COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
Movie theatres is really easy when you simply enforce people must leave at least two seats between them. The concession stand is another thing, but I never buy anything so that's no worry for me.

Whoever is sitting behind you, almost no matter how far, is going to be problematic. They'd need to enforce staying masked the entire time, and that seems... tricky.
Whoever is sitting behind you, almost no matter how far, is going to be problematic. They'd need to enforce staying masked the entire time, and that seems... tricky.
I can see them doing something like this, in accordance with 1.5m rule. Staggering people with an entire row frontwards, 2 seats side wards, and off step diagonally. Allow mostly pair searing with a few individual and disabled spots.

Put bunting tape over the disallowed seats as has been done in food courts, and have a Marshall check that people haven’t moved during the final ad before the movie starts.

It would turn a 100 seat cinema into a 28 seat cinema, but let’s be honest, next to nobody is gonna turn up anyway.

I love going to the movies- honestly one of my favourite reasons to leave the house. I personally don’t think it’s time to reopen them, but I can see the commercial and social desire for that to happen as soon as possible.
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I can see them doing something like this, in accordance with 1.5m rule. Staggering people with an entire row frontwards, 2 seats side wards, and off step diagonally. Allow mostly pair searing with a few individual and disabled spots.

Put bunting tape over the disallowed seats as has been done in food courts, and have a Marshall check that people haven’t moved during the final ad before the movie starts.

It would turn a 100 seat cinema into a 28 seat cinema, but let’s be honest, next to nobody is gonna turn up anyway.

I love going to the movies- honestly one of my favourite reasons to leave the house. I personally don’t think it’s time to reopen them, but I can see the commercial and social desire for that to happen as soon as possible.

Even with that map I think it looks like a good place to catch a virus. If they stayed masked it might work, but it's dark in a theater...
Even with that map I think it looks like a good place to catch a virus. If they stayed masked it might work, but it's dark in a theater...
Maybe they could sell masks at the concession stand for people who want them. I can see a Darth Vader themed one being extremely popular.
Today, I came across my best friend from elementary and junior high, someone I had not spoken to in 20 years.

Swapped phone numbers and gave him a rain check.

Try not to think of it the way you put it.

Try to think of it the way I have edited your post above. Seeing and having the phone number of someone you haven't seen in 20 years is a good thing, not a negative. 👍

Unless they are now extremely good looking, rich and successful with a glamorous model wife... :lol:
That's the difference between freedom of speech and freedom from the consequences of speech. She can actually say something, but failure to toe the party line will assuredly result in her ouster from the position she presently occupies.
I guess she could. But try to understand her. She is specialized in vaccines too. And I am more than sure she is familiar with Phenol that is present in some vaccines. And yes, Phenol is a disinfectant. Now imagine some similar substance to be found in the future covid vaccine.
I guess she could. But try to understand her. She is specialized in vaccines too. And I am more than sure she is familiar with Phenol that is present in some vaccines. And yes, Phenol is a disinfectant. Now imagine some similar substance to be found in the future covid vaccine.
Context is important. Earlier in the day, the head of the Science and Technology Directorate within USDHS, acting undersecretary Bill Bryan, was addressing the potential for sunlight and disinfectant to kill the virus on non-porous surfaces*. Trump, with his attention undoubtedly elsewhere, happened to catch the words "light," "disinfectant" and "kills virus"...and he was off to the races.

*Fun fact: The human body is actually quite porous.

And sure, phenolic compounds can be used as antiseptics and disinfectants, but is that the role they actually play in vaccines? Are they introduced into the body as a means to kill off pathogens? Or are they present in vaccines to prevent growth of bacteria that may be harmful when introduced into the body, or at the very least reduce the effectiveness of the antigen?

Specialized brushes, with long handles and bristly blooms, have been shown to remove matter from toilet bowls, which may include fecal residue. They aren't, however, approved as an implement to aid in clearing out one's bowels; though I'd bet dollars to donuts there's a website for that.
I don't know enough about the pandemic to say anything intelligible, but a former teacher of mine shared this article on facebook:

Is it I good idea? I don't know. Is it a bad idea? I don't know.
It's always a good idea to rush headlong into a potentially lethal situation when you don't have any of the facts. /s

I don't think anyone knows for sure at the moment and the current narrative that some peope a pushing that the media or government is hiding something from us seems to be borne of economic desperation.
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One thing that I hope changes in the US after this is that we take a serious look at why our food supply network can get so disrupted. Workers at meat processing plants and chicken processing plants are still testing positive this late after this thing started because there doesn't seem to be universal enforcing of worker safety rules.

