Course Maker Toolbox

  • Thread starter eran0004
Small update for the Elevation Editor:

1.1.5 (2017-08-11)
  • New command: Press <r> to roughen the part of the road that is covered by the brush.


  • elevation editor
    24.4 KB · Views: 140
Here are some speed decoration tips, for using the Python scripted decoration editor (Andalusia only).

In this example, the track is stored as the variable T.
>>>T = loadTed()

To add a rally gate at every checkpoint.
>>> for p in T.checkpoints:
    add_deco('gate_rally', p, justify='center')

T.checkpoints is a list of the positions of all the checkpoints of the track. In plain English, this command says: "add (add_deco()) a rally gate decoration ('gate_rally') centered (justfy='center') on the position (p) of each checkpoint (for p in T.checkpoints)."

To create your own random decoration mix, stored as my_decos.
>>> my_decos = 3*woods+rocks+buildings_white

A decoration key is a text string. Text strings are identified by single or double quotation marks, for example 'marshall_post' or "spectators".
The decoration editor comes with some premade lists of decoration keys. These are stored in variables that don't use quotation marks, for example the list woods contain all the decoration keys that have trees.

In the example above, woods, rocks and buildings_white are all lists of decoration keys. You can add lists together by using addition or multiplication. For example 3*woods is the same as woods+woods+woods.

When you supply a list if decoration keys to the add_deco or add_decos function, the decorations are randomly selected from the list. By adding multiple instances of the same keys, you increase the chance that these keys will be selected. If I want random decorations that are mostly woods, but with some rocks and some buildings, it's useful to add multiple instances of the woods list to my mix, like in the example above.

If you want to add decoration keys that aren't already in the list, you can use:

Or you can add them as lists, by placing them in brackets: my_decos = 3*woods+rocks+buildings_white+['spectators', 'marshall_post']

(All the decoration keys are stored in the text file andalusia_deco.txt)

To add decorations on multiple ranges of the track, it's usually faster to first make a list or a tuple of all the ranges that you want to use, and then iterate over that list or tuple. Instead of using:
>>>add_decos(my_decos, 700, 1285, 'left', 0.3)
>>>add_decos(my_decos, 1498, 1722, 'left', 0.5)
>>>add_decos(my_decos, 1910, 2381, 'left', 0.4)

First make a list of all the position and any optional variables you want to use (in this example I'm using chance as well). Then use a for loop to iterate over the list and add decorations on each range.

left_ranges = [(700, 1285, 0.3), (1498, 1722, 0.5), (1910, 2381, 0.4)]

for start, stop, chance in left_ranges:
    add_decos(my_decos, start, stop, 'left', chance)

This is useful when you have a lot of areas on the track where you don't want any decorations to be placed. Writing a tuple (700, 1285, 0.3) is much faster than writing the whole command add_decos(my_decos, 700, 12805, 'left', 0.3), and the more ranges you have, the more time and work you save by using for loops instead of manually calling each command.

I usually make one list of ranges on the left side of the track and another list for ranges on the right side of the track, simply because I find it easier to work that way. You could also make a single list of all the ranges and supply it with the side value as well, for example: (700, 1285, 'left', 0.3) and then call:

for start, stop, side, chance in ranges:
    add_decos(my_decos, start, stop, side, chance)
Sorry for my question... Is there any tutorial or video teaching how I build a track in Track Layout Creator 3.4 and send it to my GT6? I tried to save a TED file and use GT6Web_WFA but my track is not appearing in my GT6 account.
Sorry for my question... Is there any tutorial or video teaching how I build a track in Track Layout Creator 3.4 and send it to my GT6? I tried to save a TED file and use GT6Web_WFA but my track is not appearing in my GT6 account.

The uploader lets you know if the upload was successful or not. If it says that it was, then the track should appear in the track import feature in the game.

I saved the TED file from my track using Track Layout Creator 3.4, after that I uploaded it using GT6Web_WFA. I got this message "Your GT6TED - file is now uploaded!", but when I go to my account on GT6 Community, in Shared Tracks, the track isn't there. I have 27 tracks, I have more three slots.
View attachment 699975

I saved the TED file from my track using Track Layout Creator 3.4, after that I uploaded it using GT6Web_WFA. I got this message "Your GT6TED - file is now uploaded!", but when I go to my account on GT6 Community, in Shared Tracks, the track isn't there. I have 27 tracks, I have more three slots.

