Corvette C7 top speed is totally wrong :/

  • Thread starter Sparkz_360
I don't bother with top speed tests , but you can easily identify if it is specific car data bug or general physics bug. Test 10-20 cars from different categories and if everyone has +10% (or whatever % ) of speed than in real life , it has to be general physics problem (wrong calculations of air resistance ...) , but if only some cars fail and do more top speed than in real life , then it has to be something wrong with that car data.

I'd avoid SSRX for testing top speed , because based on posts ,either something is wrong with it or to my guess PD wanted to simulate just above sea level altitude but maybe failed to feed right data?

There's excerpt from some online article explaining altitude and hp dependance (4 turbochargers but still)

A turbocharger compresses the air flowing into the engine. This way, more fuel can be burned, which results in greater power from each explosion within the cylinder. Experts estimate that normal atmospheric pressure at sea level is roughly 14.7 pounds per square inch (psi, which is the equivalent of roughly 1 bar) and that a turbocharger can compress the air by 6 to 8 psi (0.4 to 0.55 bar). This means that a turbocharger can pump roughly twice as much air into the engine. Since the system isn't 100 percent efficient, the engine will probably get a 30 to 40 percent boost in power, rather than a 50 percent boost.

What if you're not driving your car at approximate sea level, but far above? The air is thinner at high altitudes than at low altitudes; therefore the air running into the engine is also less dense than usual, and less effective at burning fuel. This means less horsepower.


Quick run on SSRX in stock Corvette (no oil change) gives 378 km/h /234mph/
leMans no chicanes 342 km/h/212mph/

Real life 195mph estimated :nervous:

[EDIT 2]

C12S '00 > SSXR 335 km/h
LeM 324 km/h
real world estim. 319-350 km/h

M4 > SSXR 333 km/h
LeM 308 km/h
real world 250 km/h (limiter) estimated +280 km/h without lim.

Don't know what to think about that numbers :confused:
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Yeah, a 35-40mph difference for the C7 is taking the piss. Although, Kaz did say that it's his favourite newer car so that may explain why he wanted to um, 'embellish' its stats a bit.......
Yeah, a 35-40mph difference for the C7 is taking the piss. Although, Kaz did say that it's his favourite newer car so that may explain why he wanted to um, 'embellish' its stats a bit.......
And we all know that Kaz is really into "realism". Only if it helps put money in his wallet.
I don't bother with top speed tests , but you can easily identify if it is specific car data bug or general physics bug. Test 10-20 cars from different categories and if everyone has +10% (or whatever % ) of speed than in real life , it has to be general physics problem (wrong calculations of air resistance ...) , but if only some cars fail and do more top speed than in real life , then it has to be something wrong with that car data.

Not true since aero drag is non linear, and there are other factors to consider like powerband, gearing, and the real world test you happen to be comparing to.

Also, the top speeds being wrong isn't limited to a top speed issue, which is bad enough. It probably means the cars accelerate too hard from above highway speeds.

Also, if they want to talk realistic, how often do real cars get driven at their top speed?

You've gotta be kidding? So now, you'll defend the games broken top speed physics by declaring that most people don't drive at maximum speed anyhow. Complete. Total. Fanboy.

PD does need to fix this in the name of realism, & no amount of baseless defence of their mistakes can change that.

"For 1, it's a GAME not a completely real simulator. Two, did you not notice the disclaimer that comes on every time you turn the game on that mentions some cars abilities/performance may not be spot on? I came to the realization a long time ago a lot of things in the game are not spot on and never will be, as long as you expect them to be you will be disappointed."

Yes apparently this absolves them of everything. PD can market this game as 'the real driving simulator' & sell millions of copies on the basis of people wanting a realistic experience, but should they decide to provide the cars with flight capability so that we can soar off in our virtual vehicle to that beautifully rendered moon, then that would be ok with you guys huh?
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You've gotta be kidding? So now, you'll defend the games broken top speed physics by declaring that most people don't drive at maximum speed anyhow. Complete. Total. Fanboy.

