*Complete* SNAIL Michelin Pilot Challenge, "PS5 Users ONLY",GS/GT4 Monthly Series, Congrat's to Rauljimenez76 for the Championship!!

  • Thread starter llNovall
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Yep those are my laps after the caution.
Yeah, clean air. That’s the advantage you gain by leading. That little extra Downforce means a lot. Makes you feel like Superman. Lol
Clean air I usually look to lap within .200. Traffic, you can forget about it. You’re talking about a second off the pace a lot of times. Being in chase is the most difficult thing to do with consistency. You have to know how to back it up a bit. Let the car do its thing. You rush it, you lose grip and there you go through the weeds.
It happens to all of us.
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I'm not exactly sure where the pace came from. My fast lap with no tow in practice was a 59.1.
You don’t realize how focused you actually are when it counts. I crash all the time in practice, finding the threshold. Race time I can’t remember a time I just crashed all by myself. I remember breaking a throttle return spring at Fuji one season. There at the end of that long straight. Now that was a mess.lol
I was rolling about 190 mph in a GT1 Pro car. I felt a pop under my foot. I thought oh boy! And when I lifted, she was nailed to the floor. I jammed the brakes on and it was like I never hit them. Blew an 8 second lead. Backed out of the race, grabbed my tool kit, took those babies apart, used the spring from the clutch and won race 2. Good times!
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Wow. Check out these BoP adjustments and Overall standings. I dropped all drivers lowest scores to reflect actual standings. Serious fight for 2nd and striking distance to 1st. The final 3 events could get very interesting.
Thanks to everyone for stepping up and keeping the night going and forwarding all scoring. Great work fellas. Formal post race report will be out this week.
Well deserved podium. Great job.
Yeah, 4th overall at a technical track like that. That’s actually great. That’s a drivers track. You have to be fully committed to do well there. Fearless really. It’s tricky to judge if that thing will stick in that first sector, before the tunnel.
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Yeah you were just gone after the caution - I couldn’t find my race 1 pace, never had a chance of catching you 👌👌
No one could. I was running him down. I decided to pick it up and push. I went down into the final set of esses and slid the nose big time. It was pretty slick out there in race 2. I cranked some more rear bias into it and back the corners up, changing my arc. I found some time that way. But it was about finesse, you couldn’t just throw the thing around like in race 1. I’d say the track gave up at least .500 . I was light on fuel by the time I got clean air, so it wasn’t like I was going to put down a Super lap anyway. The balance of the race car had already changed.
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There’s something about that place. I love it. It’s a shame that I’ll have a pretty slim chance of winning there. I don’t think I’ve ever went to that mountain and not walked away with a win. You’ve got to have some coconuts in that car if you want to master it. It’s all or nothing, that’s the only way. Project Cars 1 I held the TT record for a good while in a V8 Super Car.
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I’m thinking we maybe try to avoid some of this. But we’re not pros and the top of the mountain can be treacherous. I used to hate this track. As in actively avoided. But now I like it. It’s a challenge. And simply gorgeous at night.

I hosted a local league event around Mt Panorama this year, and my intro was:
“Feel free to overtake across the the mountain, if you’re prepared to die.
Feel free to run side-by-side over the mountain, if you’re prepared to die.
You’re welcome to go around the outside of T2, you’ll probably die.
Have fun out there.”

2:12’s tonight with a tune that doesn’t work at that track.

I think the FL last night was a low 2:12 as well. And it wasn’t me.
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Introducing a new for 2024 IMSA Mustang Challenge.

Might be a fun one make to set up later down the line for a short season. BTW, more testing and official specs/requirements have been posted regarding next season's Michelin Pilot Super Car Challenge series. Plan is to start in Dec '23. and run another 8 event season to July '24. More to come. Official thread to be built and opened in September.

Reminder of details with build sheet details for your own trials and testing:
Michelin Pilot Super Car Challenge Details
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Introducing a new for 2024 IMSA Mustang Challenge.

Might be a fun one make to set up later down the line for a short season. BTW, more testing and official specs/requirements have been posted regarding next season's Michelin Pilot Super Car Challenge series. Plan is to start in Dec '23. and run another 8 event season to July '24. More to come. Official thread to be built and opened in September.

Reminder of details with build sheet details for your own trials and testing:
Michelin Pilot Super Car Challenge Details
Im in….
Just dont get it
All cars are gr 4 and from there you tune or is Steet car and you tune it?
Im in….
Just dont get it
All cars are gr 4 and from there you tune or is Steet car and you tune it?
My understanding is we are tuning street cars. I've narrowed my list to two or three with one car standing out right now. Looking forward to that series!
It’s the aero package. Low downforce race cars make for better racing. 550hp, low downforce and the right tire combo will make some amazing racing. Probably anywhere from 3100-3300 lbs. Well, and the weight/ballast can be manipulated also.
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Im in….
Just dont get it
All cars are gr 4 and from there you tune or is Steet car and you tune it?
It will be street cars built to a GT4 "Super Car" race car. Think of it as a middle ground between gt4 and gt3 without the crazy gt3 aero. It will be widebody, wide wheels, 675pp....375-500ish hp depending on car. All cars are very engaging and fun to drive. And, very raceable.
Well fellas, just to make it official, there will be an interim season between MPC seasons. The initial plan will be 5 events from Dec '23 to April '24, but depending on how the "Supercars" are recieved and the level of overall interest, we could extend out to 8 events total (same as current MPC season). This would then push back a new MPC season start to August '24. That will be a decision for a later time.

