Ah yes. Texas is officially a world leader in infrastructure and its completely impossible for this to be a bad idea:
Abbott knows it's going to kill people. Listen at the link below. However, he wants Trump to love him, and no doubt it will earn him more votes.
Perhaps they have reached the herd mentality threshold
For some reason, I thought of the intellect of the average Texas Longhorn bull.
You forgot one:
I swear some people take the phrase "you can't really be this stupid" as a goddamn challenge.
Once vaccinated, I'm going to keep masking before I walk out the front door because a) it's a laughably minor inconvenience, b) while I'm broadly assured regarding the efficacy of vaccination, I'm also a realist and I understand that nothing is guaranteed, c) some places are still going to expect it of me, and I respect that right, and d) I'd really hate to give anyone a reason to think I'm a ****ing Republican.
Then there's South Dakota's governor boasting about
not doing the very things which Australia used to control the pandemic. (America's fatality rate is about 50x that of Australia. Oh, and South Dakota's infection rate is about 120x that of Australia).
I'll be getting my second jab next week. However, that doesn't ensure I won't be a carrier, so I will continue to wear a mask when I can't keep my distance. And I will continue to stay out of other people's building when possible, such as continuing to avoid inside restaurant dining.
Alabama Governor Kay Ivey or as I call her "Camellia Blossom Festival Queen of 1927", has declared that our mask mandate will remain in effect for one more month but NO MORE THAN THAT!!
Our Lieutenant Governor Will "pass the biscuits & gravy" Ainsworth yesterday issued a strong statement that Miss Ivey should git rid of the mask mandate immediately. He has been against it from the start. His statement yesterday urged all Alabama citizens to continue social distancing etc. but we don't need a Big Government mandate looming over us. To which I guess she replied "Oh fiddle dee dee".
If GQP governors could get away with it, I'm sure they'd eliminate all speed limits and the seat belt mandate to pander to idiot voters. And pander to Trump.
Considering I'm mid 30's and mostly healthy, I'm expecting to get mine at the end of the year if I'm lucky.
Latest news from the White House is that there'll be enough doses for every adult by the end of May. Of course getting those doses into arms will take a while longer. Maybe end of July is a reasonable expectation?
PS Given the apparent supreme successes of mandatory, supervised quarantining in countries like Australia and New Zealand, coupled with interstate and intra-state travel restrictions, it really bothers me that the USA continues to allow people to enter without such controls. Ironically, the GQP state governors are blaming the Biden White House for causing more infections due to their immigration policy while doing nothing to protect their own states from outsiders.