Corkscrew. ('nuff said)

  • Thread starter Bulldozer
The Corkscrew is definitely one of the classic sections of any track in the world. I swear I'm still trying to get it right. The Time Trial with the Viper Concept at Laguna helped me get it down pretty good. If you go to Youtube and search Laguna Seca Corkscrew there's a film of SPEED GT cars going through the corkscrew from the bottom and it's a little surprising how many different lines are being taken.

And no discussion of the corkscrew would be complete without mentioning Alex Zanardi's famous last lap corkscrew pass.
Some said it was an incredible pass. I think it was amazing he was able to gather it up and save it.
That Zanardi pass was something else! Risky is an understatement, but I guess it paid off. I actually think it was kind of reckless. I guess that means I don't have what it take to race in real life.

Anyway, if he did that on a license test, he would've failed, since all four of his tires were in the sand. :lol:
I think i might do the Miata enduro tonight. I haven't done an actuall race in GT games in about 2 years now. Ive been a free run drifting mad man....:)

This should be good! :D I'm just imagining breakpoint taking every corner on a drift angle instead of a grip angle and getting stuffed by some demonic ai! You gotta write us a race report dude!

It sounds like you try to take the economic approach - buying sports tires if you don't need slicks and going with the semi-sports suspension instead of the FC version. That's an interesting approach, but I like the FC suspension because of all the stuff I can tweak. Although that probably just gives me more ways to screw up my car. :dopey:

Thanks for the tip on pitting near the end of the race. I hadn't thought of that.

It's partially economics, partially I don't wanna give myself too much advantage. I also use sports and semi-racing suspensions for the same reason; the ai cars rarely are on full-custom suspensions in any GT game (according to Sucahyo's research), so I don't like approaching my races with too much advantage.

Plus as you said, it becomes more possible to screw up your handling. I used to do endless tweaking in my GT1 days, which is great when you're learning...but once you've got a handle on things it's not necessary unless you're in some advanced racing. Just my 2 pesos.
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Right, I am a pro at the Corkscrew turn so I will give some advice. As you come up to it, it seems quite blind. I rember my first time on it on GT2. I braked to late, because you cant see over the top of the hill, and went straight into the safety barrier!:banghead: Anyway, as you come to it lift of the gas before you get over the top of the hill. Then as you start to see over the top brake, but not to hard. Then clip the rumble strip on the outside. Once you have done that, start to accerlarate again, and hit the rumble strip on the inside, and then clip the one on the outside. By doing all this, you should get though the Corkscrew no problem. Hope this helps, and sorry if it dos'ent!:)