My apologies for exaggerating the situation... just trying to make a point.
Yes, that is my sentiment, and it has been all along - I'm not a Covid denier or an Anti vaxer (I have my 2nd Pfizer shot tomorrow, although I do wonder what the vaccine may lead to in the future, from both side effects and restrictions on freedoms).
Personally, I don't see a balanced approach, not from the Government, the NHS, the media or the public. COVID is driving every decision that's taken... even ignoring the destruction of democracy & civil liberties, it's been to the detriment of pretty much everything else.
This thread is a classic example of how Covid has, for want of a better word,
consumed people... It's the only sticky in O&CE, and over the time it's been open it's probably had more posts than the other threads in this section of the forum combined.
Of course O&CE being consumed by Covid isn't a big deal, but things like government finances and other health provisions are - the long term impacts of which will cause significantly more harm to the population than Covid has or will ever do.
Take cancer (@Outpacer... I assume Cancer Research UK is not a source you could accuse of being an 'echo chamber'?

Feb 2021
'COVID-19 has had a significant impact on primary care – patient presentation levels decreased, and CRUK estimates Around 430,000 fewer people than normal in the UK were on an urgent suspected cancer referral during March 2020-February 2021 compared with the same time the previous year.'
'This is mirrored by a decrease in diagnostic testing – in England, over March 2020-February 2021 there was a 24% reduction in the number of key radiology and endoscopy tests undertaken (around 4.6 million fewer of these were undertaken compared to the same time in the previous year).'
We have had it drilled in to us for years how important it is to catch cancer early to give patients the best chance of survival... yet 430,000 people have not had their referral. It got about half a day of sporadic coverage when Cancer Research UK tried to publicise it, then the media immediately switched back to their 99.9% Covid focus.
Add to this the NHS now has a waiting list of 5.1 million 'non urgent procedures'... Ah, no worries. they aren't urgent, so people won't mind waiting... but within that will be 10's of thousands of hip replacements for example... people who's quality of life could be transformed by what is a relatively simple operation... similarly for cataract operations, knee replacements, etc etc etc.
How is this balanced?
There's more coverage in the press of 'long covid' than there is of the cancer 'time bomb' and the scale of the NHS waiting lists.
The NHS aren't to blame for what happened in March & April 2020. But they are, along with the Government, to blame for not seeing what was going to come in the Autumn/Winter and not having any sort of plan to manage it in addition to normal healthcare demand.
And here we are, 12 months on, still having to restrict healthy peoples lives to 'protect the NHS'. And there's nothing I've seen that would indicate this winter will be any different. Where's the plan to build more general capacity to help reduce the waiting lists? What's been done to build more ICU capacity that will be needed if we're going to be able to reduce the cancer waiting lists as well as deal with another Covid **** storm.
The British people believe they have the best Health Care system in the World. The reality is that their beloved NHS is, to put it bluntly, a ****ing shambles. It's not the nurses fault, or the doctors, it's decades of under investment by Tory and Labour governments and mismanagement. It would have gone bust decades ago if it was a private company.
We'd be better off selling it to the Chinese and taking the billions they would pay for it to help reduce the debt we've had to take on this year. I'm sure they couldn't be any worse at running it than our governments and the management.
As for what we do now, given the situation we're in... for me, we have to just let it go. Let people make their own decisions... if you want to wear a mask, fine wear one. If you want to only have x number of people from other households round your house for dinner, fine. If you don't feel safe going on holiday, no problem. But don't restrict those that do - the country and the economy needs to get back to normal - or as normal as is possible after the last 18 months.
The alternative seems to be an endless spiral of restrictions being reduced and increased, with no clear plan to get out. That's not sustainable for society, either financially or emotionally.