
  • Thread starter DQuaN


Goat of the Year
United Kingdom
Love em or hate em? Are they doing a good job? Do they just pi$$ you off?

I am creating this thread because of an argument, or "discussion" that occured in this thread that I created not long ago. So discuss here please as this is the proper place for such a discussion and it will allow the last thread to get back on topic.

Ok then..... Cops.......... Discuss...........
Mike's super detailed analysis of the "Skill behind the wheel.." thread and the above comment

RallyF1 is an idiot :dopey:

For those who dont like the "pig" police, go and walk around the most dangerous neighbourhood in your city with as much cash as you can withdraw from your savings account. And most importantly, have fun 👍
goomba my friend, thank you for an articulated response. i am really impressed, but i still refuse to change my view regarding this matter. the system is made in such a way that you become slave to it, and frankley i'm not willing to become just another slave. i refuse my taxes to go to things that i truly do not beleive in, likewar for instance but that's another issue.

i will do my part of not becoming just another roll over dog, even if i have to leave the country. i have been out of the states before and beleive me it less stressull out there, even in a country where killing used to happen on a daily basis because of a civil war.

as for cops, i have to say it again clear and loud I HATE COPS.
Good. Go. Enjoy your life. Don't let the border gate hit you in the ass on the way out.

I would dearly love to hear just how horrible your life has been made by fascist American pigs, and how unjustified it all was, and how you're going to make your way on your terms and live your life as your own man. Let us know how it works out for you.

Rebel without a clue.
Some police are true bastards. Some aren't.

I've had police push me around before for no good reason. Ethnic minorities quite often are targets, and young middle-eastern people in Sydney don't have the best of reputations (stereotypes realy) being associated with gang violence, plenty of shootings and drug dealings.
One time a police decided to cuff me up for no real good reason (suspected me of posessing illicit drugs), despite knowing that he had no grounds to charge me for anything, and the search itself wasn't exactly legal. I hadn't been acting up or anything at all.

Then again some police aren't bad at all, one time me and my friends needed to push a friends un-registrered un-plated car about 2KM up a slight hill on a very busy road. It was an interesting experience, and we got pulled over by police about 7 times that day (of course). The first ones asked what a bunch of young guys were doing trying to clutch start a car (looking like we just stole it realy). After we explained they helped us out by re-routing traffic :). The next police car that pulled up then proceeded to help us push the car!

I'd say for the most part they are decent in Aus, though they are known for excessive force against protests and Aboriginal people.
cops are just people, and there are nice people and not so nice people, you can't talk of cops as if they were an own species...

i've never had any contact with them yet, except for one time when i called them because a car was just being stolen in our street (but they came too late).

but i have read a few days ago about german cops who towed an lamborghini murcieolago away because it looked too loud, yes you have read right, because it looked to loud! and the owner had to pay for it.

on the other hand some other cops stopped some belgian motorcyclists because their bikes were in fact too loud, which means that they would have to bring them back over the border with a lorry, but they were kind ernough let them ride back.
well here in the states, don't even dream about being helped by a cop if your car breaks down. i had a truck in which the drive belt snapped, rendering the car a heap of junk on wheels. at first i thought it was out of gas, so i started pushing the car to the nearest gas station which was a couple of hundred feet away. it was raining, and i kid you not three cop cars drove behind me while i was pushing under the rain, they checked my liscence plate number and then they took off. that was some protecting and serving................................... :ouch:

and why is it when someone who says, i hate cops or the president he automatically becomes unpatriotic, and an outsider. her's another food for thought to the people out there. i also do not support our troops, why you ask? because they are like sheep being used by this adminstartion to fulfill it's agenda.
my heart just ached with pain at the sight of wounded soldiers who lost theire limbs in the war in iraq. soldiers who nobody mentions or even listen to what they have to say, why? because the military oppresses them in not being to public. what did these young men do to deserve such a bad treatment? i'll tell you why, it's because they where in the military and they do not deserve to be listend to.

