COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
That's why we have test phases for vaccinations that span several years - this time, we do not have even the slightest idea if this vaccination can cause such problems.

I think that's quite crazy.

It is a bit, but if you're somewhere like America and the alternative is letting hundreds of thousands of people kill themselves because they're too free to wear a piece of paper on their face, I can see why health officials would be willing to roll the dice. If it saves people's lives then you do what you have to do.

I’m guessing as time goes on, the creators will still continue testing to make the side effects more tolerable?

Maybe, maybe not. It may just be that's what you need to put up with in order to have your body build an immunity.
What worries me much more is side effects months and years after the vaccination. Some rushed vaccinations have lead to debilitating auto immune responses like Multiple Sclerosis and other severe degenerative illnesses like Narcolepsy years after the shot.- Thats not a fever or a minor inconvenience, that stuff ruins your life.

That's why we have test phases for vaccinations that span several years - this time, we do not have even the slightest idea if this vaccination can cause such problems.

I think that's quite crazy.

Given that Covid itself has potentially life-long serious organ-related side effects that are only just beginning to be discovered, you're between a rock and a hard place.
What worries me much more is side effects months and years after the vaccination. Some rushed vaccinations have lead to debilitating auto immune responses like Multiple Sclerosis and other severe degenerative illnesses like Narcolepsy years after the shot.- Thats not a fever or a minor inconvenience, that stuff ruins your life.

That's why we have test phases for vaccinations that span several years - this time, we do not have even the slightest idea if this vaccination can cause such problems.

I think that's quite crazy.
... which is why there are such stringent requirements for approval of vaccines, and hence why it normally takes several years for this process to be completed. Fortunately, rapid advances in practically every aspect of vaccine development has meant that there are already multiple strong vaccine candidates that have already been through a large chunk of the approval process, showing both high efficacy and safety, which is very promising.

As mentioned above, there's also a trade-off between the potential damage from vaccines and the potential (and well-known) damage of the virus itself. At least vaccines are a known quantity - it is inherently safer to use a vaccine (a controlled dose at controlled times) as compared to being randomly infected by the virus itself.
It is a bit, but if you're somewhere like America and the alternative is letting hundreds of thousands of people kill themselves because they're too free to wear a piece of paper on their face, I can see why health officials would be willing to roll the dice. If it saves people's lives then you do what you have to do..
Of course, we hardly have an alternative and its the logical thing to do. Thing is, everythings statistics until it hits YOU. I learned that the hard way (not with vaccines).

Fortunately, rapid advances in practically every aspect of vaccine development has meant that there are already multiple strong vaccine candidates that have already been through a large chunk of the approval process, showing both high efficacy and safety, which is very promising.f.
There is advances in vaccine development that make mandatory long term studies for side effects that may appear years later irrelevant? What would that be?
As far as I know over 30% of all general vaccines that are under development fail the long term side effect testing phase.

Again, the vaccine is wonderful and its the logical thing to do under the current circumstances, I'm just saying that I would not dismiss the possibility of severe side effects somewhere down the road as easily as most people seem to do.
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Some rushed vaccinations have lead to debilitating auto immune responses like Multiple Sclerosis

Do you have a link for that?
Not trying to get you in a gotcha moment or anything just genuinely curious as Mrs Shaun has MS.
Do you have a link for that?
Not trying to get you in a gotcha moment or anything just genuinely curious as Mrs Shaun has MS.
I'm afraid I don't have a direct source, I only remember having read an article about it 2 years ago. But you can google it, there were cases of MS, Narcolepsy and some other kind of demyelinating deseases directly linked with vaccines against pig flu and I think chicken flu that were used in Finland with little to no prior testing.

I even remember why that happened, sort of, something in the vaccine was so close to some hormone or molecules created in the pituitary that in some people the original was swapped out with the vaccine bits which were a tiny bit different, which caused those problems which were permanent, very serious and in some cases lethal.
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Do you have a link for that?
Not trying to get you in a gotcha moment or anything just genuinely curious as Mrs Shaun has MS.

The only thing I can find on that is a bunch of very questionable research from some sketchy studies. Most of them point to an MMR vaccine causing MS in the 90s, but that seems to be fairly bunk. There's some evidence that suggests the 2009/10 H1N1 flu outbreak vaccine might have contributed to narcolepsy, which was first reported by Finland. However, it's hard to say how accurate that is and there seems to be a bunch of academic debate around it.