You need to test drive it in the game first, just like when you import tracks from the official app.

Hello everyone still playing with GT6 and this amazing Track Layout Creator!
The software works like a charm to create a track over a GPX file or another TED file as a guide line.

However, I'm facing a small challenge with the following procedure:
1) generated gpx from google maps using
2) use Track Layout Creator (version 3.4) with python 3.6 to draw the track
3) save the track as trk3 to edit later if needed
4) exported to ted, corrected height map, exported again, uploaded, ran, saved to game and profile (wonderful)
5) extended the route on google maps and saved a new gpx, ready to extend the course, but...

the new gpx, despite containing every point in the other used originally, lays in the map with a slight offset.
This offset is enough to make the saved trk3 file lose alignment for the whole first half of the course and prevent the use of the new gpx as a guideline to draw the second half.
Is there a way to correct this offset withing the application?
To shift the guide line or the polygon data as a whole at once would be good.
Otherwise I'll try to do just that editing the pgn file for the same first half I'm using the trk3 from.

Thanks in advance to anyone who read all this and/or tries to help.
Special thanks to eran for creating the toolbox and gathering info on others tools in this thread.

P.S.: mentioned files in the zip attached to this post


    38 KB · Views: 38
Hello everyone still playing with GT6 and this amazing Track Layout Creator!
The software works like a charm to create a track over a GPX file or another TED file as a guide line.

However, I'm facing a small challenge with the following procedure:
1) generated gpx from google maps using
2) use Track Layout Creator (version 3.4) with python 3.6 to draw the track
3) save the track as trk3 to edit later if needed
4) exported to ted, corrected height map, exported again, uploaded, ran, saved to game and profile (wonderful)
5) extended the route on google maps and saved a new gpx, ready to extend the course, but...

the new gpx, despite containing every point in the other used originally, lays in the map with a slight offset.
This offset is enough to make the saved trk3 file lose alignment for the whole first half of the course and prevent the use of the new gpx as a guideline to draw the second half.
Is there a way to correct this offset withing the application?
To shift the guide line or the polygon data as a whole at once would be good.
Otherwise I'll try to do just that editing the pgn file for the same first half I'm using the trk3 from.

Thanks in advance to anyone who read all this and/or tries to help.
Special thanks to eran for creating the toolbox and gathering info on others tools in this thread.

P.S.: mentioned files in the zip attached to this post

There is no way to offset the GPS path, but that can be added in a future version. As it is now, the GPS path is placed in the center of the scene, which is why it moves around when you load another path.

For now, what you can do is to move the entire track (press A to select all points) to where the GPS path is, model the changes and then move the track back to where it was.
Hello everyone still playing with GT6 and this amazing Track Layout Creator!
The software works like a charm to create a track over a GPX file or another TED file as a guide line.

However, I'm facing a small challenge with the following procedure:
1) generated gpx from google maps using
2) use Track Layout Creator (version 3.4) with python 3.6 to draw the track
3) save the track as trk3 to edit later if needed
4) exported to ted, corrected height map, exported again, uploaded, ran, saved to game and profile (wonderful)
5) extended the route on google maps and saved a new gpx, ready to extend the course, but...

the new gpx, despite containing every point in the other used originally, lays in the map with a slight offset.
This offset is enough to make the saved trk3 file lose alignment for the whole first half of the course and prevent the use of the new gpx as a guideline to draw the second half.
Is there a way to correct this offset withing the application?
To shift the guide line or the polygon data as a whole at once would be good.
Otherwise I'll try to do just that editing the pgn file for the same first half I'm using the trk3 from.

Thanks in advance to anyone who read all this and/or tries to help.
Special thanks to eran for creating the toolbox and gathering info on others tools in this thread.

P.S.: mentioned files in the zip attached to this post

Yes, eran is right. Although, I found the best solution for me would be to trace the whole route. Then extend the view range to its maximum so you can pan to the outside of the map borders.
Kinda like this:

PS. if you want a much more accurate .gpx, then it would be best to trace the route on Google earth, save the .kml, convert to .gpx.

Hey @eran0004 would it be possible to import .kmz and .kml file to use as reference paths insterad of having to convert to a .gpx file?
It's possible, but I'm not sure if it would be worth all the work, since you can convert .kml to .gpx with the click of a button.
Well, when you put it that way. Sure, the websites I first went too either charged you or gave you limited point transfer. Then I found

It's free and your .gpx file will be in better definition.
Low def:
Capture3 (2).PNG

Hi def:
Capture2 (2).PNG
Hi there everyone, it's me again!
HELP!! haha I've come to you in times of trouble.

