It's the one about "Vaccine gives us permanent immunity"... yes, they add "from lockdown and restrictions", but the intent of this is clear - and it is dangerously false.
The use of the phrase "permanent immunity" irks me, as I believe it is a deliberate attempt to overstate the effectiveness of the vaccination programme which is underway in the UK; it's also a clear attempt to downplay the requirement for further lockdown restrictions.
This is a dangerous thing to say, because not only has it not been established that the current vaccination drive will provide 'permanent immunity' (it very likely will not), but it doesn't address the danger posed by the variants of the virus that may render the current vaccines less effective.
It is a brutal irony that these folks just don't get the idea that the harder we come down on the virus, the more time we can spend with fewer restrictions. Promoting the misleading message that the current vaccine drive will allow us to permanently lift lockdown restrictions is, perversely, only likely to create a situation where severe lockdown restrictions are needed once again.
But this is what happens when ideology is put before basic science.
Normally it's a good thing in politics to have an opposing case presented, but this is unscientific and encouraging people to ignore restrictions. I've been quite angry and critical about some of the decisions made over tiers, schools and second lockdown (mainly because gov didn't appear to be following the data), but you don't hear me railing against this lockdown!
It still bothers me that gov has only tacitly acknowledged the role that schools played in the rise of cases last term (by including them in this lockdown). Nationally, on average, over 3% of secondary school children had covid towards the end of term, so some places would have been well over that. (The
ONS data show it to be a fairly steady rise during the term rather than a dramatic peak at the end that one might presume to be the UK variant). That level of infection would clearly be a perfect environment for a variant to arise. Anyway, it bothers me because I believe that
most people will act responsibly if presented the facts (including reasonable assumptions).
The SA variant though is the big worry. A further location is doing surge testing (near Basingstoke), and it's not clear if there's any known connection of the case found there to previous cases (I assume not). Can we put a lid on it and keep it out? I don't rate our chances highly on that, but must admit it seems to be going better than I expected so far.
Apart from schools, and aside from the SA variant, some of their timetable may yet turn out to be about right
if and only if the data supports it. Hospital admissions have indeed dropped rapidly thanks to this lockdown, but there's a hint in
the chart that we've reached the point where the fall isn't going to continue as quickly - the first wave showed us there's a very long tail before admissions can be called 'very low'.
The end of lockdown won't be predetermined by demanding dates, that's risible. And to make those demands now, when there's still more people in hospital than there was at the first peak, is frankly crass.