instead of being a d-bag, do your homework.
here's a link to a countdown timer:
thanks for playing, come again.
and i don't see how when you made the post you speculated that it's the 17th in most of the world ... again ... FALSE.
most of the world is ahead of you. when i made the post it was the 18th (after midnight so it was the 18th).
additionally, the states/canada are getting the game b4 other regions so our countdown will be the lowest. all your logic is just ... blah. you really should've thought it out before even posting. but it's ok, counting's not for everyone apparently.
If you'r such a smart guy, then you should look 5 lines down on the countdown link. Where is says 44d13HOURS.
The way you are counting down there will be 23hours 59minutes 59 seconds left before NA release when you hit 0.