COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
Question, if someone gets Covid 19 and then recovers, is there any effects? Permanent ones?
Additionally to the Covid-specific effects there is also the usual lasting effects of severe viral infections, mainly fatigue that lasts for a very long time and which can even become permanent, and an infection can trigger an immune response that in turn triggers auto-immune diseases if you have a genetic predisposition. A friend of mine got multiple sclerosis right after a relatively mild infection with Cov19.
Additionally to the Covid-specific effects there is also the usual lasting effects of severe viral infections, mainly fatigue that lasts for a very long time and which can even become permanent, and an infection can trigger an immune response that in turn triggers auto-immune diseases if you have a genetic predisposition. A friend of mine got multiple sclerosis right after a relatively mild infection with Cov19.

I hope what felt like a bad head cold is the worst of my bout with COVID.
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Little announcement. Just had round one of the astra zeneca vaccine. So far just a sore arm and some twinges in places. Other than that doing alright little dazed but that was nerves getting the needle and being in a crowd again. Will keep you posted.
Ah yes. Texas is officially a world leader in infrastructure and its completely impossible for this to be a bad idea:
"We should "continue following medical advice.""

Which says to do exactly none of that.

I wonder if he will take a trip to Mexico the night before or will it be two weeks from that day?
Ah yes. Texas is officially a world leader in infrastructure and its completely impossible for this to be a bad idea:

Not surprised in the least. Half of us Texans will stop reading after "capacity" because they politicized masks & will vote for a pile of poo if it has (R) next to it. If you need proof, there's currently 4 morons (Abbott, Paxton, Patrick, Cruz) all vying for the top ***hole of Texas.

I'll keep wearing a mask until vaccinated. These anti-vaccine idiots can end up on LeopardsAteMyFace for all I care.
Meanwhile, The University of Alabama says they will have a full stadium when the season starts this fall. Alabama's current vaccination rates are among the lowest in the country at 13% of eligible residents receiving at least one shot. So there will be 100,000 morons packed in Bryant-Denny because IT'S THE CRIMSON TIDE GODDAMMITT!!!!!
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Meanwhile, The University of Alabama says they will have a full stadium when the season starts this fall. Alabama's current vaccination rates are among the lowest in the country at 13% of eligible residents receiving at least one shot. So there will be 100,000 morons packed in Bryant-Denny because IT'S THE CRIMSON TIDE GODDAMMITT!!!!!
Well, it might be stupid, but it is not Texas or Mississippi level of stupid.

(Why do I have a feeling that in a few days I will have to edit this with the news Alabama is joining Texas or Mississippi?)
Ah yes. Texas is officially a world leader in infrastructure and its completely impossible for this to be a bad idea:

Texas is so good at this COVID thing it beat the rest of the world to pandemic success.
My work is currently sending out emails that say they will not force people to vaccinate and that it's a "personal choice" yet they are still enforcing masks whether you are vaccinated or not. Something about that seems ass backwards to me.
So just a quick update on round one of my vaccine:

It all went to hell yesterday afternoon. Started suffering from all of the common side effects (the Astra Zeneca vaccine). So I had aches and pains, tiredness, fuzzy head, nausea, shivers and a fever. Body temp rose to 40 degrees (should be 36-37 I think).

Feeling better now though still wiped out. Little tip to all before you get your vaccine, book the next day off work if you can. You might be completely fine, or you might be me.

Ps. This is not me saying don't get the vaccine, you absolutely need to.
My work is currently sending out emails that say they will not force people to vaccinate and that it's a "personal choice" yet they are still enforcing masks whether you are vaccinated or not. Something about that seems ass backwards to me.
IMO, they should force everyone to get vaccinated, ok, it depends on the lab the vaccine is coming from, but it's the best protection we have noneless...
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IMO, they should force everyone to get vaccinated, ok, it depends on the lab the vaccine is coming from, but it's the best protection we have noneless...