This is insane.
I guess she could. But try to understand her. She is specialized in vaccines too. And I am more than sure she is familiar with Phenol that is present in some vaccines. And yes, Phenol is a disinfectant. Now imagine some similar substance to be found in the future covid vaccine.

That's not how vaccines work, and it's certainly not why its found in very trace amounts in some vaccines, it's used as a preservative, not as an active ingredient.
Meanwhile I may have avoided this Covid stuff for the time being, but after my sinus infection last month I now find myself with a very painful ear infection. Go me. So far I've amassed 2.5 hours of sleep in the last 24 hours. Going to be a long week.
That's not how vaccines work, and it's certainly not why its found in very trace amounts in some vaccines, it's used as a preservative, not as an active ingredient.
Does that change the fact that medical staff have been injecting disinfectans into human body for quite some time? And not only as a vaccine components.
Would it be better for anyone if she spoke up exposing herself? I think she is acting according to the situation. Trying to focus the attention on the real problems like the covid crisis rather than the president. She is a doctor after all. And I am convinced she is doing a favor to all that are against Trump right now by just ignoring him.
An old friend of mine reported COVID-19 like symptoms in March, before recovering in self isolating for a couple of weeks.

He posted about losing his sense of smell, but he subsequently posted that he was not feeling so well again (April 9th), followed by a post on the 11th April about having his sense of smell back. Since then, he has vanished from social media.

He's got to be in his mid-60s, though he is a fit individual - though I must admit it is a little disconcerting that he has suddenly gone quiet so soon after reporting pain when breathing deeply, and 'possibly mild pneumonia'...

I don't know enough about the pandemic to say anything intelligible, but a former teacher of mine shared this article on facebook:

Is it I good idea? I don't know. Is it a bad idea? I don't know.
It is mostly correct... but at the moment it is not a great idea to attempt a more nuanced approach, which risks sending out the wrong signals.

There are still too many major unknowns to be too cavalier about lifting restrictions, even when those restrictions are extremely costly. Make no mistake, there is only bad options right now, the question is which route is least bad overall.

I reckon the general gist of this article is correct but that it is still too early to go down that route. The biggest danger is that the rate of infection starts to soar again, even if the most vulnerable sectors are protected - that would be a lose-lose scenario and must be avoided at all costs for now.

Once PPE is generally (and readily) available to the general public, and once social distancing measures are implemented (and enforced) in public life, then there is a better chance of some return to 'normal life'... but the key point is to relax some (but not all) restrictions once the transmission rate has dropped significantly (e.g. to Australia-like levels) before doing that, and that point is still several weeks away for most (if not all) US states, and most other countries for that matter.
Those are really tough problems. The supply chain has been broken all over the world in all sectors. The whole globalization is now showing it's true weakness. I hope we are going to learn the importance of local suppliers and means for a better distribution in the future.
Here we are going to open more working places starting May 4th. But there's no effective solutions regarding international transportation. And nowadays we are relying on that kind of supplies more than ever before.
We really do need to proceed with caution. New info coming to light all the time.

It may seem like the virus has been around forever, but it's still only a matter of a few months and all sorts of issues have yet to be encountered and identified, for sure. That's why sharing info freely on the virus within the scientific community will continue to be critical.

PS What is Kawasaki Disease? Does it turn you into a motorbike ala Transformers or something?
Does that change the fact that medical staff have been injecting disinfectans into human body for quite some time? And not only as a vaccine components.
As disinfectant rather than as a preservative in a minute, non-clinical amount? Going to need a citation on that.

Would it be better for anyone if she spoke up exposing herself?
Yes, in this case correcting dangerous misinformation would very much be in the best interests of the public.

I think she is acting according to the situation. Trying to focus the attention on the real problems like the covid crisis rather than the president.
The president is actively making the situation worse, as such, she should be challenging that.

She is a doctor after all.
Which means that her first duty is to do no harm, by not challenging him in this regard she is arguably going counter the core of the hypocritic oath.