You are the one jumping up and down at every little detail which isn't exactly real.

It's a game, on 7 year old hardware. Calling people names doesn't change that.

Get over yourself.
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You are the one jumping up and down at every little detail which isn't exactly real.

It's a game, on 7 year old hardware. Calling people names doesn't change that.

Get over yourself.
Jimipitbull is right. A PS3 doesn't have the computing capability to limit each car to its correct top speed. It also has a low amount of RAM, which is already full of sound samples. Besides does it say on your box "real driving simulator" or "real top speed simulator"? If you reach top speed, you're playing it wrong!
Jimipitbull is right. A PS3 doesn't have the computing capability to limit each car to its correct top speed. It also has a low amount of RAM, which is already full of sound samples. Besides does it say on your box "real driving simulator" or "real top speed simulator"? If you reach top speed, you're playing it wrong!

So why were the top speeds correct in GT5?
Yes apparently this absolves them of everything. PD can market this game as 'the real driving simulator' & sell millions of copies on the basis of people wanting a realistic experience, but should they decide to provide the cars with flight capability so that we can soar off in our virtual vehicle to that beautifully rendered moon, then that would be ok with you guys huh?

No I don't appreciate the bugs/errors in the game either I've just already accepted it's probably not all gonna get fixed so no use continually getting angry about it. I've been playing since GT2 and figured there was a slim chance all these things would turn out correct but I gave it a final shot and preordered anyway. As I've said in other threads this was the last straw PD has lost my business until they do get it right. If that never happens then so be it, such is life sometimes.
It's been said that SSRX doesn't take into effect wind resistance, which is odd.

If it doesn't take wind resistance in effect, top speed should be unlimited (well, until Einstein's theory of relativity comes into effect, which states that the faster an object go, the higher its mass becomes and effectively makes it impossible to go faster than the speed of light, because at that point the mass of the object would be infinite. Although I doubt that PD has bothered implementing this in the physics engine :P).
The whole game has an aero giltch, but SSRX has it significantly more than any other track. There's just a lack of air resistance.
So why were the top speeds correct in GT5?
Well I'm not defending PD, but first of all the top speeds are correct in GT6. Secondly the cell architecture of the PS3 is known for adding 20-30mph top speed in games. Thirdly Kaz has to exaggerate top speed in order to receive a car from the manufacturer to model it.
Well I'm not defending PD, but first of all the top speeds are correct in GT6. Secondly the cell architecture of the PS3 is known for adding 20-30mph top speed in games. Thirdly Kaz has to exaggerate top speed in order to receive a car from the manufacturer to model it.

Nothing of that makes any sense.
Well I'm not defending PD, but first of all the top speeds are correct in GT6. Secondly the cell architecture of the PS3 is known for adding 20-30mph top speed in games. Thirdly Kaz has to exaggerate top speed in order to receive a car from the manufacturer to model it.
That's so stupid it's almost trolling. Are you claiming that Kaz has an agreement with manufacturers that means he has to exaggerate performance figures in order to model the car?
No I don't appreciate the bugs/errors in the game either I've just already accepted it's probably not all gonna get fixed so no use continually getting angry about it. I've been playing since GT2 and figured there was a slim chance all these things would turn out correct but I gave it a final shot and preordered anyway. As I've said in other threads this was the last straw PD has lost my business until they do get it right. If that never happens then so be it, such is life sometimes.

Yes I'm sorry, I couldn't agree with you more here. I too think that GT7 is their last chance for me. And I've been waiting around since GT2 for things like sound to get fixed as well, hence I tend to get really frustrated by them getting it wrong. It's particularly bad that top speeds were more or less correct in GT5 and now they are grossly over the top, they've gone backwards in this area and no passionate fan wants to see that.

