Configerable Leaderboads

It's time GT5 pushed the boat out with highly configerable online leaderboards.

Being a wheel owner who often doesn't have the time or space to set it up, I'd like an option to see which controller type has been used as personally I'm always a second or two slower using a regular control pad.

Showing which driving aids are being used goes without saying.

As well as overall leaderboards I'd like to see weekly or monthly leaderboards, this would hopefully give us more representative 'regular' times for those who like to drive different car/track combinations, rather than being dominated by car/track specialists who spend every hour knocking tenths of a second off their best time.

Finally I'd like to see configerable filters for power, drive type, age, weight, tyres etc., so for example you could choose upto 200bhp rwd cars, upto 1980, 1000kg or more, using N2 tryres.

Anything else you'd like to see?
Agree that to get the most out of online and GT in general they need to capture and track as many stats as possible. I would like to see master leader boards and then league racing boards. Leagues could even be seperated further if a particular racing league runs more than one type of race category. I would also like option to track/capture car value and maybe milage in record stats. Would be cool to see what car in a certain price range could set the best lap etc. Basically the more stats that we have the more in depth the game will feel as long as they give proper ability to sort the stats.