well here in the states, don't even dream about being helped by a cop if your car breaks down. i had a truck in which the drive belt snapped, rendering the car a heap of junk on wheels. at first i thought it was out of gas, so i started pushing the car to the nearest gas station which was a couple of hundred feet away. it was raining, and i kid you not three cop cars drove behind me while i was pushing under the rain, they checked my liscence plate number and then they took off. that was some protecting and serving...................................
and why is it when someone who says, i hate cops or the president he automatically becomes unpatriotic, and an outsider. her's another food for thought to the people out there. i also do not support our troops, why you ask? because they are like sheep being used by this adminstartion to fulfill it's agenda.
my heart just ached with pain at the sight of wounded soldiers who lost theire limbs in the war in iraq. soldiers who nobody mentions or even listen to what they have to say, why? because the military oppresses them in not being to public. what did these young men do to deserve such a bad treatment? i'll tell you why, it's because they where in the military and they do not deserve to be listend to.
i have a diiferent way of looking into things. i love, and i really mean it, what America stands for, not the way it's being exploited by a bunch of fat cats. and that goes to all politicians who exploit the system. if it wasn't for the populus act back in Philedelphia and theire intervention in the process of ammending the constitution by rich white politicians, this country would have not been any different from the so-called comunism.
i hate republicans and democrates alike, they are only out there to fulfill theire agenda with no regards to the needs for the average joe.
it's like a huge chain everything is connected, it started with cops and look where it led me into saying. people who have power tend to exploit it, and it's no different when it comes to cops. the ones who are really dedicated to protecting and serving are the firefighters, but that's a whole other issue that i also have reservations on.
God bless america, but not you. because you interpet it the way it fits you not the way it is supposed to be.
and that's basically what i had to say.
drum roll, get set, GO..............................................