Congratulations to our new Smodies…

  • Thread starter Sambert
Congratulations are in order, particularly to Scaff. Scaff has not only managed to escape my attention for a superhuman (or perhaps supermodman) amount of time but also ends his posts "all prim an propa". I used to end my posts in a similar manner but I lacked the discipline to keep it up.

Anyway, I think there couldn’t be two more members more deserving of this distinction. Plus, it represents one more British victory.

In awe,

P.S. Famine did I mention that you're my favourite hockey playing lesbian?
Congratulations to our new Smodies...?

I thought Smods were the things the cops had in The Blues Brothers...

No, wait! That was SCMODS. My mistake.

Well done all and I hope never to feel the wrong side of your wrath.
Famine's plan for world supremecy has began then.

Congratulations to both Famine and Scaff who I'm sure will do a fine job.
Famine's plan for world supremecy has began then.

And I suspect that little can be done to stop it, a world ruled by Famine, I sudder to think about it.

Once again thansk to everyone for the kind words and support.


Jimmy Enslashay
Tasteless, weak tripe, in my opinion. :P
I drink maybe one beer a day. A twelve pack lasts about two weeks in my house. (Yes, I am a lightweight).
I have tried several "upscale" (at least in my neighborhood) beers and I like Corona. I am also quite fond of Moosehead. (an affectation from my youth.)
Honarable mentions go to Leinenkugel & Shiner Bock.
But, I have to admit, I like a sweeter beer as opposed to a "bitter" beer. And Corona (with or w/o the lime) fills that niche quite nicely for me. And it isn't as expensive as Dos Equis (which is next on my to do list).
And I refuse to drink Coors, Bud, Falstaff, Milwaukee's Best, Schlitz, and PBR. Mostly, on principle.
As little as I drink, I want to drink decent beer.
Still raisin' one to Famine and Scaff BTW.:cheers:
Congrats lads - i considered you both mods anyway 👍

Adding to Fam's SW theme - i think a couple more UK mods will add some 'balance to the force'

Watch out for Andrew at the next UKGTP wearing his pants over his jeans :sly:
Congrats lads - i considered you both mods anyway 👍

Adding to Fam's SW theme - i think a couple more UK mods will add some 'balance to the force'

Watch out for Andrew at the next UKGTP wearing his pants over his jeans :sly:


But you have just mentally scared me with that thought (I've only just got over the Bill Bailey avatar)

I need to go and have a lie down.

A moderator has a specific forum to mod in. A super moderator can mod anywhere.
Yes... BUT - can two Moderators kick one Super Moderators a*** ?....

Congrats to Famine and Scaff - Well chosen !...

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