COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
If it's hospital-centric, she isn't going to watch it. Even if there's just a scene in something we're watching, she'll find the stuff they have wrong.

At least for Scrubs, the backwards x-ray was intentional. :lol:

I can't remember what it was but last week she was surprised that a show got something kind of obscure correct and said that they must have had a consultant on set that day to tell they how it should look.
My wife is that way with legal shows. "You can't do that in the same day! That takes 2 years!"
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A UK study that was published yesterday shows evidence that vaccinations reduce the risk of Long-COVID in the event of a breakthrough infection:

Risk factors and disease profile of post-vaccination SARS-CoV-2 infection in UK users of the COVID Symptom Study app: a prospective, community-based, nested, case-control study

This further adds to the idea that while vaccines aren't 100% effective at stopping the virus, they provide excellent protection from getting a major illness, including lasting effects.
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A UK study that was published yesterday shows evidence that vaccinations reduce the risk of Long-COVID in the event of a breakthrough infection:

Risk factors and disease profile of post-vaccination SARS-CoV-2 infection in UK users of the COVID Symptom Study app: a prospective, community-based, nested, case-control study

This further adds to the idea that while vaccines aren't 100% effective at stopping the virus, they provide excellent protection from getting a major illness, including lasting effects.
Splendid. I was a little worried about the longer-term effects if I were to get Covid - indeed, some of my relatives that live a few states over have gotten it - but now I feel a lot better.
Am I the only one that spent 5 minutes trying to say this word and still can't figure out how to say it?
It's "idiocy" (as in the quality of being an idiot) with "cov" in front of it.

The 'man after my own heart' strikes again...

Mind giving us the cliffs notes? There are so many insane ramblings and conspiracies around covid that I'm really not inclined to click on that.

This must include multiple-days right? I know here in Dallas, the judge who shares updates has been doing a couple 3-day reports.

This must include multiple-days right? I know here in Dallas, the judge who shares updates has been doing a couple 3-day reports.

Florida is averaging (across 1 week) around 250/day, so it's definitely not representative of a single day. California has the record for the highest single day death toll average (for a US state) at 499/day (in Feb). If you look at any single-day report, it might include data from other days (or even back dated from weeks ago) depending on how the state reports it. So I think the average is the only fair way to really assess this.

Hairy man spews what comes out of the south end of a northbound cow.
That's what I thought.
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Mind giving us the cliffs notes? There are so many insane ramblings and conspiracies around covid that I'm really not inclined to click on that.

In all fairness, he wasn't rambling insanely about Covid conspiracies. All he did was say just enough reasonable stuff, and just enough truths, to validate the opinions of like minded people.
Mind giving us the cliffs notes? There are so many insane ramblings and conspiracies around covid that I'm really not inclined to click on that.
Imagine literally any scene from Braveheart talking about freedom, but with a more plausible Scottish accent.

Haven't watched it - not giving GB News a click - but that's Neil Oliver's literal entire act. DEY TERK ER FREEDERRRM.
Imagine literally any scene from Braveheart talking about freedom, but with a more plausible Scottish accent.

Haven't watched it - not giving GB News a click - but that's Neil Oliver's literal entire act. DEY TERK ER FREEDERRRM.
That last wee bit sounds Irish tae me.