i have a diiferent way of looking into things. i love, and i really mean it, what America stands for, not the way it's being exploited by a bunch of fat cats. and that goes to all politicians who exploit the system. if it wasn't for the populus act back in Philedelphia and theire intervention in the process of ammending the constitution by rich white politicians, this country would have not been any different from the so-called comunism.
i hate republicans and democrates alike, they are only out there to fulfill theire agenda with no regards to the needs for the average joe.

it's like a huge chain everything is connected, it started with cops and look where it led me into saying. people who have power tend to exploit it, and it's no different when it comes to cops. the ones who are really dedicated to protecting and serving are the firefighters, but that's a whole other issue that i also have reservations on.

God bless america, but not you. because you interpet it the way it fits you not the way it is supposed to be.
and that's basically what i had to say.
drum roll, get set, GO..............................................
I hate cops. Don't ever work out right next to one at the gym, you will get humiliated. I did 10 situps next to him and he did 50 straight. I also hate them for what happened on July 4th.
Well I don't plan on breaking any laws anythime soon, so I don't really hate cops. I can't say I would anyways, either. I'd say that maybe 1% of all cops are "crooked", and if you were breaking the law, you should be punished.
Some police are true bastards. Some aren't.

Substitute "police" for "people" (and the second "some" for "most"). It still holds true. You get a few tossers in every job.

i also do not support our troops, why you ask? because they are like sheep being used by this adminstartion to fulfill it's agenda.
my heart just ached with pain at the sight of wounded soldiers who lost theire limbs in the war in iraq. soldiers who nobody mentions or even listen to what they have to say, why? because the military oppresses them in not being to public. what did these young men do to deserve such a bad treatment? i'll tell you why, it's because they where in the military and they do not deserve to be listend to.

87chevy served in the recent conflict. Have a quick listen to what he says about it - it's easy to make a collective statement about a group of people ("cops are bastards", "troops were used like sheep") right up until the point one of them turns up and contradicts your view.

You hate cops - but who would you call if someone kidnaps a member of your family? It certainly wouldn't be Ghostbusters.
german police sucks.

Hooray for Cops!!!!!!!!!!! Thank God we have them! Otherwise i'd be having to carry one or more of my firearms around everywhere i went. Sure some are a-holes, and a few are "crooked" but on the whole i thank God they do their jobs to the best of their abilities. Thank you Law Enforcement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 👍 👍
Cops...I can probably say that I have the most experience in dealing with them on this website for things I did (and some things I didn't-) do a few years ago. Some cops are assholes on a power trip, alot of them are just doing their job, and some of them are genuinely good people.

For example, once, the court had the police come to my house for no reason to bring me down to the court house and throw me in a holding cell. The cop that came didn't want to take me, but had to. When we got there, my probation officer was trying to throw me into one of the cells, but the cop wouldn't let him because I didn't do anything wrong 👍.

Although I did have some asshole arrest me on Thanksgiving because I went to the mailbox while on house arrest (verbal house arrest, not even electronic, and I was allowed by the court to go to the basketball court in the apartment complex, and to go get the mail) just because he was being a prick on a powertrip.

Oh, and RallyF1 - How old are you, seriously? 12? You're an idiot.
Ghost C
Cops...I can probably say that I have the most experience in dealing with them on this website for things I did (and some things I didn't-) do a few years ago. Some cops are assholes on a power trip, alot of them are just doing their job, and some of them are genuinely good people.

For example, once, the court had the police come to my house for no reason to bring me down to the court house and throw me in a holding cell. The cop that came didn't want to take me, but had to. When we got there, my probation officer was trying to throw me into one of the cells, but the cop wouldn't let him because I didn't do anything wrong 👍.

Although I did have some asshole arrest me on Thanksgiving because I went to the mailbox while on house arrest (verbal house arrest, not even electronic, and I was allowed by the court to go to the basketball court in the apartment complex, and to go get the mail) just because he was being a prick on a powertrip.