I don't think anybody should be forced to be vaccinated. However I could see vaccination as a condition of employment, access to public areas, etc. You have the right to do pretty much anything you wish. You do not have the right, however to endanger other people.
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My work is currently sending out emails that say they will not force people to vaccinate and that it's a "personal choice" yet they are still enforcing masks whether you are vaccinated or not. Something about that seems ass backwards to me.
My read on that is that they want to enforce vaccinations but have been advised that it won't fly. Maintaining mask enforcement across the board eliminates any possibility of discrimination based on who is protected by what. I'm OK with wearing a mask for a little while after vaccination if it means everything else is permitted and safe to open (health experts definition of safe, not Texas safe).
Not surprised in the least. Half of us Texans will stop reading after "capacity" because they politicized masks & will vote for a pile of poo if it has (R) next to it. If you need proof, there's currently 4 morons (Abbott, Paxton, Patrick, Cruz) all vying for the top ***hole of Texas.
You forgot one:

I swear some people take the phrase "you can't really be this stupid" as a goddamn challenge.

I'll keep wearing a mask until vaccinated.
Once vaccinated, I'm going to keep masking before I walk out the front door because a) it's a laughably minor inconvenience, b) while I'm broadly assured regarding the efficacy of vaccination, I'm also a realist and I understand that nothing is guaranteed, c) some places are still going to expect it of me, and I respect that right, and d) I'd really hate to give anyone a reason to think I'm a ****ing Republican.
You forgot one:

I swear some people take the phrase "you can't really be this stupid" as a goddamn challenge.

Once vaccinated, I'm going to keep masking before I walk out the front door because a) it's a laughably minor inconvenience, b) while I'm broadly assured regarding the efficacy of vaccination, I'm also a realist and I understand that nothing is guaranteed, c) some places are still going to expect it of me, and I respect that right, and d) I'd really hate to give anyone a reason to think I'm a ****ing Republican.

I just wonder how long it's going to take in Texas before those that continue to wear a mask will be verbally and probably even physically assaulted for choosing to be responsible? Because I have to think with today's political climate that those who want to continue to wear masks will be considered "part of the problem to begin with" or be considered "anti-Trump".

Like @TexRex said, once I do get the vaccine, I will continue to wear a mask wherever I go in public even if Alabama were to drop the mask mandate tomorrow.
I just wonder how long it's going to take in Texas before those that continue to wear a mask will be verbally and probably even physically assaulted for choosing to be responsible? Because I have to think with today's political climate that those who want to continue to wear masks will be considered "part of the problem to begin with" or be considered "anti-Trump".
Like this isn't happening already and hasn't been for months?
I wear one at work because requirement (mostly, I take it off when I'm sitting at my desk) and when I go into stores. Any other time I do not. Including hanging with friends in the canyons but we're outside and mostly separated.
Alabama Governor Kay Ivey or as I call her "Camellia Blossom Festival Queen of 1927", has declared that our mask mandate will remain in effect for one more month but NO MORE THAN THAT!!

Our Lieutenant Governor Will "pass the biscuits & gravy" Ainsworth yesterday issued a strong statement that Miss Ivey should git rid of the mask mandate immediately. He has been against it from the start. His statement yesterday urged all Alabama citizens to continue social distancing etc. but we don't need a Big Government mandate looming over us. To which I guess she replied "Oh fiddle dee dee".
Well, it might be stupid, but it is not Texas or Mississippi level of stupid.

(Why do I have a feeling that in a few days I will have to edit this with the news Alabama is joining Texas or Mississippi?)

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey or as I call her "Camellia Blossom Festival Queen of 1927", has declared that our mask mandate will remain in effect for one more month but NO MORE THAN THAT!!

