to offend or cause any drama because that’s not my intent. But I’ve never understood this and why racing games have gotten worse for me. What are you looking for? It’s a racing game. So really either you like racing and putting in laps or you don’t. I hate these “career” modes where they lock 90% of the game and you have grind through crap you may not have any interest in. There hasn’t been a single career mode in any racer that I’ve willingly done and/or enjoyed other than to unlock a bike/car that I wanted. Once that was done I stopped.

I play racing games to race and for me it’s all about putting in laps and racing. Not being forced to do busy work. I good playing game with bikes/cars and tracks I like I can play over and over as for me it’s about trying to put in good lines etc……. But people play for different reasons.
Many examples of what I mean (for offline game-type or game mode variety) can be found in Grand Turismo 7, Crew Motorfest, Forza Motorsport 7, Driveclub Bikes, even SBK 08 on the PS3...games in 2023 "should" offer more without taking things away.

But Milestone knows this, which is why the game was retailed at $59.99 instead of $69.99. Should have been $29.99 or $39.99, cause they could have just patched Ride 4 and it would have been the "same difference" or better.

I was actually being extremely kind to this game in my "analysis" lol.

But yeah, they got me to try it cause I love bikes and getting in those virtual laps (for which Ride 3 & 4 made much better 1st impressions on me). If that's all a gamer is looking for, then this game delivers in spades. But even with that low bar, IMO this game is underwhelming in 2023.

I do agree with you that more racing games should be "open" to allow players the option to enjoy all the game's content without having to go through the career mode grind if that's not what they want to do.
Oh 100% agree and that is the general complaint, that Milestone always seems to remove and resale content vs actually adding content and upgrading. It’s simply down to lack of comptetition. If you’re into bike and want a bike game they are the only choice so they do what they want.

I don’t think Ride 5 is terrible (though I’ve gone back to Ride 4) on it’s own. But if you’ve put the hrs into R4 there really isn’t a point to Ride 5
I counted the amount of motorcycles in Ride 5 and I left out the generic race bikes because they are just upgraded standard bikes, not licensed actual IRL motorcycles. I came up with 154 motorcycles which isn’t bad and depending on how you feel about generic bikes there is much more. But for me I like what they had in the first few Ride games and that was licensed race motorcycles.
That’s where Milestone’s greed and/or stupidity comes in. SBK 22 should have been a Ride DLC. If there is a SBK 23/24 coming it should be a Ride DLC. But it won’t
I don't think there's a SBK23 - first one not well enough received. Probably because they didn't put enough effort in, so ultimately their own fault.

I'd love them to do an SBK24 "properly", but not holding my breath. They're a strange company. I appreciate that they're there doing what they do, because they're unique in releasing quite niche racing games. But I wish they were a bit better at it too.
I don't think there's a SBK23 - first one not well enough received. Probably because they didn't put enough effort in, so ultimately their own fault.

I'd love them to do an SBK24 "properly", but not holding my breath. They're a strange company. I appreciate that they're there doing what they do, because they're unique in releasing quite niche racing games. But I wish they were a bit better at it too.
Sad thing is that it actually played pretty good, but Milestone's greed is what probably killed it. Though it was based off the MotoGP series physics (and engine as the MGP and Ride games look way different to me) I thought it played better than the recent MGP games. But the problem was the lack of content especially for a full priced game. ironically the heavier featured/content MotoGP 23 cost less at launch. So why they went that route I don't know

You have Ride which already has ALL the bike models needed so they could/should have based SBK off that or as I've said over and over just made SBK 22 a DLC pack for Ride until they got a FULL game ready. So I still say they are just mismanaged and short sighted. You're correct all of these are niche games and even more niched as most seem to like either MGP or Ride So basically with their release schedule they are just fighting themselves as far as sales. IT's funny SBK22 is discounted something like 90% on PS store. Milestone problably think there isn't interest but I don't believe that's the cause. There was excitement when announced but it quickly change when it became apparent the title was just going to be a half assed money grab. People are sick of Milestones BS

If they simply had a single game as a base then DLC packs based on the licenses it would be far better. Unlike Activision with CoW it really doesn't matter which team develops the game they ALL pretty much play and look the same and the difference is simply the theme of the particular game. It's efficient and smart. But Milestone seems to go out of the way to make MGP and Ride play and look as differently as possible. I mean even something like the editor. The one in MGP simply sucks while the Ride one is actually pretty cool. It's just wasted resources. But oh well. Personally I don't care about the SSP class but even if they come out with another SBK I doubt I'd buy it. I've finally hit the point I'm tired of trying to show support for Milestone. Even if they added a legends mode with a future SBK release they'd probably lock it up behind some stupid tasks. While would be great to have Haga/R7 on this gen console it wouldn't be enough to grind through another Milestone career mode rehash.
SBK23 was 85 or 90% off and I skipped it. I recently bought R5 and have Forza M and WRC on the way there is no time for this one trick pony. But would like to mention Codemasters only had the F1 cars in their base games for a while too (but many tracks)
If you're just interested in running through a season of World Superbikes with all the tracks, riders, rules etc and it feeling quite satisfying and authentic, SBK22 is really good. Luckily for it, thats 90% all I do with licenced racers, so great. But I certainly recognise its shortcomings in almost every other area and why it didn't do well.
If you're just interested in running through a season of World Superbikes with all the tracks, riders, rules etc and it feeling quite satisfying and authentic, SBK22 is really good. Luckily for it, thats 90% all I do with licenced racers, so great. But I certainly recognise its shortcomings in almost every other area and why it didn't do well.
Ditto. That’s really all I’m about. Not really a collector and interested in career modes, etc….. just want the bikes that I like and then just do a lot of time trials or races. So I actually enjoyed SBK 22 a lot. But I did think it would suffer because of the state Milestone delivered it.’