As I really like mathematical models and curves, I was trying to make a course with the Hilbert curve.
I'm using the track path editor 3.4 provided here.
However, for some weird reason, my PS3 hangs when leaving the course, either from the track manager or from race after saving.
I've made a few versions while trying to understand the issue, the only one that works fine is the small one.
The originally intended sizes trigger the problem either as open course or circuit, so I'm guessing it's not it.
The attached files are some of the different versions, all crash but one suffixed "small".

I can export the track, test it and save it, but the PS3 crashes every time I leave the track.
Small version seems works fine.

Any ideas why it happens?
I've reduced ROAD data size, heightmap fidelity and eliminated cambers.
The only setting I didn't turn of is narrow road, because the track was intersecting itself.


    2.8 KB · Views: 20
Hi there everyone, it's me again!
HELP!! haha I've come to you in times of trouble.

As I really like mathematical models and curves, I was trying to make a course with the Hilbert curve.
I'm using the track path editor 3.4 provided here.
However, for some weird reason, my PS3 hangs when leaving the course, either from the track manager or from race after saving.
I've made a few versions while trying to understand the issue, the only one that works fine is the small one.
The originally intended sizes trigger the problem either as open course or circuit, so I'm guessing it's not it.
The attached files are some of the different versions, all crash but one suffixed "small".

I can export the track, test it and save it, but the PS3 crashes every time I leave the track.
Small version seems works fine.

Any ideas why it happens?
I've reduced ROAD data size, heightmap fidelity and eliminated cambers.
The only setting I didn't turn of is narrow road, because the track was intersecting itself.

Is it by any chance an Eifel track longer than 10 km?
Hi there everyone, it's me again!
HELP!! haha I've come to you in times of trouble.

As I really like mathematical models and curves, I was trying to make a course with the Hilbert curve.
I'm using the track path editor 3.4 provided here.
However, for some weird reason, my PS3 hangs when leaving the course, either from the track manager or from race after saving.
I've made a few versions while trying to understand the issue, the only one that works fine is the small one.
The originally intended sizes trigger the problem either as open course or circuit, so I'm guessing it's not it.
The attached files are some of the different versions, all crash but one suffixed "small".

I can export the track, test it and save it, but the PS3 crashes every time I leave the track.
Small version seems works fine.

Any ideas why it happens?
I've reduced ROAD data size, heightmap fidelity and eliminated cambers.
The only setting I didn't turn of is narrow road, because the track was intersecting itself.

I found that the track intersecting itself caused the same issue for me.
Is it by any chance an Eifel track longer than 10 km?

Yes indeed.
I used Eifel Flat for the map and made a track about 14km long.
The error disapeared when I scaled it to 7.8km and to 4.9km as I was testing if it was something to do with the shape.
So, is it a restriction for the Eifel map?
I've seen 25km tracks online with other maps.

Thanks a lot for all the attention, help and suport!
Yes indeed.
I used Eifel Flat for the map and made a track about 14km long.
The error disapeared when I scaled it to 7.8km and to 4.9km as I was testing if it was something to do with the shape.
So, is it a restriction for the Eifel map?
I've seen 25km tracks online with other maps.

Thanks a lot for all the attention, help and suport!

Yes, Eifel tracks are limited to around 10 kilometers. Andalusia would be fine though.
I know we can't use the tracks created anymore, But can we still create them using Erans' TLC 3.4?. I used it years ago, but can't remember how to get it working. Do i install Python first and then then select TLC 3.4? Sorry, i'm old and my memory is shot :( Thanks
I know we can't use the tracks created anymore, But can we still create them using Erans' TLC 3.4?. I used it years ago, but can't remember how to get it working. Do i install Python first and then then select TLC 3.4? Sorry, i'm old and my memory is shot :( Thanks

It seems like we still can use the tracks with modded consoles. But I haven’t tried it myself.

The track layout creator still works fine. You need to install Python 3 first, not sure which version is required but if you install the latest version it should work.