Our Lieutenant Governor Will "pass the biscuits & gravy" Ainsworth yesterday issued a strong statement that Miss Ivey should git rid of the mask mandate immediately. He has been against it from the start. His statement yesterday urged all Alabama citizens to continue social distancing etc. but we don't need a Big Government mandate looming over us. To which I guess she replied "Oh fiddle dee dee".
Only 2 days. I'm guessing Florida, Georgia and Louisiana will be next.
On Monday, I received my second shot of the Moderna vaccine.

No symptoms for the first 6-8 hours after the shot.
And, then for the next 30 hours I had a sore shoulder (not enough to take any pain medication, but it was pretty sore when I moved it), but no other symptoms.
The soreness is now gone.:):)

My shoulder had the same soreness for about 30 hours after the first vaccine shot as well, so my symptoms for both shots were essentially the same.
The vaccination campaign is going so slowly, even for the elderly. Where I live, the vaccinations haven't even started except for people working in healthcare and working/living in residential car facilities.
Ah yes. Texas is officially a world leader in infrastructure and its completely impossible for this to be a bad idea:

Abbott knows it's going to kill people. Listen at the link below. However, he wants Trump to love him, and no doubt it will earn him more votes.

Perhaps they have reached the herd mentality threshold
For some reason, I thought of the intellect of the average Texas Longhorn bull.

You forgot one:

I swear some people take the phrase "you can't really be this stupid" as a goddamn challenge.

Once vaccinated, I'm going to keep masking before I walk out the front door because a) it's a laughably minor inconvenience, b) while I'm broadly assured regarding the efficacy of vaccination, I'm also a realist and I understand that nothing is guaranteed, c) some places are still going to expect it of me, and I respect that right, and d) I'd really hate to give anyone a reason to think I'm a ****ing Republican.

Then there's South Dakota's governor boasting about not doing the very things which Australia used to control the pandemic. (America's fatality rate is about 50x that of Australia. Oh, and South Dakota's infection rate is about 120x that of Australia).

I'll be getting my second jab next week. However, that doesn't ensure I won't be a carrier, so I will continue to wear a mask when I can't keep my distance. And I will continue to stay out of other people's building when possible, such as continuing to avoid inside restaurant dining.

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey or as I call her "Camellia Blossom Festival Queen of 1927", has declared that our mask mandate will remain in effect for one more month but NO MORE THAN THAT!!

Our Lieutenant Governor Will "pass the biscuits & gravy" Ainsworth yesterday issued a strong statement that Miss Ivey should git rid of the mask mandate immediately. He has been against it from the start. His statement yesterday urged all Alabama citizens to continue social distancing etc. but we don't need a Big Government mandate looming over us. To which I guess she replied "Oh fiddle dee dee".
If GQP governors could get away with it, I'm sure they'd eliminate all speed limits and the seat belt mandate to pander to idiot voters. And pander to Trump.

Considering I'm mid 30's and mostly healthy, I'm expecting to get mine at the end of the year if I'm lucky.
Latest news from the White House is that there'll be enough doses for every adult by the end of May. Of course getting those doses into arms will take a while longer. Maybe end of July is a reasonable expectation?

PS Given the apparent supreme successes of mandatory, supervised quarantining in countries like Australia and New Zealand, coupled with interstate and intra-state travel restrictions, it really bothers me that the USA continues to allow people to enter without such controls. Ironically, the GQP state governors are blaming the Biden White House for causing more infections due to their immigration policy while doing nothing to protect their own states from outsiders.
Abbott and many more like him do indeed know that re-opening will cost lives, but they don't have any answers for when things start to get out of hand other than to shut down again. It is the height of irony that the steps Abbott is taking now are only likely to make a future complete lockdown all the more likely... yes, there needs to be a point in time where restrictions/safety measures can be and should be lifted, but to my knowledge nowhere in the US is even remotely near that point yet, and hence lifting too many measures too soon will probably have the opposite effect of what they want to achieve.


Still, they can't hold a candle to Jair Bolsonaro, who has explicitly threatened state leaders in Brazil with the withdrawal of emergency funds if they do not lift restrictions. The guy is a menace.