Oh, and RallyF1 - How old are you, seriously? 12? You're an idiot.

oh!! i'm the idiot, you moron. hom many times have you been arrested....................
i was never arrested in my life, i'm a law obiding citizen, but i hate cops. do you have a problem with that. i act based on reason, and i guess my reasoning is so far so good cause i never had cops showing at my door step, never ever ever. you heard what i said. if there is some one who is a moron it should be you.................... :yuck:

ironically i'm watching "COPS" right now, aaaaaaggghhh the irony. maybe i might give my view of cops some consideration :sly:
Police are people. People who are able to do anything and get away with it. So **** the police.

In my experience i have had 3 personal encounters with the blue crew.

1) Undercover officer trying to catch me in a drug bust- i should have *****ed him out right there for wasting tax money, my time and generally being a dick but cops in Vancouver have a reputation for illegal searches and brutality.

2) Riding without a bike helmet- They did thier job but they are still pricks in my books. This time i let my mouth run... it was worth the $15.

3) My house gets broken into- What a surprise, no efforts made to solve an actual crime. I guess they are too busy trying to catch drug users.

COPS makes me sick. When i find myself cheering for the alcoholics and crack heads there is something wrong with the "good guys".

The "1%" (my ass) of crooked cops, when they are actually caught, get absolutely no punishment whatsoever. The punishments for police should be the same as for civilians + extra for the fact that they are abusing thier position. There needs to be police for the police.
oh!! i'm the idiot, you moron. hom many times have you been arrested....................
i was never arrested in my life, i'm a law obiding citizen, but i hate cops.

Oh, so what you're saying is you don't do anything to get bothered by cops - They just bother you because they don't like you. I see, it makes perfect sense. No law abiding citizen hates cops, none of them. Unless of course they're trying to be "kewl" and fit in with the "kewl" people, which makes you a dumbass in the first place. And to answer your question, I've been arrested more times than I can count up to - But it's nothing to be proud of.

do you have a problem with that.

No, I have a problem with you, because you're an idiot.

i act based on reason,

And I invented the internet.

and i guess my reasoning is so far so good cause i never had cops showing at my door step, never ever ever. you heard what i said.

Let's try that again. Try to make sense, this time.

if there is some one who is a moron it should be you.................... :yuck:

Yeah, I'm the moron. You figured me out. Oh noes, my cover is blown.
Police are people. People who are able to do anything and get away with it. So **** the police.

In my experience i have had 3 personal encounters with the blue crew.

1) Undercover officer trying to catch me in a drug bust- i should have *****ed him out right there for wasting tax money, my time and generally being a dick but cops in Vancouver have a reputation for illegal searches and brutality.

2) Riding without a bike helmet- They did thier job but they are still pricks in my books. This time i let my mouth run... it was worth the $15.

3) My house gets broken into- What a surprise, no efforts made to solve an actual crime. I guess they are too busy trying to catch drug users.

COPS makes me sick. When i find myself cheering for the alcoholics and crack heads there is something wrong with the "good guys".

The "1%" (my ass) of crooked cops, when they are actually caught, get absolutely no punishment whatsoever. The punishments for police should be the same as for civilians + extra for the fact that they are abusing thier position. There needs to be police for the police.

Did it ever occur to you that laws are in place to protect you?
Did it ever occur to you that laws are in place to protect you?

Sometimes the effects of laws are questionable. Some laws are truly unjust.

One such law in Australia is "Negative Gearing" laws, basicaly it results in sly and substantial tax breaks for very rich people and an increase in house prices punishing the poorer.

The US laws on drugs, like mandatory minimum sentances and such seem unjust to me aswell.

But of course laws are necessary and most of the time serve in peoples best interests.
In my experience i have had 3 personal encounters with the blue crew.

1) Undercover officer trying to catch me in a drug bust- i should have *****ed him out right there for wasting tax money, my time and generally being a dick but cops in Vancouver have a reputation for illegal searches and brutality.

