I would really like to take a minute to give a huge thank you to everyone who helped on this project.
I believe we all learned a few things about this car, and got some really good practice on problem solving. As well as learning how others approach issues that do not conside with your normal methods, but do work and are productive.
My friend will no doubt be very thankful as well.
I will be giving him 3 set ups, one for each tune slot.
I am going to try to hit not the fastest 3, but the 3 best that are of slightly different drive styles from each other. I figure, one of them will hit his specific drive style, and should be golden.
I am still trying to decide which 3, but I am sure it won't be too hard.
I will take advice on those choices if anyone has any input, but either way we should be all set.
This community is the best, I said it when i first joined, and it still hold true. ^^