For anyone interested, myself and others have done a fair bit of testing that you can see in the other thread that shows it all in more detail. The positives? SSRX is far worse for it than other circuits, so when you're racing or time trailing at other tracks your acceleration and top speed is over the top, but to no where the degree that you'll see at SSRX. Also the lower powered cars are not that affected by it, the problem gets further & further out of step the faster you go so high powered cars will exhibit the really silly top speeds. It all points to it being an aero/drag problem. Unless PD fixes it you have to accept that lap times and car performance, especially for high powered cars, is not realistic. I'm not good at all with accepting it.
The only cars with correct stats are the skylines.

It would be a instasackable offense if they were just 2mph out from the true top speed.
Well I'm not defending PD, but first of all the top speeds are correct in GT6. Secondly the cell architecture of the PS3 is known for adding 20-30mph top speed in games. Thirdly Kaz has to exaggerate top speed in order to receive a car from the manufacturer to model it.

Part of the problem is that you can't have a frame rate that is faster than the cars.
Quick run on SSRX in stock Corvette (no oil change) gives 378 km/h /234mph/
leMans no chicanes 342 km/h/212mph/

Real life 195mph estimated :nervous:

[EDIT 2]

C12S '00 > SSXR 335 km/h
LeM 324 km/h
real world estim. 319-350 km/h

M4 > SSXR 333 km/h
LeM 308 km/h
real world 250 km/h (limiter) estimated +280 km/h without lim.

Don't know what to think about that numbers :confused:
The Zonda's top speed is limited by the gearing, a reduction in drag isn't going to help.
The Corvette and BMW have long gears that they can make good use of with the low drag.

The altitude hypothesis is valid only if all other tracks than SSRX are situated in the Himalayas.
The Zonda's top speed is limited by the gearing, a reduction in drag isn't going to help.
The Corvette and BMW have long gears that they can make good use of with the low drag.

The altitude hypothesis is valid only if all other tracks than SSRX are situated in the Himalayas.

Like I wrote in post cars are stock and I quite get it Zonda can be much faster with different gear setup :D
After all we can always change gear ratios on cars to suit more real life experience and performance , but I'd expect that brand new cars like M4 and Corvette would be "perfectly" recreated .

Altitude hypothesis is maybe(?) a part of answer why SSRX gives you much faster time , not that I'm bothered with that but op post made me curious on a dull evening.

PS: there's no himalaya track , but for sure there's matterhorn :lol: [not that I drive any of those cars up there]
This has nothing to do with physics, it's either; Drag Properties, Wind Resistance, or Air density. Hell, knowing PD it's probably all 3.
Or rolling resistance, which is the second big part limiting a topspeed.

Or transmission losses, engine hysteresis losses inacuracy, suspension losses on tire patch inacuracies, no 30mph chaotic wind in the game like the day of the test, no 12km straigth test track irl, constructors lying to PD to have pretty cars (why not ?), constructor/PD marketting agreement (why not again ? new car, shiny and stuff. Go buy it, you'll never see that topspeed anyway.), constructors lying to consumers because of green taxes (I'm suspicious on this one since it happened in the past on some muscle cars), floating point calculation roundings in a PS3 game or else you would have a 2 fps game with one car, quick and dirty stats for a new-just-released-last-patch car...

And so on. Who said the tires ingame had the actual same tires size sold with the car ?

For information, I made the calculation of rho (which is air density) of the fantasy track-perfect asphalt SS-RX. Since you can see it's somewhere 10m above sea level, the default temperature of the arcade track, 21°C / no humidity gives you almost an exact 1.2 kg/m3, instead of the usual 1.204 kg/m3.

Strange, isn't it ?
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Or rolling resistance, which is the second big part limiting a topspeed.
Not really. Typical figure for rolling resistance would be ~1.5% (not very speed dependent). That would be around 230 N for the C7, i.e. 20 kW at 195 mph. Neglect that and top speed would increase by a whopping 4 mph.
When PD can figure out how to get American cars to display the speed in Imperial Units, then we can worry about actual top speeds.