2) Riding without a bike helmet- They did thier job but they are still pricks in my books. This time i let my mouth run... it was worth the $15.

3) My house gets broken into- What a surprise, no efforts made to solve an actual crime. I guess they are too busy trying to catch drug users.

And what about the several hundred other encounters? They apprehended a murderer who would have killed you 2 months later. They pulled over a speeding driver who would have crashed into you 15 miles later. They arrested youths who would, the next night, have stolen your car from your driveway.

There needs to be police for the police.

Quis custodiat custodes - who guards the guards?

The guards guard themselves. There are "Police police" - in the US they are called "Internal Affairs".
In the past three months, I have been stopped by Police while walking through the estate near my home at least 12 times. I have been searched 7 times. But to tell you the truth, I don't mind that. It may be that they are targeting me because I am a 16 year old male, but they are doing their job (some of the time). I know that I'm stopped because 50% of the people like me they stop will either have illegal drugs, offensive weapons, stolen goods etc. I've got nothing to hide. Why should I make a fuss about the small amount of inconvenience caused?

What does wind me up is that when it comes to a Saturday evening, they all suddenly retreat to their station. Every other Monday in our local paper we have reports of teenagers running riot across the city. Slashed tyres, broken windows, people beaten up if they try and stop it. And the Police do nothing.

Some are good, some are bad. When I've been out in town on a Friday night and me and my friends are walking past the Police, they don't grab us just because we've been drinking. Most show their discretion and, as long as we can stand up, walk, and aren't shouting or intimidating anyone, they let us carry on. I respect them for that.

So, the simple answer is, IT DEPENDS ON THE INDIVIDUAL PERSON.
Quis custodiat custodes - who guards the guards?

The guards guard themselves. There are "Police police" - in the US they are called "Internal Affairs".

Interestingly enough - and slightly off-topic - I just read that in Dan Brown's book "Digital Fortress". It's a very good point, in my opinion.
I don't recall offhand, but I think the actual quote is "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes", from Juvenal's Satiria. Sadly I can't remember the exact translation of the answer :lol:
I think over here in Manchester and other parts of the UK the police have got their priorities wrong, they are more concerned with some guy parked on a double yellow than a robbery these days. But thats because of the system, I don't think that makes them all bastards, they piss me off but at the end of they day should a seriouse incident happen, like Famine said, you'd call them because you know they are the people to help.
Watch some of the Traffic Cops programmes in the UK - you'd be surprised. Okay, so the footage is cut, so like street magic shows you'll only end up seeing the successes, but it's amazing how many people on the shows they pull over for relatively minor traffic violations (not wearing a seatbelt, not signalling, not leaving adequate stopping distances) who turn out to not have any tax, insurance, licence, or are banned from driving altogether. Or have the car stuffed with drugs.

Parking on double-yellows is SO annoying. They're there, mainly, to allow free, smooth flow of traffic. Some ass parks on them and suddenly everyone's late, using more petrol, more likely to react aggressively later in the journey and so on... But there are police for traffic duties and police for robberies. To say that the former is unconcerned about the robberies is unfair - he's assigned to traffic and he's doing his job.
Police in general are doing their job as best as they can, which is to enforce the laws. In many instances I feel that this results in unfair treatment, but to the gretest extent I believe that this is the fault of the lawmakers and not the police themselves.

However, you cannot deny the fact that their end goal is to make revenue, and this sometimes leads to biases/profiling. How come my firend, who has a thunderbird w/ a loud exhaust, get pulled over more often that me, in a more incospicuous Civic? We both drive w/ about the same degree of aggressiveness. It is profiling.

Did anyone here see the article in Car and Driver a few moths back about the corrupt police of New Rome and their speed traps? I think there is more room for corruption in the police force than in your average line of work.
I get the whole police assigned to different things, but there just seems like theres so much more attention paid to the minor things comapred to things compared to helping prevent mugging's and gang crimes ect.