- 30,119
- a baby, candy, it's like taking.
- TexRex72
This can't be real, can it? The figures may or may not be accurate, and I'm leaning towards not, but is the data even reasonably accessible?
Knowing NdGT, it's estimated based on something. I'd guess it's fairly accurate. He probably expects to be questioned on it.This can't be real, can it? The figures may or may not be accurate, and I'm leaning towards not, but is the data even reasonably accessible?
Fingers crossed, I guess. Not that I want that many Republican voters to be dying. I was sort of hoping someone got into his Twitter account.Knowing NdGT, it's estimated based on something. I'd guess it's fairly accurate. He probably expects to be questioned on it.
I think the car you're referring to might be the Lamborghini Myu-Rho?What an absolute 🤬.
How many other deaths is he responsible for, I wonder? And now they are begging for cash??
Co-infection with the mu and rho variants (aka Mu-rho disease) may cause verbal diahorrea, esp. when talking about cars.
Brace yourself for the 2nd one. The little I could get out of wifey after her 2nd yesterday was it feels like she has the flu today. Sore, chills, fever, seems like she's hitting her asthma inhaler every 15 minutes...Well, what a bust that was. Aside from a sore arm this morning, no real side effects at all. And my mobile phone reception hasn't improved. Thanks for nothing Bill Gates!
I'm due for my second shot in three weeks. We'll see how that goes.
Yeah, I've heard the second shot can be a lot worst than the first. Hope Mrs Ryzno feels a lot better soon. 🤞 👍Brace yourself for the 2nd one. The little I could get out of wifey after her 2nd yesterday was it feels like she has the flu today. Sore, chills, fever, seems like she's hitting her asthma inhaler every 15 minutes...
Nope.Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA vax technology
Skimmed back several pages, seems the thread is generally pro-vax. Surprisingly not seeing mention of Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA vax technology and how vocal he's been... I'm curious what the group's thoughts are on this guy?
*ed. - hey, finally found the 'search this thread' bar!
When the YouTube channel is sus! 😂Also, that YouTube channel looks hella suspect.
And the link referenced on the channel pageWhen the YouTube channel is sus! 😂
It's ****-eating Steve Bannon even if ****-eating Steve Bannon isn't doing the interviewing. You better believe it's suspect.Also, that YouTube channel looks hella suspect.
There's big differences across the population mate, my second caused zero, zilch, nada, no side effects whatsoever. Not even a sore arm I got the first time.Yeah, I've heard the second shot can be a lot worst than the first. Hope Mrs Ryzno feels a lot better soon. 🤞 👍
Bookmarked for easy access for the next time some muppet tries to tell me the mRNA vaccine process was only come up with since the advent of Covid.Here's a brief look at the beginnings of mRNA if you're interested. And here's one of the initial papers on it dating back to May 1961.
A significant exception ought to be those who are presently ineligible for vaccination, specifically children under 12 and any others who may be denied access to vaccination by their guardians.I think I've stopped feeling sympathy for those who are dying at this point, though with minimal exceptions. It seems to me that a sizable amount of people are literally too dumb to live.
Yeah, those are the sort of people I make exceptions for. I even get where some people are coming from, like if they got spooked by the J&J blood clots. But the people who think Bill Gates is gonna install a microchip or something? The ones taking horse de-worming meds? Yeah, I can't say I'd care if they live for another attosecond.A significant exception out to be those who are presently ineligible for vaccination, specifically children under 12 and any others who may be denied access to vaccination by their guardians.
There are also people who are legitimately advised to not be vaccinated or for whom vaccination efficacy isn't so assured, such as those with certain health conditions and those currently undergoing treatment for certain health conditions. Immunosuppressive therapy comes to mind. But it needs to be made clear that this is a small group of people relative to the group for whom vaccination is sternly advised.
Yes, I found that post when I edited my comment. That post you're giving me doesn't actually provide proof of anything [*future edit: the comments that have appeared while putting together this post are just as much a joke. "Sus" and shallow jabs, way to provide a mature case, guys]. Do you expect me to dismiss an alleged scientist, but not some random video game forum commenter? Don't mean to be a dick, but since you're so quick to respond with that, do you have anything real for me, from another allegedly credible course, to contradict specifics in what Malone's saying, I'd honestly love to see it. I too am trying to sort through all the crap we're being given through every media outlet.
Thank you for the links, I'll check them out. But again, remember that we're on a forum that's every bit as suspect when it comes to medical information (yeah, the channel itself was turning me off as well, but it's Malone's words that need to be considered), who do you honestly think I'm going to lean more towards for accuracy? I try looking into Malone's credibility, but I'm only finding sources I've never heard of and therefore can't exactly trust at face value either. It becomes never-ending research into credibility. Given my experience with the general public, popular opinion is really not worth following a lot of the time. There's also more to ivermectin than horse dewormer... not that I'm remotely interested in taking any form of it, for the record.As @Famine pointed out, he didn't invent it, although he did conduct studies regarding it. Here's a brief look at the beginnings of mRNA if you're interested. And here's one of the initial papers on it dating back to May 1961.