And I am convinced she is doing a favor to all that are against Trump right now by just ignoring him.
No, as all it does is continue to empower him.
As disinfectant rather than as a preservative in a minute, non-clinical amount? Going to need a citation on that. something I ignored until yesterday. And what do you mean by non clinical amout? They are using it in medicine.
Yes, in this case correcting dangerous misinformation would very much be in the best interests of the public.
He was asking a person. In what universe can this be considered dangerous misinformation?
The president is actively making the situation worse, as such, she should be challenging that.
And so are the governors, majors, journalist, protesters... a lot of people to challenge for one advisor.
Which means that her first duty is to do no harm, by not challenging him in this regard she is arguably going counter the core of the hypocritic oath.
Trying to not lose focus on the major health crisis by not arguing in eternity over a stupid question said by an incompetent lay is following hyppocratic oath in my book.
No, as all it does is continue to empower him.
Imagine if for whatever reason she would try to explain to him how things actually works and he admitted his childish behavior.. less damage. something I ignored until yesterday. And what do you mean by non clinical amout? They are using it in medicine.
Did you even bother looking beyond the basics for this?

Ozone Therapy is an unproven piece of pseudoscience that is banned in all forms in the US by the FDA, who said of it:

"In any medical condition for which there is no proof of safety and effectiveness", stating "Ozone is a toxic gas with no known useful medical application in specific, adjunctive, or preventive therapy. In order for ozone to be effective as a germicide, it must be present in a concentration far greater than that which can be safely tolerated by man and animals."

It is to be blunt ******** and simply undermines the claim you are making.

What I mean by non-clinical doses is that Phenol is found in vaccines because it's used as a preservative, the amount used to do so is so small that it will have no effect what so ever on the person receiving the vaccine.

He was asking a person. In what universe can this be considered dangerous misinformation?
He did exactly the same for his last 'genius' treatment and people died!

Its how he does everything, he poses it as a question and then often adds in 'I don't know, who does' as well. If you can't see past that then quite frankly you are being utterly naive.

And so are the governors, majors, journalist, protesters... a lot of people to challenge for one advisor.
She was in the ****ing room with his! If you can't see the difference in that then little hope exists. However as part of the team heading this up for the US government, yes she damn well should be doing that, its part of her job!

Trying to not lose focus on the major health crisis by not arguing in eternity over a stupid question said by an incompetent lay is following hyppocratic oath in my book.
Nope, if someone asks a question that if followed will kill you (and it will) then as a doctor she should rebute it to do no harm.

Imagine if for whatever reason she would try to explain to him how things actually works and he admitted his childish behavior.. less damage.
And yet she didn't, potentially allowing harm to come to others, directly against the Hippocratic oath.
PS What is Kawasaki Disease? Does it turn you into a motorbike ala Transformers or something?
It's a rare paediatric vasculitis (meaning that it affects the blood vessels, in this case mediated by the immune system). It's usually suspected when a child has a fever that lasts for over 5 days but can be diagnosed before that threshold based on other features like a strawberry tongue (also seen in the more common Scarlet fever).

Interestingly it is one of the few (maybe only?) conditions where it is advised to give aspirin to a child - normally this is not a choice of treatment because of the chance of precipitating Reye syndrome.
I don't know enough about the pandemic to say anything intelligible, but a former teacher of mine shared this article on facebook:

Is it I good idea? I don't know. Is it a bad idea? I don't know.

One thing I agree in a way with is point #4:

Fact 4: People are dying because other medical care is not getting done due to hypothetical projections.

While we aren't having millions die because they can't get their care, there are people who will have a shorter life or a worse bout with a disease because it is so hard to get in-person care right now. Yes, virtual visits are a thing and they work great for many conditions. However, things like mammograms, colonoscopies, stress tests, etc. are being put on hold or at the very least, done in very small numbers. These are tests that can help identify problems early and make effective treatment possible. Also, with many doctor's appointments, a physician can catch something by doing basic vitals and a review of systems on a person. If you're sitting at home and talking to a screen, that can't happen, or at least can't completely happen.

I really wish there was a better way to interface things like Apple Health and Google Fit. This would allow you to upload various data concerning your vitals to your doctors so they could also go off something. While this works to a degree, it's nowhere near accurate enough right now. It's one field I'd ultimately like to get into since I feel pretty strongly about people being in control of their medical records over a hospital and just having a hospital be able to interface with them. Having a constantly updated set of vitals in your "chart" would greatly improve care.
While we aren't having millions die because they can't get their care, there are people who will have a shorter life or a worse bout with a disease because it is so hard to get in-person care right now.

Kinda tangentially related to this is the number of people that are dying of disease simply because they don't seek treatment out of fear of catching 'rona. Apparently lots of hospital care is down because people are dying at home.

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