As for progress, the cars and weights have been established. Hp, aero, and ballast leave alot of options to remain for unlocking extra and hidden performance. Each car tested so far are very characteristic of itself, and honestly, I have no idea which one I will choose....I like the way every one of them drive. Going to be a tough one to decide.
Keep an eye out, as I will be building a dedicated thread for that series soon. This will give everyone who is interested plenty of time to tune and test many cars over an extended period of time. Based on the testing of these cars, I do think everyone will like them as much as I do.

Here are the 7 cars in example liveries and built as they will be raced at a starting 675.00pp regulation.

Vehicle Build Sheet
-All other adjustments/tuning/hp specs are allowed to reach the base 675.00pp base regulation for the season opener.
-Success Handicap/concessions will issued as a "PP" required regulation and the vehicle must be adjusted thru aero, hp, or other means to reach new pp regulation after each event.
Required Parts List (All parts below must be installed as noted/if available)
-Weight Reduction: apply enough to get under the required base weight, and add ballast as necessary to meet specified vehicle weight
-Power Restrictor
-Fully Customizable LSD
-Increased Body Rigidity
-Carbon Ceramic Racing Brake Kit
-Racing Brake Pads
-Brake Balance Controller
-Full Customizable Suspension
-Fully Adjustable Racing Transmission (Sequential Type)
-Racing Clutch Kit
-Racing Hard Tire Compound
-Racing Exhaust System (may apply Sports or Semi-Racing for desired sound)
-Addtional power adders may be added, but be sure to not add too much to the point there is no room for removal for BoP handicapping purposes.
-Wide Body MUST be Installed
-Allowed Aero: Front, Side, and rear deck spoilers ONLY (Any height). NO "lower" rear spoilers/diffusers allowed
(Max front/rear downforce figures should not exceed specified range for chosen car- noted in "Eligible Car List")
-Roll Cage must be installed if available.
*must be Center Lock Hub style wheels only
**All cars must have a front or rear wheel set of a 20" diameter.
(Sizes allowed: 19/20, 20/20, 20/21)
***Rim "Width" and Rim "Offset" MUST be set to WIDE
-Hood Pin Option 1 (gray pullbtab style)
-Headlight: highest available headlight beam
-liveries must be rendered to series requirements
(See example pictures and requirements list)
GS Class Livery Requirements
Creative freedom on graphics or design. No inappropriate graphics. After main design is complete, all of the following decals must be present and sized close to example livery shown above. When finished, be sure to take side, front, rear, and top profile pictures over white background and post in the thread or pm for approval.


-Michelin Pilot Challenge Numberplate and driver's number in white using GT7 default font
Michelin Pilot Challenge Numberplate

-Digital display board next to Numberplate
Digital Display Board

-GS Class decal above or next to Numberplate
GS Class Tag

-SuperCar Decal to be placed next to GS Class decals
Will provide link

-Motec decal behind front fender arches
Motec Decal

-Snail decal in front of rear quarter arches
SNAIL Decal - White
SNAIL Decal - Black

-"Snailracing.org" decal on A-pillar (if able) or on C Pillar.
snailracing.org decal

-Michelin decal in front of front fender arches or front bumper corners
Michelin Decal

-Motul decal in front of front fender arches
Select from default sponsors

-Michelin man decal behind rear quarter arches
Michelin Man Decal

-VP Racing Fuels decal behind rear quarter arches
VP Racing Fuels Decal

-Main Sponsor on doors or main body of quarter panels (Driver to source/create)

-Secondary and additonal sponsors, place on sides at will (Driver to source/create)

-Michelin Pilot Challenge decal right front
Michelin Pilot Challenge Emblem Decal

-IMSA decal left front
IMSA Decal - Red
IMSA Decal - White

-"Tow " decal pointing to tow hook
Select "Racing Decals" in editor

-Michelin decal in license plate box
Michelin Decal

-GS Class decal on left face of rear bumper
(Same as sides)

-SuperCar Decal next to the "GS" Class decal
(Same as sides)

-IMSA decal on left face of rear bumper
(Same as front)

-Michelin Pilot Challenge decal on right face of rear bumper (Same as front)

-driver number in white on right face of rear bumper
(If white car, overlay on a blue round corner box)

-"Tow " decal pointing to tow hook

-Primary sponsors largest
-additional sponsors added at will (small decals)

-Electric Cutoff decal -place on hood, drivers side near windshield.
(source from "Racing Decals" in editor)

-"E". extinguisher decal -place on hood, driver side near windshield next to Electric Cutoff decal
(source from "Racing Decals" in editor)

Windshield banner
-Blue background (same color as number plate blue)
-Michelin Pilot Challenge decal, centered
Michelin Pilot Challenge Banner Decal

-Car manufacturer emblem on driver side corner of banner
(Driver to source decal)

-Driver Number in white lettering on the passenger side corner of the banner

Spoiler (paint black)
-Main Sponsor name/decal
-black overlay to cover spoiler bottom decal.
-Michelin Pilot Challenge Banner Decal in white lettering (Same as windshield banner)
Spoiler Winglets
-Driver's home country flag
(Driver must source home country flag decal),
(must cover entire winglet), (go to -10 Depth to remove any overrun onto spoiler top/inside of winglet)

Stay tuned. Now to get some practice for next Friday. :cheers:

Lambo weight is 3135 lb
But on the time chart you show 3023 lb

Should i keep the weigth as when i bought the car, right?
Also Ferrari stock weigth is 3274 but on table you show 2985 lb
Go with the weight numbers on the chart. Those are specified weight regulations for each car. Then you can manipulate hp, aero, and ballast to reach the 675.00 pp starting performance reg.
Go with the weight numbers on the chart. Those are specified weight regulations for each car. Then you can manipulate hp, aero, and ballast to reach the 675.00 pp starting performance reg.
Ok you mean the lap times chart for different cars at road Atlanta , right?
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