SBK23 was 85 or 90% off and I skipped it. I recently bought R5 and have Forza M and WRC on the way there is no time for this one trick pony. But would like to mention Codemasters only had the F1 cars in their base games for a while too (but many tracks)
I thought it was worth the price because I wanted a new SBK game for a long time, still think it would have been better as DLC for Ride but as it was it was a lot of fun to actually do the racing. And at 85% or higher off it’s even more of a steal. I wouldn’t call it a one trick pony. It’s a quality racer if you really just focus on racing.

For me “longevity“ in a racing game isn’t about always about content. It’s more about if the game inspires me to keep coming back to try and do better, which is what I do when I actually go to the track. I have never felt gee I’m sick of my bike or track. I just want to be better. Again to date Sega Rally 2 is probably my all time favorite racer. The original Grid as well. Both are considered arcade games but they do have a depth to them were skill actually matter and I never get bored. Tourist Trophy is the same. But to each his own.

Bottom line Milestone to me just makes a lot of bad decisions with their games and the community suffers for it

Ride 5 has been out a while. What are youz guyz general thoughts on it?

Specifically physics and sound...
People seem to like the physics but they feel the same for me at my casual skill level . I don’t like the off track physics that you can turn on a dime. The sound seems the same as well which is good but people underestimate the complexity of this and that’s why the sound in racing games aren’t great. The graphic are a letdown, they are only a touch better but I was hoping for Forza 7 visuals that never happened. I think the UR4 engine is dated or Milestone just didn’t spend time on it. The content didn’t go anywhere too. The game in general didn’t improve much but still is a great game if you like motorcycle racing and they had 3 years to work on it.
Tried it, not impressed. I think I prefer the feel of Ride 4 personally, it feels less fluid somehow and falls somewhere into the "I can't ****ing get the bike slowed down!" zone of the recent MotoGP games. Race creator would be a great idea if most of the bikes you actually want weren't locked behind days of career mode grind. Strikes me there are maybe less race bike liveries too? Otherwise it's not even more of the same, it's just the same. I posted a lot about this game because I was really interested and desperate for an excuse to spend £60 on it but it didn't really happen. I'm glad I didn't really. Not a bad game, but a hell of a lazy one given how long it's been in development. Says a bit I guess that after posting a lot in the build up I didn't even share my impressions of it when I did play it.
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They've certainly upgraded the physics but made you feel less connected to the bike somehow. I feel like the biggest issue is the physics have outstripped the abilities of the current controllers but that is of course, just my opinion.

Sounds on the bikes I've tried and am familiar with are better, but R4 was pretty good in that regard. Both beat the hell out of R3 and down where my beloved Fireblade sounded like some sort of small kitchen appliance. Ambient sounds are better as well, although certainly have a different interpretation than 4. And real life, where all I can really hear above 60 or 70mph is wind.
People seem to like the physics but they feel the same for me at my casual skill level . I don’t like the off track physics that you can turn on a dime. The sound seems the same as well which is good but people underestimate the complexity of this and that’s why the sound in racing games aren’t great. The graphic are a letdown, they are only a touch better but I was hoping for Forza 7 visuals that never happened. I think the UR4 engine is dated or Milestone just didn’t spend time on it. The content didn’t go anywhere too. The game in general didn’t improve much but still is a great game if you like motorcycle racing and they had 3 years to work on it.
Actually Motogp 22 looks better than Ride 5... So I would say Milestone didn't maximize the graphics in Ride 5:ill:
I’ve been critical of this game, I dunno, I think I was disappointed because it felt so similar to Ride 4 after three years in development or whatever but I’ll be honest like a month on, the more I play it the more I like it. The handling and feel are better. I’ve been playing MotoGP 22 too and I think I’ve finally got the hang of the braking so maybe I can just enjoy it more now, but with the front and rear brake independent I quite like the feel of using them both to control the bike through the corners. The race creator does make a difference and I love that you can select individual opponents etc and loan any bike, you can set something up the resembles the British Superbike Championship or the Suzuka 8 Hours for instance and the AI seems better than when I first played it. Visually I think it’s good, the frame rate is smooth, it’s got a massive selection of tracks. What’s not to like, really? I honestly can’t understand why I was so down on it initially. It clearly aims to be a Forza Motorsport or whatever for bikes and it’s not a million miles off. On sale too, already.
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The track list didn’t improve but is still grand. The bike list was the worst upgrade,I mean downgrade.
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Have they fixed/reintroduced the haptic feedback on PS5? I'm seriously not buying this game if they don't. I don't know why this isn't a bigger deal.

Track, physics and bike lists are important but a downgrade with controls is just unacceptable. This is like a racing game coming out and forcing you to use the d-pad for steering and X to accelerate instead of the sticks and triggers.
The two added are from Ride 1 I think and they're not that inspiring. Still holding out hope for a couple more real world circuits.
The two added are from Ride 1 I think and they're not that inspiring. Still holding out hope for a couple more real world circuits.
We already know which tracks will be added:


December: Estoril
January: Vallelunga
February: Fuji Speedway

The free packs add bikes only (in fact they are "free bikes pack").
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