There have been incidents that are well documented though. The first is the Cutter Incident in 1955 where the manufacturer had live polio in their vaccine rather than the inert virus. The other was during the 1976 Swine Flu outbreak. The vaccine developed during that time led to an increase in Guillain–Barré syndrome.
The only thing I can find on that

Appreciate you looking mate, I haven't had the chance yet to search but I will when I get the chance.
Just our Neurologist has never made mention of it and he's always pretty upfront with us about her condition along with any events around the world.
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Do you have a link for that?
Not trying to get you in a gotcha moment or anything just genuinely curious as Mrs Shaun has MS.
Oh, I totally forgot: sorry to hear that, hope she is hanging in there! I know somebody with MS, since she turned around her diet (no sugar, no artificial ingredients etc.) it stopped getting worse, in fact she is now free of medications and is leading a happy normal life. Don't want to sound like a wisecrack, just wanted to mention that, maybe its worth a try. :)
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Published: Nov. 24, 2020 at 1:11 PM AKST|Updated: 45 minutes ago

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (KTUU) - A record-breaking 13 new deaths were reported in Alaska on Tuesday. The new deaths bring the state total of deaths to 116 with one of those cases reported in a nonresident.

Along with the new deaths, the Department of Health and Social Services is reporting 583 new COVID-19 cases. Five of the new cases were reported in nonresidents with one in the Northwest Arctic Borough, one in Eagle River and three in unknown locations.

NSHC News via Nome-announce
Mon, Nov 23, 8:26 PM (17 hours ago)


Four Close Contacts and Two Travelers Test Positive for COVID-19

Nome, Alaska – On November 23, Norton Sound Health Corporation [NSHC] received six positive COVID-19 results. There are currently 46 active cases in Nome and five active cases in the region’s villages.

Two patients, one resident of Nome and one resident of the region, tested in accordance with the City of Nome travel mandate. They are safely isolating in Nome, where they will remain until fully recovered. These cases are considered to be travel-related.

Three other patients are Nome residents and are classified as close contacts of previously identified cases. The last patient is a non-resident of the region, and is also considered to be a close contact of a previous case. This patient was already in quarantine when they were informed of their positive test result.
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Some rushed vaccinations have lead to debilitating auto immune responses like Multiple Sclerosis and other severe degenerative illnesses like Narcolepsy years after the shot

Definitely need sources for the claim that vaccines can trigger MS. There was a link to Narcolepsy with this vaccine but no link was definitively shown in the countries where it happened.
City of Nome Emergency Ordinance and Order to Reduce the Spread of COVID-19

3:42 PM (2 hours ago)


Due to the recent spike in COVID-19 cases in Nome, the City of Nome has taken the following actions:

Effective 12:00 Midnight on November 26, 2020 to 12:00 midnight on December 13, 2020

Sales of Alcohol Prohibited - No person may consume, sell, offer for sale, give, or furnish from an authorized licensee of any type of the license provided in AS 04.11.090(1) through (6) and (8) through (20), any intoxicating liquor for on site consumption on any such licensed premises. This prohibition does not prohibit any person from selling, offering for sale, giving, furnishing, or delivering any intoxicating liquor for consumption off-site from any licensed premises to the extent allowed by state law.

Effective 5:00 PM November 24, 2020 to 12:00 midnight on December 13, 2020

Prohibition of Dine-in Operations - No person may sell any prepared food for on site consumption or allow any person to consume prepared food on site. All restaurants and other businesses selling prepared food in Nome shall only offer food for carry out or home delivery.

Regulation of Taxicabs, Buses, Vehicles for Hire and Licensed Chauffeurs - No person licensed as a chauffeur and no licensed taxicab, bus or vehicle for hire may allow more than one person inside the taxicab, bus or vehicle for hire at one time unless from the same household. All persons must wear facemasks in the taxicab except children under three. Violation of this regulation shall be grounds for cancellation or revocation of a chauffeurs license or taxi permit under NCO 3.10.050 or 3.10.105.

Public Gatherings - Public gatherings in public spaces is limited to no more than 10 persons except for grocery stores.


Emergency Order:

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (KTUU) - Anchorage’s Acting Mayor Austin Quinn-Davidson has issued a modified form of the hunker down order that will go into effect on Tuesday and will remain in place until Jan. 1, 2021.

The emergency order requires people in the municipality to limit contact with people outside of their household, quarantine if possibly contagious with COVID-19 and limit indoor gatherings to six people and outdoor gatherings to 10 people.

The order closes bars and restaurants for in-person service but allows delivery, take-out service and outdoor service.

Indoor gyms are still allowed to operate but are limited to 25% capacity.
Indoor fitness classes are able to continue but participants at a class must be 10 feet from each other.
The order closes indoor organized sports competitions and closes entertainment facilities like bowling alleys, bingo halls, theaters and private clubs.
One of my local hospitals shared they're now overwhelmed. 72 people are in their hospital, but they only have 60 beds available. Hearing that DFW will be out of beds in about a week now according to the Texas Health CEO.

