Not sure this is a great idea, since the potential for false negatives is still very high - in principle, however, it would be great if people could test themselves at home, provided the results are reliable and it is relatively easy/fool-proof (which existing tests are not...)
On a side note, I remember Albertson's well from my time living in Irvine, CA... I bought a bottle of vodka there once and the young guy behind the till ID'd me. I showed him my UK/EU driver's license and he went bright red when he told me that he could only accept a UK passport as evidence of my age. I said not to worry and I wouldn't bother with the vodka, and he changed his mind and politely said 'I'll let this through, but please bring a passport for next time'. Considering I was a balding, 40-year old, slightly overweight Scotsman with a slight drinking problem*, I found it quite charming.
The irony was, I was buying it as a gift (albeit in the knowledge that they would share it with me) for a 23 y.o. friend who, while old enough to legally drink, would likely not have been allowed to buy it themselves in Albertson's due to their ID policy at the time... I should also note that it was Sky Vodka, and not Albertson's own-brand, industrial sized vodka... like I would
ever drink that...
* Not any more
(I'm 45 now)