As for Dr. Malone, he's about as reliable as Post Malone. I wouldn't listen to anything he says since he's nothing more than a quack doctor who ignores actual medical science and promotes horse dewormer.
Also, that YouTube channel looks hella suspect.
Citation needed. Here are people who have died as a result of not having the vaccine:MIE1992, what about the people who've died potentially as a result of the vaccine?
Joey & Touring Mars tmu, work in professions that deal closely with the virus, so we have at least 2 members who can & have shared first-hand knowledge on how to deal with the virus. Given the information shared about Dr. Malone as someone who had 1 breakthrough with mRNA technology decades ago and hasn't had anything to do with it since, I can feel comfortable trusting 2 people more who are actively involved over a doctor making the rounds in the media only b/c he supports their anti-vaccine narrative more than for his actual expertise in the field.But again, remember that we're on a forum that's every bit as suspect when it comes to medical information (yeah, the channel itself was turning me off as well, but it's Malone's words that need to be considered), who do you honestly think I'm going to lean more towards for accuracy?
Danoff: I wasn't saying that as a hard fact. Your very linking of an article that says "nearly all" is enough to dismiss your argument in the same way everyone else here is dismissing anything anti-vax with science behind it just because they don't agree with it. There doesn't need to be a majority, or even a near 50-50 split, for a point to be worthy of valid questioning. That's what science is, after all. Choose your own risk, is all I'm saying: a reasonably healthy person having a minuscule chance of dying from the virus, or anyone having a minuscule chance of dying from the vaccine.
Selected Adverse Events Reported after COVID-19 Vaccination
Rare instances of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccinations have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.www.cdc.gov
Scroll through all the "yes yes, it's generally safe, millions of people got the shot and didn't die, yada yada...." and get to their list of serious problems some people experienced afterward. It doesn't matter how rare it is, it's f'd up that anyone would dismiss those human deaths and serious illnesses as unimportant - especially when it's the pro-vax crowd who's doing it, while simultaneously railing on the anti-vaxxers for saying the virus itself is killing a relatively small number of people.
The death rate today is far less than what it was before the vaccine (~4k/day). So... the vaccine is good. Even better when you consider it's almost entirely unvaccinated people who are at risk of death anymore.So, what of the idea - mentioned in that first Malone video I posted - that masks (and lockdowns, and social distancing, and probably the vaccine) - are a large part of what's forcing these new variants into existence? That the original virus had no problem infecting us, but it has a propensity to infect and therefore is having to evolve to figure out ways to get around all these protective measures?
To My Understanding^ Not sure what "tmu"
If I read your posts correctly, you seem fine with taking the risk of catching Covid & therefore, open to the after effects b/c you're not the at-risk demographic of dying from it. Are you not similar as the bold, dismissing the issues Covid could leave you with?Scroll through all the "yes yes, it's generally safe, millions of people got the shot and didn't die, yada yada...." and get to their list of serious problems some people experienced afterward. It doesn't matter how rare it is, it's f'd up that anyone would dismiss those human deaths and serious illnesses as unimportant - especially when it's the pro-vax crowd who's doing it, while simultaneously railing on the anti-vaxxers for saying the virus itself is killing a relatively small number of people.
Less than 7,000 deaths have been reported out of 393 million doses, which works out to be a fatality rate of .0019%. For allergic reactions, 2-5 per million could experience some sort of reaction. 44 people out of the 14 million J & J vaccine doses had thrombocytopenia syndrome. 2 have been reported with mRNA vaccines. 1,339 people have reported myocarditis after the mRNA vaccine.MIE1992, what about the people who've died potentially as a result of the vaccine? There are enough out there that passed or were seriously affected soon after taking it, and it's a bit of a stretch for me to believe all of these cases are coincidence. That, and the side-effects that have absolutely nothing to do with your respiratory system, is where my hesitance comes from. Why the hell did my sister get leg pain so bad she was having trouble sleeping? Or the large number of people with various blood/heart issues?