It's not possible in the layout editor. You have two options:

Option 1.
You can add them by hex editing the TED file, but keep in mind that it's not the easiest thing to do and that it can be very time consuming. If you want to give it a try anyway I'd suggest using the 010 Editor (you can get a free 30-day trial of it) and the templates by @Razerman and @NingDynasty. @Mr Grumpy made lists of all the road and decoration codes that you can use for reference.

Remember to save a backup of your track before hex editing it though, as you can easily corrupt the file if you make a mistake somewhere.

ii. Hex Editors and resources
For viewing and manual editing of TED files.

010 Editor (Free 30-Day Trial)

@Razerman 's 010 Editor TED template

@Mr Grumpy 's road and decoration codes

@NingDynasty 's 010 Editor TED templates (including road and decoration codes)

Option 2.
If you made your track with the Andalusia map you can try my decoration editor script. The online services of GT6 were terminated before I had a chance to finish it, that's why it's only working with Andalusia maps. It also means that there is no user interface and instead you will have to run the script in the interactive Python interpreter (IDLE). It's not very user friendly, I'd say it's a similar level of difficulty to using the hex editing option. The good thing about this option though is that it's harder to make mistakes that can corrupt the file, and that once you know what you're doing you can add a lot of decorations really fast. I've attached the script as a zip file to this post if you want to check it out. There are some instructions in this post:

If you're interested I can write a more detailed tutorial for you as well.

(Also, note that the forum rules of GTPlanet have some requirements about grammar, including when to use capital letters, so it's best to turn off caps lock :))


  • Decoration Editor
    20.9 KB · Views: 31
Last edited:
It's not possible in the layout editor. You have two options:

Option 1.
You can add them by hex editing the TED file, but keep in mind that it's not the easiest thing to do and that it can be very time consuming. If you want to give it a try anyway I'd suggest using the 010 Editor (you can get a free 30-day trial of it) and the templates by @Razerman and @NingDynasty. @Mr Grumpy made lists of all the road and decoration codes that you can use for reference.

Remember to save a backup of your track before hex editing it though, as you can easily corrupt the file if you make a mistake somewhere.

Option 2.
If you made your track with the Andalusia map you can try my decoration editor script. The online services of GT6 were terminated before I had a chance to finish it, that's why it's only working with Andalusia maps. It also means that there is no user interface and instead you will have to run the script in the interactive Python interpreter (IDLE). It's not very user friendly, I'd say it's a similar level of difficulty to using the hex editing option. The good thing about this option though is that it's harder to make mistakes that can corrupt the file, and that once you know what you're doing you can add a lot of decorations really fast. I've attached the script as a zip file to this post if you want to check it out. There are some instructions in this post:

If you're interested I can write a more detailed tutorial for you as well.

(Also, note that the forum rules of GTPlanet have some requirements about grammar, including when to use capital letters, so it's best to turn off caps lock :))

thankyou very much

but it's possibile export file ted from track path editor with android emulator on pc?

ok thansk , can i have a tutorial for the second option?
Last edited by a moderator:
Guys help me, the TED editor throws me an error that python 3 isnt found while have it installed it on my pc. I reinstalled python but still nothing.

Guys help me, the TED editor throws me an error that python 3 isnt found while have it installed it on my pc. I reinstalled python but still nothing.

View attachment 1073252
Try creating the file as described in the message. I assume the text inside the <> brackets should be replaced with the path to your Python installation. To get the path (if you're on Windows) you can open cmd and type the following command:

python -c "import os, sys; print(os.path.dirname(sys.executable))"
Try creating the file as described in the message. I assume the text inside the <> brackets should be replaced with the path to your Python installation. To get the path (if you're on Windows) you can open cmd and type the following command:

python -c "import os, sys; print(os.path.dirname(sys.executable))"
ok i just did it but now it shows me this
someone can explain to me how to create a track on Phyton editor gt6 in an efficient way like the Barcelona track do it for example pls
someone can explain to me how to create a track on Phyton editor gt6 in an efficient way like the Barcelona track do it for example pls
You use the pen tool to add "polygon points" (vertices, basically). The straights are drawn between the points and curves are created automatically between the straights. The curve consists of a circular arc in between two transition curves. The transition curves are used to create smooth entries and exits, they also help to make the track easier to "read" for the driver. You can adjust the radius of the circular arc and the length of the the transition curves.

If you want to replicate a real track or a real road you can import a reference path with gpx data, to help you align the vertices.

The elevation data can be edited in the elevation editor, which is a separate application.