I can't fathom how people don't realize how serious this is. Dallas County has 1.3 million people in it & no beds available is an absolute disaster. I can only imagine the Convention Center will announce it will be ready to turn back into a field hospital.
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One of the families whose child (with autism) that I work with contracted and tested positive for COVID 16 days ago and have remained asymptomatic. I couldn't find any useful information regarding what steps they need to take (if any) before they are cleared to end their self-isolation. Any ideas? I don't want to walk into a household if the 14 day period of self-isolation hasn't stopped them being contagious.
One of the families whose child (with autism) that I work with contracted and tested positive for COVID 16 days ago and have remained asymptomatic. I couldn't find any useful information regarding what steps they need to take (if any) before they are cleared to end their self-isolation. Any ideas? I don't want to walk into a household if the 14 day period of self-isolation hasn't stopped them being contagious.
The guidance/law in the UK is that you must self-isolate after testing positive (even if asymptomatic) or displaying symptoms (even if not tested positive), and that this isolation period should restart if/when a person later becomes symptomatic. Importantly, it also says that people should remain in isolation until symptoms have stopped.

Canada sounds similar, and I would assume that it was safe to end (or recommend ending) self-isolation provided everyone has remained fully asymptomatic for over 14 days since testing positive.
The guidance/law in the UK is that you must self-isolate after testing positive (even if asymptomatic) or displaying symptoms (even if not tested positive), and that this isolation period should restart if/when a person later becomes symptomatic. Importantly, it also says that people should remain in isolation until symptoms have stopped.

Canada sounds similar, and I would assume that it was safe to end (or recommend ending) self-isolation provided everyone has remained fully asymptomatic for over 14 days since testing positive.
Two weeks ago I experienced for multiple days (more than a week) a partial set of Covid-like symptoms: extreme lethargy, foggy mind, persistent cough and mild fever (for only one day). I lost 9 lbs in weight. After several days, and the only day of fever, I tested negative for Covid. I'm feeling well now, with none of these symptoms. In your opinion, should I quarantine?
Meanwhile, SCOTUS has ruled that states can't limit religious gatherings.

EDIT: @Dotini - to my understanding, you are good after 14 days no symptoms OR a negative test. Since you have the negative test, enjoy the unplanned weight loss!
I would argue that a negative test is not as good an indicator of safety as the relief of symptoms, but either way it sounds like @Dotini would pass on both counts now anyway.

Testing is not entirely accurate, and although symptoms vary and cannot themselves give an accurate diagnosis, I would argue that anyone experiencing a symptom associated with Covid should self-isolate, and only come out of isolation 7-10 days after the symptoms have gone, irrespective of any test results.
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I would argue that anyone experiencing a symptom associated with Covid should self-isolate, and only come out of isolation 7-10 days after the symptoms have gone, irrespective of any test results.
That is an ideal-world approach, but not overly practical. I think here you are expected to stay isolated for 24h after symptoms go if you've had a negative test.

FFS America. Religious services are the very definition of non-essential, you can do them wherever you are. Pray from home and keep your blessed diseases to yourself.

Testing is not entirely accurate, and although symptoms vary and cannot themselves give an accurate diagnosis, I would argue that anyone experiencing a symptom associated with Covid should self-isolate, and only come out of isolation 7-10 days after the symptoms have gone, irrespective of any test results.

I think that depends where you are. In places where there are high numbers of COVID infections, sure, better safe than sorry. There's a real chance that you're infected even with a negative test. In places like most of Australia at the moment where most states have at worst single digit cases, it's far more likely that you just have a cold or the flu and there's really no reason to get too gung-ho about things if you have a negative test result.
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In Washington State, the 28 day moving average of positive tests is 16%, and headed straight up. Less than two months ago it was under 3%.
Confirmed cases per day is quadruple the previous record high. Reported deaths per day hit a record high, although the 14 day average is less than when all those folks in nursing homes were dying.
FFS America. Religious services are the very definition of non-essential, you can do them wherever you are. Pray from home and keep your blessed diseases to yourself.

We're finally getting a mask mandate for most public indoor spaces.

Except religious buildings. Because you can always pray the virus away.
We're finally getting a mask mandate for most public indoor spaces.

Pretty much every building I go into here has a Masks Required sign on the front doors. Doesn't stop people from ignoring it though.

It's kind of weird, where I am we now no longer have to wear a mask when outdoors yet the majority of people still are. Not sure if it's just forgetfulness or deliberate on people's behalf. I know personally I still do sometimes purely through habit or when coming out a shop.

Indoors it's still mandated though and it's very rare to see someone not wearing one.