**COMPLETED** SNAIL-Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge: Season 1 Champion: Rob Brown

  • Thread starter llNovall
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great race guys
Would like to participate

Thanks for hopping in and grabbing a feed on the big race, much appreciated. Be sure to stay close to the thread throughout the month for info and updates. Your on the Resrve driver list. Just reply your confirmation to be available on race night, and if your among the first 2-3 reserves, your likely to have a spot. Hope to see you at the next one:cheers:
Thanks for hopping in and grabbing a feed on the big race, much appreciated. Be sure to stay close to the thread throughout the month for info and updates. Your on the Resrve driver list. Just reply your confirmation to be available on race night, and if your among the first 2-3 reserves, your likely to have a spot. Hope to see you at the next one:cheers:

I will try to race next date
I enjoyed filming the race it was really exciting.
Full of fast clean racers
Getting Scores together tonight. If we have any ambitious Race photographers, please capture and post some of your best shots. Great looking race and an awesome circuit. Looking forward to what we all come up with.
My apologies if I messed anyone up. I can’t figure out setups. I’d change one thing a little bit and it didn’t seem to do anything.
It's less about being so much faster than it is finding a setup that gives the confidence to push harder. Also, I will be reviewing your lap pace and consistency to evaluate your class designation before next event, since this was your first event that I can gather the data. Glad to have you onboard.:cheers:
That was some great racing tonight, @llNovall thanks for running this series...:cheers:
I had a blast, racing all around was intense and very clean...overall. Mistakes do happen, so if anyone needs to file an IR, please refer to the penalty filing instructions in the 1st post.
Congratulations to @GTP_Guido on the preliminary overall win on the night:cheers:, with @Fudman420 in a very close second place. Great job fellas. Below are the scoring sheets for the night with, driver and team standings. Great night of racing, and thanks to everyone who participated to make it a great night.

If any drivers feel the need to report an incident(s), please follow the instructions in the first post, tab 4.1. Self reported offenses will not be reviewed by the stewards, only offenses reported by your driving peers. All incidents to be reviewed must be submitted per the instructions by Monday, 10/21/19 at 8pm est.
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Driver Status update as of 10/19/19
@WildOne1976 was MIA for Event #3, therefore he will be removed from the primary drivers list, and placed to the Reserve drivers list. Please add all Reserve driver Gold Class liveries to be ready if you want and are available to race the next Event.

@gulfvet67, usually I would solicite this open spot, but since gulfvet has some race history and commitment now with the series, 1 Special Event Race, and 2 Season Events, I gave him first right of refusal for this spot and he has accepted. Congratulations, you are now driving for Kelly-Moss R&R in the #61 car. Good luck at the next event.

To all remaining Reserve drivers, including drivers who were moved back to Reserve status, a November Newsfeed will be started shortly, and 1 more primary grid spot will be solicited. First Reserve driver to reply will be awarded this open primary grid spot. Stayed tuned.
Driver Status update 2 as of 10/19/19
@LightningFox was a No Report/No show after confirming his attendance for Event #3, therefore he will be removed from the primary drivers list, and placed to the Reserve drivers list. Please add all Reserve driver Platinum Class liveries to be ready if you want and are available to race the next Event.

@Drummer79 was the first Reserve driver to reply to the posting for this open primary grid spot. He will now be on the primary drivers list racing for TOPPRACING in the No. 42 car. Congratulations, and good luck at our next Event in November.


#1 oharagbr19


#66 no1needs2perish


#99 OMG_mang


#29 TheRaceReviewer


#10 CPT_RowdyGiff


#80 ll-NOVA-ll


#65 gulfvet67


#3 fudman420


#44 Phlano_99


#868 basswerks1


#27 Raw10_2u


#52 USERID_77a23


#36 TEX-36


#26 GTP_Guido
Great photo shoot:tup:👍👍👍👍:gtpflag:
The shadowing and lighting choices you used for these made these pictures look so real. Nice job, and thanks for taking the time to capture and share.:cheers: (I linked your photo shoot post in the Media section in the first post)
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Steward's Penalty Report for Event #3, October 18th, 2019 at Nurburgring GP Circuit

No incidents reported by the 8pm est deadline. Great driving to everyone on the grid overall. While there were a few incidental mistakes, there were no incidents reported to the Stewards, therefore all standings are set. Battles were had all over the field, and looking at replays, the racing was hard but looked overall exceptionally clean. Some of the best constant nose to tail and door to door action I've seen in a while all over the grid. Great job.:cheers:

Our Next Event is Friday, November 15th. I will be delaying the posting of Event 4 details until next Monday in the Hope's we get a confirmation on getting Spa in our next update. If no news is out by next Monday evening, we will go to Barcelona and push Spa back to hopefully only December.

Lastly, I am considering another Special Event night, possibly November 1st, depending on my Lamborghini Super Trofeo series coming together before then. I will tag everyone if a Special Event is planned.

Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge
Special Event #2
1 hour Endurance Race
-accelerated tire wear and fuel, requiring a pit strategy.
-ALL RACE TIRE Compounds will be available to all drivers entered.
-all primary drivers will use their Season livery
-all others will be issued a Reserve livery upon sign up.
-all season settings and car regulations will apply to this race.

15min qualifying session
60 minute Race

Room to open 9pm est Friday, Nov 1st
9:15pm est: start qualifying
9:30-1030pm est: Race

This post is a gauge of interest as well as a commitment to race if scheduled.
If this Special Event Race gets at least 12 drivers signed up by next Monday, at 8pm est, this event will be scheduled. Please reply here in the thread if you would be interested in racing.

First 16 replies guarantee their spots on the grid.

@Rob Brown

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