As @McLaren pointed out, I actually work in healthcare. I'm not a doctor, but I work on the data management and electronic medical record side of things. I've been on our COVID task force since March 2020 and it's been more or less my only job since then. I know more about COVID than I care too and while I'm not medical, I feel like I have a pretty good understanding of it. Someone like @Touring Mars or @Famine will know more of the science related to COVID though, so I'd listen to them over me. But since last October ( 🤬 me, it's been nearly a year) I've spent countless hours of my life dedicated to vaccine rollout, hesitancy, and logistics.Thank you for the links, I'll check them out. But again, remember that we're on a forum that's every bit as suspect when it comes to medical information (yeah, the channel itself was turning me off as well, but it's Malone's words that need to be considered), who do you honestly think I'm going to lean more towards for accuracy? I try looking into Malone's credibility, but I'm only finding sources I've never heard of and therefore can't exactly trust at face value either. It becomes never-ending research into credibility. Given my experience with the general public, popular opinion is really not worth following a lot of the time. There's also more to ivermectin than horse dewormer... not that I'm remotely interested in taking any form of it, for the record.
This is true, however not dying is a pretty low bar with COVID. The real issue with the virus is long-COVID and other effects that you can get. Long-term neurological, cardiovascular, and respiratory issues are common enough where any reasonably healthy person should want to avoid COVID like...uhhh...the plague? My dad and brother-in-law had COVID over the winter and they're still not fully recovered from it. A co-worker had it over a year ago and had their lungs so badly damaged that they can't even ride a bike anymore, but before COVID they routinely competed in 100+ mile bike races. Obviously, this is anecdotal, but if you're truly interested in finding out more, I can pull some studies out of the research database I have access to and see if they're published online anywhere.a reasonably healthy person having a minuscule chance of dying from the virus, or anyone having a minuscule chance of dying from the vaccine.
Every time someone is infected, there's a chance for a positive mutation to occur. It's the basic foundation of evolution. Any living organism can either relocate, adapt, or die when faced with something new to its environment. If more people were vaccinated, the infection rate would plummet and the immune system would kill off the virus. This would reduce the chances for it to mutate and with any luck, it'd completely die off and go extinct.So, what of the idea - mentioned in that first Malone video I posted - that masks (and lockdowns, and social distancing, and probably the vaccine) - are a large part of what's forcing these new variants into existence? That the original virus had no problem infecting us, but it has a propensity to infect and therefore is having to evolve to figure out ways to get around all these protective measures?
I think this is slightly misleading, I believe that's all deaths, many of which will not be attributed to the vaccine. The linked website says 3 deaths are actually attributed to the vaccine (J&J), however I think that number is old (it says May), I think there has been at least 1 additional.Less than 7,000 deaths have been reported out of 393 million doses, which works out to be a fatality rate of .0019%.
While I agree with you, they aren't gonna agree with you.If covid ****s me up, it ****s me up, but at least it was my choice of what to be potentially ****ed up by.
Well why don't you take up the challenge I laid out in that post? Take at look at the 'paper' Malone was supporting and try to convince us that it isn't complete nonsense. To do that you'll have to show that the claims a) are based on actual scientific studies, and b) are not misrepresenting the studies they purport to be based on. Come back when you can do that for even one of the main claims, because surely supporting nonsense would destroy anyone's credibility.Yes, I found that post when I edited my comment. That post you're giving me doesn't actually provide proof of anything [*future edit: the comments that have appeared while putting together this post are just as much a joke. "Sus" and shallow jabs, way to provide a mature case, guys]. Do you expect me to dismiss an alleged scientist, but not some random video game forum commenter? Don't mean to be a dick, but since you're so quick to respond with that, do you have anything real for me, from another allegedly credible course, to contradict specifics in what Malone's saying, I'd honestly love to see it. I too am trying to sort through all the crap we're being given through every media outlet.
Well if your presumption that it's "questionable" is false (which, btw, is what all the data supports after more than 4.5 billion doses), then you've made the wrong choice. As you say, you are far more likely than not going to catch COVID at some point, particularly if others around you don't wear masks - you might as well assume that you will catch it when thinking about the relative risks.I'm okay with the risk, because I see both options as the same level of risk for myself. If covid ****s me up, it ****s me up, but at least it was my choice of what to be potentially ****ed up by. The difference, in my view, is that in taking the vaccine I'd be guaranteeing that something questionable is in my body, whereas I could just strike lucky with the virus and never pick it up at all (no, I'm not actually expecting that).
That's true, but at a much lesser rate than if not vaccinated. Vaccines still give more than 50% protection against getting infected, and reduce the length of time someone is infectious for by almost half. Overall about four times less spread seems to be a plausible estimate based on that.It's already been said you can still spread it even if vaccinated.
I assume it’s based on studies of vaccination rates between democrats and republicans, rates of Covid deaths between vaccinated and unvaccinated and the number of deaths per week. There’s some uncertainty because of random events, but probably close enough for one significant figure.This can't be real, can it? The figures may or may not be accurate, and I'm leaning towards not, but is the data even reasonably accessible?